Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/2

Good afternoon ladies!

Today's cardio of choice was SB's new bounce workout followed up with a bellicon workout. I then did some of the amy bento test rebounder workout. Only did the first few minutes due to timing. Total workout time was 61 mins / 424 cal.

Judy...great your back did not bother you. I bet it felt great to get a workout in! are funny. Keep in mind when I started barre no way could I ever think of ankle weights. I still keep them light only 1.5# just enough to add a little more resistance. Next time I do the core work I am taking them off. This was a little too much for me. I hate core to begin with so what was I thinking? I am really liking these workouts and I am already looking forward to TB tomorrow. Grease pen sounds good. This way it is not permanent.

Valerie...this was GiGi's first 4th of July and she did really well. We were out late last night enjoying a fire and fireworks and firecrackers were all around us. We turned the music up a bit and it helped but certainly not enough. She barked off an on but not too bad. We have a fenced in yard so if she got scared she would not be able to bolt. We tried to bring her in but she would have non of that. She likes to be with us. So we just tried to keep her occupied as much as we could. Nilla used to be terrified of the noise. One good thing of her being deaf! Does not phase her at all now. Lol!

Hope everyone had a nice holiday today!
hello to all the wonderful ladies,

I still am not doing cardio, and I am eating moreA, and barely gaining any weight. I am starting cardio tomorrow because it has made me hungrier, and I miss the aerobic high. I am older now, and I am starting very slowly. I am going to start with kickboxing, and I wear two pound weighted gloves. In my opinion, step on 8 inches is just as difficult as running. I am going to start on 6 inches, and, if that seems too difficult, I will do it on four. A fantastic bakery opened up just a couple of blocks away, and it has a cafe too. Frank and I have eaten there three times already, and the cake, cookies, and pastries are wonderful. I am going there first thing tomorrow morning.

I don't know is this is too personal, but is anybody on hormone replacement therapy? I take it, and I can't even get through the summer without them as the hot flashes and night sweats are very bad.
Today i did cardio slam, 51 minutes, 382 calories. I then did Amy Bento Ross
test reboundvwoekout on you tube 15 minutes, 109 calories. I finished with the Fit Tower bonus core workout, 35 calories. Total time 78 minutes, 526 calories.
Today we went out on the motorcycle for a long ride. It was nice today and not so hot after the storms. When we got back i grilled chicken and we watched movies. Just a nice time together. Family all had other plans and somebon the cruise.

Caitlin, it is good that you are paying attention to gaining the needed weight. I never took hormone replacement therapy. I just used things like black cohosh to help. I understand how it disrupts sleep and the discomfort. It has been quite some timevago for me.

Lorie, when i did Amy Bentos you tube i noticed her rebounder looked like some of the bungie cords were han

Judy, great that your back is better and you were ablevto do the spin workout.

Valerie, i had to take something back to the store and the crowd at Walmart was not good. The fireworks are notblegal in the city but you hear them going off anyway. Gertie was whining andvrunning around in circles when we were outside yesterday when they were going off. Then last nightbthere was a thunderstorm and shevwas hiding in her crate.

Debbie, i have not done a cardio coach workout in years. I still have them though. I had a Tracey Staehle workout that did med ball slams andvi never cared for them.
Today i did cardio slam, 51 minutes, 382 calories. I then did Amy Bento Ross
test reboundvwoekout on you tube 15 minutes, 109 calories. I finished with the Fit Tower bonus core workout, 35 calories. Total time 78 minutes, 526 calories.

Caitlin, it is good that you are paying attention to gaining the needed weight. I never took hormone replacement therapy. I just used things like black cohosh to help. I understand how it disrupts sleep and the discomfort. It has been quite some timevago for me.

Lorie, when i did Amy Bentos you tube i noticed her rebounder looked like some of the bungie cords were han
Good morning,

Yesterday I did Fit Tower Total Body.

Valerie, we had a group of neighbors shooting off some stuff in the middle of the street last night for about an hour. I don't see what people get out of these. We could hear the "legal" fireworks from the parks etc that are done for the public, which I don't mind.

Lori, nice workouts! Next time the Legs & Glutes Tower workout is on the rotation, I may do a shorter premix. We are so lucky that our dogs are not bothered by fireworks either.

Caitlin, do you keep a log of your calorie count for a day? That bakery/café sounds great. I did not use HRT for menopause, so cannot give you any info on that.

