>My biggest fear is that I'll be stuck somewhere, like traffic
>or a meeting, and have to go to the bathroom really badly, but
>can't. I have nightmares about this - like I'm walking
>through a city, going from building to building looking for a
>restroom, but they are all filthy, taken, or otherwise
>unusable. I am sure this stems from having a bladder
>condition I had where I would have a sudden urgent need to go
>many times throughout the day. The day my DH and I moved from
>Florida to Atlanta, I had to stop 13 times on the way. I've
>since had surgery that corrected the problem, but I still get
>very anxious about it.
Lol Tess! I have dreams like that all the time where I just cannot find a bathroom! Problem is I usually have those dreams because I do have to go the bathroom! Don't want to think what would happen if I actually found one in my dream!!!