Phobias anyone?

Um.... I have a phobia of clowns. No, I've never taken my kids to the circus and even once had to leave a pizza place that had a clown come in! I think it stems from being scared at a circus as a kid. I just think that they look evil and they freak me out..... I don't know how to get over it but thankfully I don't run into clowns too often!

Other than that I HATE mice. I'm scared to death of them. I saw one in the garage once and almost had a panic attack! :eek:

I hope you actually see this..... when I was a kid, I would faint in the waiting room of the doctor's office! Shots, blood tests, awful, awful! I always had to tell them I needed to lay down for a blood test. I have never donated blood because it is way too scary for me (and I'm really bothered that I can't do that because I know they need it). Well, fast forward to my 20's or so.... I found out I have hypothyroidism, and I had to go in for blood tests all the time to make sure my thyroid dose is ok. That cured me (for the blood test part -- I'm still working on donating). I am able to sit in a chair now and let them take my blood and I don't faint. I taught myself to take my mind somewhere else -- usually it was somewhere on a beach. I really had to concentrate though. I recently had to take my 9 year old son in for a blood test and I was really afraid I might faint for that! I used my old trick of going somewhere else and I was fine (and he was too!). Good luck.... I know scheduling regular blood tests to cure your phobia isn't realistic, but, next time you do have to go in, try really hard to take your mind somewhere far away and very pleasant.

>I hate being in elevators with alot of people, I hate being
>that close, elbow to elbow with perfect strangers.
>I am also terrified of snakes. I used to have nightmares about
>them when I was little and was chased by someone carrying a
>snake at a party or something a long time ago. :eek:

Those are also my 2 worst phobias.

I was trapped alone on an elevator for about 30 minutes once, and I didn't panic. If I had been trapped on a CROWDED elevator, I would have passed out with fear within 2 minutes. I will not get on a crowded elevator.

Snakes scare me horribly. The idea of a snake is horrible. I hate them. HATE THEM!!!! Lizards, too. I wish they would all DIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Hey, cool thread...

1. Lizards (can't even stand to look at pictures of them). Kimono dragons??? (nnnnnnoooooo waaaaayyyy I could even be in the same country with those things!!):eek: :eek:

2. Deep water. I love looking at the ocean, esp its changing colours, and I don't mind boat rides, but the thought of falling overboard always haunts me

3. Heights, but not planes/flying (odd, eh?)

4. Rats & mice

I'm ok with spiders and cockroaches, though - not that we go out for drinks together or anything- but they don't instill in me the same panic as all of the above.

P.S. Do you folks realize if this list got into the hands of members of a threatening 'enemy forum' we could all be SERIOUSLY screwed!! }(
I don't have any today...but when I was a kid.

I was deathly afraid of my shadow, heights, microphones in auditoriums.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. It's just that yours is stupid.
>>Don't want to
>>think what would happen if I actually found one in my
>LOL! I know what you mean. I've had these dreams because I
>actually have to go and when I do get up to go I'm so relieved
>that I didn't actually dream a usable toilet. In my dreams,
>the bathrooms are gross, the toilets are broken, and usually
>they are in some public place with no privacy. Truly scary

Same here! I have those exact same dreams, only to wake up having to go! I don't really find them scary, just kind of disturbing.
>P.S. Do you folks realize if this list got into the hands of
>members of a threatening 'enemy forum' we could all be
>SERIOUSLY screwed!! }(

LMAO!!! :p
Interesting thread....

Missy said
"I have read through all of these looking for someone who shares my fear and didn't find anyone! I guess I will be the first to share... I am a total arachnophobic. I freak out whenever I see anything hairy and 8-legged - I mean TOTALLY freak out! Charlotte's Webb didn't appeal to me at all, when all those tiny spiders came out of the egg and started blowing away I totally panicked and couldn't enjoy any breeze for MONTHS. I scream every time I see one. Every time. It is completely irrational! I like snakes, flying in planes, bugs... I honestly am really calm and am not afraid of much at all - I would sky dive or bungee jump off of a bridge but there is nothing that you can do to get me to sit still with a spider twenty feet from me. Whenever I see one I call the dogs in and they "play" with it... after I scream, that is."

Oh I am so there with you on the spider thing....they terrify me. I'm not afraid of any other bug, except daddy long legs and crane flies, both of which have spider-like qualities in my mind.

I also panic in small spaces--I'm clausterphobic. I worry about this sometimes--what if the structure I'm in collapses and I'm trapped in a very small space......with spiders.....Oh I think I'd just leave my mind and never come back to reality.

I'm creeping myself out.

When I was a kid I was afraid of the moon. It seemed to follow me and totally freaked me out.

Now, the moon is kind of cool (but I did watch one too many werewolf movie to be fully comfy outside during a full moon), but spiders get me. I don't think that anything with more than 4 legs should have the ability to grow hair. It's just not right. And LauraMax - those East Coast Centipedes - oh I'm soo with you on that one. I was sitting in the living room at my house in PA home from college late one night (worked second shift that summer) watching the Twilight Zone when I saw a shadow cross the carpet. Next thing I knew it was there on the coffee table right in front of me doing a little dance. I swear I levitated into the kitchen (a good 50 feet away) and screamed loud enough that my parents came running down the stairs. My mom killed it.

I also have a weird fear of kelp forests - any place in any body of water where large amount of vegetation grows. We were in Florida one year and rented some wave runners to drive around. One section of the course had seaweed growing everywhere - totally freaked me out. I like to say I was a sailor in a former life who drown in a bed of seaweed. I have no other reason to be afraid of it. I'm a strong swimmer, was raised around boats. I just don't understand. :p
I am terrified of them! when I was little, I was picking blackberries, and bumped into a nest of them. The whole family got on my head. There must have been a hundred little ones. EWWWWWW!