Diane Sue, a nice relaxing day. Your motorcycle ride reminds me of our day on Monday. When we went to the outlet mall, we took the Saab, had the top down the whole was really pleasant.

A workout, something cardio...

Take care,
Good Morning,
Today I did Rockout Knockout for 48 minutes and 340 calories. Average heart rate was 128 and maximum heart rate was 160. I skipped the last combo and moved on to the stretch to save a little time.

I didn't workout yesterday. We grilled salmon on cedar planks which was delicious and I made a couple of salads. We could hear fireworks from the official displays and a few neighbors had some going. Fortunately they were not our close neighbors. Fireworks were illegal in Georgia until a couple of years ago, but people would drive to Alabama or South Carolina and buy them. My grandson hates the loud sounds.

I'm going to need to go to the store today to restock. Seven people can go through food very quickly!

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Today I did Fit Tower Advanced Bootcamp, I added 3# ankle weights in some places and used my blue band and loop, sometimes using the loop with the ankle weights, 51 minutes, 237 calories. I am not real sure on the heart rate on this one as I read it as one thing and when I pulled up the app it was something elseo_O I then did Kelly Coffey's Melt Down workout #1, 32 minutes, 173 calories, heart rate 114/ 153. Total time was 83 minutes, calories burned 410. Steps 3398.
Meltdown weights 3 rounds of all exercises approximately 1 minute work no rest till end of each round I think Kelly 12's throughout.
kettle bell swings (Kelly uses 2 dumbbells) 20#,20#,20# 34,36,28 reps
dumbbell seated overhead press (seated with feet off floor like a v sit) pass dumbbell overhead to other hand 12#,12#,12#
seated row/bicep curl 12's; 15's; 15's
bench press/skull crushers 12's: 15's 15's
bench hops set 1 and 3 over the bench set 2 straddle tap toes on bench hops 30; 27;29 reps
barbell clean 35#; 35#; 35# 10 reps
barbell thrusters 35#; 35#; 35# 10 reps
barbell front squats 35#;35#;35# 10 reps
after final set finisher of mountain climbers with hands on the barbell
House cleaning for me today and a quick run to the store. I woke up before 5 so I know it is going to take effort to get things done today.

Deb, Gertie is generally not afraid of many things. We have had a very few loud cracks of thunder that sent her into a frenzy. She still runs and hides from the me when I have the fly swatter out trying to smack a fly. I don't know why that worries her. Maybe, because I don't normally act like a crazy person beating on something. She gets excited when I punch the heavy bag, but generally wants to play too. Who knows. We have the legal fireworks displays around too. There are so many fireworks stands outside city limits though. As we drove out of the city we passed many with lines of people purchasing. We used to go to fireworks displays in the smaller city we lived in and the family would all come over. When my children were young we watched the display from a neighboring church from out back yard. More recently we have been going to my daughters in the city we used to live in and watch from her back yard. Generally it is me and the grandchildren watching. My daughter hates June bugs and does not like to go outside at night. She has always been terrified of them. This is the first year in a long time we stayed in and did nothing. It was nice though. We were invited to my daughters the day before for a 4th celebration with them and their friends, but declined.

Carolyn, it does take a lot of food when you have a houseful. The salmon sounds delicious.
Good evening ladies,

This morning was FT Total Body. I really like this workout. Tonight was a 20 min BBS tramp workout. I am outside enjoying GiGi run thru the sprinkler and do not have my phone to mention time and calories.

Caitlyn...I did not used HRT. I had horrible hot flashes and night sweats. I used a progesterone cream recommended to me by my local pharmacist amd helped tremendously. I was fortunate that it only lasted less than a year. I am told it can go one for a lot longer.

Deb...did you like total body? Agree a premix of legs and glutes maybe better for you. A workout is not enjoyable at all if it has a dreadfactor.

