The huge problem with this line of thinking is that the United States is running out of money! We are passing a debt of ridiculous proportion to our children and grandchildren to pay off. That isn't just a soundbite - it's the God's honest truth. Social Security THIS YEAR is going to pay out more than it takes in. The CBO estimate (those smart guys!) BTW, was that this wouldn't happen until 2016. The United States credit rating is in serious threat of being downgraded from AAA status. Just like in personal finance, when your credit score goes down you pay higher interest rates.
There is no magical fountain of government money. Although those in office want to pretend there is. They have increased the amount of paper money in the system (printed new stuff) by trillions. The amount of money in the system was relatively flat until 2001 (see this handy Federal Reserve graph when under Bush (yes he did make mistakes) the amount of money increased dramatically but since Obama took office the line has literally sprinted up the chart. We need to take lessons from the Weimar Republic in the 1920s and Venezuela over the last few decades.
The new American arrogance is that we can spend whatever we want whenever we want and the laws of economics will not ever effect us as it does other countries. We need to get our fiscal house in order or we will all be suffering - whether we have health insurance or not.
I'd be curious to see if any of the smart ladies (or gentlemen) out there can explain the increase of money in circulation. If I recall from Econ 101 it likely has something to do with the recession and monetary policy used to combat the recession. I can't say for sure, because I am not an economist and my memory from my college days is not very good. I do know, however, that while there are plenty of deficit hawks who want to blame the entire debt and deficit spending on Obama that is simply not the case. Here is a link that shows a break down of the current budget and deficit spending.
I think it is also important to recognize that the Healthcare Reform Bill is fully funded. The CBO has projected that it actually brings down the deficit.