
I have a dog. A shetland sheepdog (sheltie). Alot of people call them miniature collies. Her name is Gracie. You can see her picture on my album at picture trail.

While I'd never say I "own" a pet (anymore than I would say I "bought" a pet: I "have" a I have a friend or a mother, etc., and I "adopt" a pet), I am now sharing my home with four cats, which has been my limit so far (though I prefer 3).

Well, my "limit" is perhaps soon to be 5...yikes! one of the cats at the shelter I volunteer is on the euthanasia block: not because he's old, or ill, or mean (he is about a year old, very sweet, good with other animals, healthy except for a pot belly!) but because he's a real scardy cat, and they don't think he'll do well when they move him to the "adult" room (not a place for renting porno films, but one of the three cat rooms my shelter has). I personally wouldn't care if he hid under a sofa for a month, but not all potential adopters are as tolerant (one cat was brought back after a WEEK because he didn't want to come out of a closet---and he was euthanised!)
Thanks Gina,

She's our baby. I don't like her up on the couch but she looks so cute up there that I can't scold her.

I have a female dachshund/chihuaha we rescued from shelter. Her name is lucy and she is 3. and a female that looks to be whippet or itallian greyhound mix of some kind..her name is zahra and she is 1. And our newest is a brindle boxer named winston. he is 8 mos. old. we bought him from a breeder.
Yes it is a wild place here...trying not to exceed my 3 dog limit..but oooooh do i want another boxer. He is my fave :D
our family includes 2 samoyeds: brie and tyler... and each of them has a cat: jasmine and bailey (yes... the cats were adopted for the dogs! lol! and they all get along splendidly!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
A dog and a cat own me;-)

My dog turned 14 years old this last October. She has had epileptic seizures for about 3 years now. I just learned on Monday that the vet thinks she has facial palsy too. One side of her face is "collapsing" a bit. Poor baby, but other than that she is happy as a clam and gives real hugs out all day long!:7
We have a dog and a cat that own us too!

Our dog is a yellow/white Lab mix named Daisy. She is 11 months old and weighs 84 pounds. :eek: She is a handful to say the least! We adopted her from a shelter rescue group.

Our very cool black kitty is Kona and he and Daisy are best friends. They are about the same age and grew up together. They act just like siblings!

:) Nicole
We have a zoo at our house....

Dado the wonder dog - dobie/german shephard
Abby the spazzy - terrier/german shephard (what a goofy mix!)
French Fry - the fattest orange tabby cat you'll ever see
Peanut - 1 yr old kitten, replaced Oreo who passed away a year ago (see the pattern with the food names?!?)
Gizmo - the class mascot turtle that we happened to adopt
at the moment, 7 dogs live with us.
2 shelties, Spencer and Wilbur age 9
1 corgi, Kinsey age 4
1 lab/corgi mix, Kirby age 2
2 border collies, Ollie age 5 and Sophie age 1
we're fostering a wonderfully sweet Border Collie mix named Angus, age 7
i never intended on so many. the first 3 were planned, the next 3 'just happened' because they needed homes and we discovered we're good at the multiple dog thing. A lot of work but very satisfying.
Valerie :)
Our family includes two Shih Tzus, Shelby and Ebony. The newest member is a Birman kitty, Bailey.

i hopelessly belong to two vivacious and extreemely sweet min schnauzers (one of whom like to eat everything!) PJ is my male and he is salt and pepper 4 yo. Bella is a year old and black and silver. She, btw, is the "eater of everything". Pj likes me to clarify that so his reputation stays in tact. :) you can see them both in my pictures!

We have an English Bulldog named Maverick. He is such a love. Can't wait to get another.[/img]

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