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
>Big bridges scare me to death! Whenever I have to drive over
>one I am always hyperventilating by the time I get to the
>other side!
>Also, I hate caves and am not crazy about elevators. I don't
>like being underground and I don't like being in a box that I
>could be trapped in!

Me too...ditto...all of 'em!

editing to add snakes too - I even avoid pictures of them (and the real thing sends me running)!
I am happy to see that I am not alone! Well, not really happy that we are so terrified. ;)

Janie, something exactly like that happened to me. I was walking under a tree and walked right into a web with wolf spiders!!! That is my worst nightmare. I survived it but my face was swollen for weeks, and I am pretty sure that is where the phobia began. I was a tender age of 8 when that happened!

Maggie, that is why when we had a basement I refused to hide in the safest spot in our house during tornadoes - all those webs and spiders in the basement closet! Doesn't that say something about your fear, when you would seriously rather die than confront spiders? Eeeek! And I agree that daddy long legs are pretty gross! I have a pretty creepy story about them and us on a camping trip once. We were laying down in our tent and something that felt like hair kept "falling" in our faces... well, I won't get into details unless you really want me to but we did end up sleeping somewhere else.

Okay, I am officially looking in all the corners of our house now! I hate "surprises".

Handcuffs. When I see them on TV, I swoon. It's odd, because I've never actually even seen real ones that weren't just toys. The toys scare me too, though.
For me it WAS spiders...well, I still don't want to see them, but a few years ago I HAD to face my fear...I lived alone and rented a house that had been empty for a month. It had many spiders!!!

A few years before that, I was at my mom's house and was going to the bathroom. Her bathroom is really small, and the toilet paper roll is right right there next to you as you sit. I saw HIM (I swear it was a him!) I had a full on panic attack and was helpless to do anything BUT get rid of him myself. I was in there for awhile though

Then, I moved into the house o' spiders, and had nightmares every night about them. One night I was having a horrible nightmare where I got up out of bed (in the dream) and looked into the living room and saw the biggest spider, bigger than me, with my cat's head on it, like my cat had turned into one! Oh my, I'm getting ready for bed now too. I successfully conquered the spider problem, and now live with my SO and his son, and they tackle the problem if it arises now...BUT I can handle the job if necessary.

I'm also terribly clausterphobic (sp?) and extremely germaphobic.
>I hope you actually see this..... when I was a kid, I would
>faint in the waiting room of the doctor's office! Shots,
>blood tests, awful, awful! I always had to tell them I
>needed to lay down for a blood test. I have never donated
>blood because it is way too scary for me (and I'm really
>bothered that I can't do that because I know they need it).
>Well, fast forward to my 20's or so.... I found out I have
>hypothyroidism, and I had to go in for blood tests all the
>time to make sure my thyroid dose is ok. That cured me (for
>the blood test part -- I'm still working on donating). I am
>able to sit in a chair now and let them take my blood and I
>don't faint. I taught myself to take my mind somewhere else
>-- usually it was somewhere on a beach. I really had to
>concentrate though. I recently had to take my 9 year old
>son in for a blood test and I was really afraid I might faint
>for that! I used my old trick of going somewhere else and I
>was fine (and he was too!). Good luck.... I know
>scheduling regular blood tests to cure your phobia isn't
>realistic, but, next time you do have to go in, try really
>hard to take your mind somewhere far away and very pleasant.

Beth - I'm so glad I'm not alone! :) Do you think the hypothyroidism was a contributor to the passing out? I guess not if you continued after you were diagnosed and treated. I think you're absolutely right though - I need to learn to put my mind somewhere else. The other day I tried to focus on my breathing and that seemed to help. I'm sure I tend to take shallow breaths when I'm anxious which doesn't help the situation. Anyway, it sounds like you've figured out how to conquer it, which is NOT an easy thing to do. I'm hoping I'm on my way there too! :)

Missy--I can only imagine what happened during your camping trip and it sounds totally creepy.

I think my phobia began when I was 3 or 4 and I was walking in front of my dad on a path. There was a spider web across the path with one of those big fat brown garden spiders in it. Being small myself, the spider looked enormous. I didn't want to go through it, but my dad made me and that's where it all began.....

And in answer to the op's other question--No, I have not overcome my phobia, nor do I have plans to try....

I will not drive on the freeway. I just can't do it. Here in Phoenix it can sometimes be a problem. I don't really like to drive in general. I didn't start driving at all until I was in my 30's. Before that I lived in a city where a car was not a necessity. Luckily my husband loves to drive. I can manage freeways outside the city limits, like between Phoenix and Palm Springs, but in the city no way. I can't even picture them in my mind. If someone asks me for directions I can only tell them how to get there by surface streets even though I go everywhere by freeway as a passenger.

I have a huge fear of snakes. Last Thursday night about 9 or so, I had to help dh get something out of our car. So, he goes out ahead of me, I walk out the back door and freeze. There was a snake on my patio. Of all the patios in the world.....WHY MINE???

But, the good news is, (and all you snake haters will love this) dh killed it with a shovel. It was a long black snake. Ugh, I am still getting chills. Okay, must.....stop....talking.....ugh....

Sara - I would probably jump a mile if I saw a "wild" snake on my patio too. I have snakes though, so it's just the ones that aren't "mine" that startle me. ;) If you hate rats and mice and poisonous snakes though, that black snake would have been your best friend. ;) They take care of all the baddies.

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