Please clothes don't fit!!!!!


Hi everyone!

I hope you are all doing well!

I was wondering if anyone could provide any insight into this issue....WHY AM I GETTING FAT????

I do Cathe workouts 7 days a week and have not changed my diet at all, I totally watch what I eat (except on Sunday)! I am 33 years old.

As I am typing this, the top button of my pants is undone! It is so frustrating to work so hard and to be getting fatter (especially in the lower tummy). I can not afford a whole new wardrobe. And, I can not do anymore with diet and excercise. As it is, I get up at 4am everyday to workout.

If you totally watch what you eat AND you workout everyday at 4am AND your not pregnant, then maybe you ought to see a doctor to find out what's going on.
Susan C.M.:D
Yes, I agree about the doctor. I have a friend a few years back that this happened to and it was her thryoid. Just a thought.

I had this same problem about a year ago. I finally switched from weight training to Pilates and lost just shy of 20 pounds. I haven't changed my diet much. I've tried to make wise choices, but of course not always!. I felt my problem was really too much underlying muscle. When I cut back on the weight training I came down. I am now where I have dreamed of being! I am now wearing those Levis I've kept from before children determined to fit into them again!
At first I thought I had a thyroid problem. I went and had it checked and it was just fine. My Dr. suggested cutting down the amount of weight training I was doing.
I currently do cardio 5-6 days per week. Pilates for 3-4 days ranging from 20-45 minutes. I do a total body strength day one time per week.
Hope this helps!! All the best, Susan
When I cut down my workouts I actually lost weight as my body didn't need to store as much food to fuel my workouts, plus I could give more to each workout because I wasn't sore/burnt out. I think at least one rest day would do you a world of good.
When you cut back on your weight training did you loose your firmness? What pilates do you do? I have the same problem but I do have hypothyroidism. But I work out 5 days a week and I enjoy weight training and I don't want to lose my strength and my firmness.

I agree, you need REST!!!! I've been "informed" by other instructors that you should take at least one day a week off and take 3-7 days off every six weeks for complete rest. Then change your focus of exercise for each time period b/t your rest weeks.

~Reece Out~
After struggling with my weight for 2 yrs and also I am in pre-menopause (I am 40 yrs old), I decided to do less weight training and incorporated Yoga. So now I do yoga, I walk, do steps and some weight training.

I can see my middle part toning up. Yoga is really good for that. Also I've notice that since a month I cut down on bad carbs and the weight is going down. I also feel better. I increased a lot my intake of fruits and veggies. I also cut down on sweets. This is hard because I love sweets.

I think the key is to vary your workouts and also 'clean eating'.

Hello Pugsrule! I LOVE YOUR PUGS BTW! Are you a breeder? Do you sell any? I'm looking for one; sorry this got off topic but now I'll address your problem. You already got some very good advice but I'll just add to do a circuit workout for 3 weeks & then do an active recovery week just putting in stretch/yoga/pilates. I think you'll begin to see the results you want. Keeping in mind also to lift moderate weight not too light & not too heavy; keep a log workout book & jot everything down from exercises to sets to reps. You'll be surprised that when you do this, you can actually discover what YOUR body responds to. Keep up the "clean eating" which I know you will & let us know in 4 weeks your progress to tell us what worked & what didn't. So many times I give advice & I have no idea if my advice worked for someone b/c I they never email me later on. Good luck & I wish you the best! Kathy:D
No I did not lose firmness, in fact I am firmer and more cut than I was before! My abs are very visible and my legs have that nice sweep I've been aiming for. I started with Mari Winsors original set. Then through Collage Video I purchased all her new and more advanced pilates workouts. Her new ones with the bands are awesome and boy do they work!
Take care-Susan
I do cardio just about every day. For weights, I mostly do circuit training.

My stomache is very hard, is just kind of puffs out now making me uncomfortable.

Anyway, last week for example I did:
Sunday - run 4-5 miles
Monday - IMAX
Tuesday - Step Blast
Wednesday - Bootcamp
Thursday - Imax 2
Friday - KPC
Saturday - THE VIPER

So, it's not like I lift a lot of weights at all. I don't know what is going on. And, this is a very typical schedule.

Any advice would be great! Thanks and have a super weekend!
You have gotten a lot of responses, that I only had time to skim, but you might see a dietician or nutritionist to rule out some sort of food intolerance. There are people who bloat with certain gluten perhaps. Just something I have seen elsewhere on the board. It would be worth some research. Esp since it seems to be concentrated in the lower abs.

Only other thing your portions. Clean eating doesnt' mean unlimited portions of food....


Hi, I just wanted to say maybe you need to check your diet & or workouts. Maybe you are doing or eating the same things all of the time and your body has adapted. I have found this to happen to me periodically so, I have to look and see if I am eating the same thing all of the time or doing the same workouts over and over. Even small changes can make a difference. Sometimes you just have to do a complete overhaul. It is easy to get stuck in a favorite rut.
Diane Sue

I think you need a rest day and I also think you should reevaluate your diet at this point. As you get older your body changes and maybe you could eat more stuff before but now eating that same amount/type of foods is causing you to gain more. The workouts you are doing look fine, but try to change things up every 6-12 weeks or so. But mainly at this point since you're working out regularly and GAINING weight the diet seems to be the key here. Do you have the p90 workouts? The diet plan is good. I did not follow it religiously but it got me on track and gave me a good idea about what I could and could not eat to lose weight. I can copy it and send it to you if you would like. My thoughts are, cut out processed sugar, cut out any sugary drinks, cut out all white bread products and limit the whole wheat pastas and breads to once or twice a day, eat protein and good carbs at every meal if possible.

Good luck,
Kristie Schultz
A swollen abdomen can also be sign of an ovarian cyst growing. This happened to myelf and my best girlfriend. I like the sound of the doctor's check up.

And yes, do check it out with your doctor to make sure it is not a health problem. After that is eliminated try working on diet and exercise.
Diane Sue
I would definitely go see the doctor. It could be an underactive thyroid. If it is and you get on thyroid medication, you'll be surprised at how much better you feel when you didn't even realize you were feeling bad! (I went on it at the beginning of the year.)

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