Diane Sue...great job on the boot camp. I have 1.5#, 2# and 5# ankle weights but no 3#'s. Will try the 2's next time I do it. I also used the blue bands. I pretty much always go for the blue for any workout. I have a few pairs that I stocked up on before Cathe stopped selling them. Glad I thought to do this! I immediatly noticed Amy had a Jumpsport and the bungees came off! She needs to call JumpSport and get this corrected. I am told the manufacturing company changed the design without letting JS know? Sounds a little odd to me. But anyway they stood by their product and that is what is important and I have not had an issue at all since changing out the mat. Love my Jumpsport. Glad you enjoyed your quite 4th. We stayed home also and loved it. funny story..hope I do not offend anyone with this...we are a restaurant company and have vendors come in all the time with different samples of food, items etc. We have salmon on the menu that we wanted to cook on cedar planks in our brick oven. So a vendor came in with these planks for the salmon. He handed them to me to give to our VP of Purchasing to try out. I immediatly smelled them hoping to smell cedar and did not smell much so I very loudly said (thinking of salmon and cedar at the same time)..."It doesn't smell like semen". Omg! I knew immediately what came out of my mouth. The vendor had this blank stare. No idea where this came from!! I immediately handed the planks to someone else and walked away. The office still laughs about this! Sounds like you had a nice time with your family.

Hi to Judy and Valerie!
I think we have decent neighbors until the 4th. it was horrendous last night. just awful. it started about 8 and went on until 1;30. booms, explosions, flashing lights, it is worse than any war movie I have ever seen. it is tolerable! neither of us got any sleep despite windows closed, ear plugs, and pillows. I am venting here. we would leave except we worry about fire dangers. there are several other families who would like to quell this nonsense, or at least ;limit the nonsense to an hour. it is legal, to apparently make you hate your neighbors so much you want to drop a small nuclear device on them. mostly they are nice people. not on the 4th. I had to take drugs last night because I was such a shaking idiot by 2 am that I could not sleep no matter that it finally got quiet.

Caitlin I took HRT for almost 10 years. Menopause was horrible..... I was fine one day.... the next I was a shaking sweating mess. Like a switch got flipped. I went for a month trying to deal with it. I had hot sweats, followed by bone chilling cold. Days were OK, but nights were horrendous. I got NO sleep. there was a brief interval between swears and chills where I felt OK, minutes, and then back to another sweat. I was panting! I got no sleep at all for many nights. I got into a car accident, my fault. I had told myself I would "ignore" the symptoms because I didn't want to take HRT. HA!! after a month, t was either HRT or throw myself in front of a train. it was not sustainable! In less than 24 hours of starting HRT I got relief, got sleep. Frankly I didn't care what the eventual side effects might be, I needed to be on HRT. I took full dose for a couple years and tapered. it worked out OK.
Lori, I doubt you will ever live down that slip of the tongue. Funny though, LOL . I bet at the time you were a bit embarassed. I wonder if Amy even has an idea to call Jump Sport. At first I thought it was broke and was thinking she must be really needy to be using a beat up rebounder on Youtube. Then I realized what the problem was. Do the cords generally look kind of raggy underneath? I did like the bit of the workout that I did. The moves are much like moves on URX-MT.

Valerie, too bad that they don't take into consideration that others do not want to stay up half the night. Most public displays are over by 10:30. I had years of the sweats and hot flashes. Also mood swings. Probably from all of that going on. My husband said once he wasn't sure what kind of mood I would be in from one moment to the next.
It's impossible to tell who's causing the most racket ......the stuff is all illegal.... but it is so widespread that the police can't begin to respond unless there is an injury or fire. It's all bought on reservation land and "supposedly" is set off there. Ha. I have never understood why this is so blatantly ignored Pets and veterans especially hate it. DH hates it as much as I do and got no sleep either. I think about a third of the people go in for thousands of dollars and the rest suffer silently

Oh Lori semen/salmon is too funny!!! Not much to say after that.

The other thing about HRT was it kept our sex life going. When I had to quit estrogen it ended I don't think it's the same for everyone but it's definitely a consideration.

diane sue I got a Duncan Hines cake mix and made the dessert. Cake is bAked flat in a jelly roll pan and then rolled up with berries and whipped cream. It was easy and very good I don't get dessert much and angel food is lighter than shortcake I cut the cake in half and froze the rest. Without fillingit. Mixing it and baking took only a few minutes and angel food is very light.

We rode again today 26 miles. DH got another flat tire s took longer than usual
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Good morning,

Yesterday I did Live Low Impact HIIT.

Carolyn, we got a cedar plank for a gift from John's sister in Seattle, and it is wonderful for pork loin too. Yum.

Diane Sue, I have the Boot Camp one to do today...I looked at the clip again, not sure this will be for me, but I will try it. I can't imagine using ankle weights. My dogs are the same...if I raise anything over my head, like a fly swatter, they cringe like I would be hitting them...????....I agree with your's probably the strange way we are moving that scares/upsets them.

Lori, does GiGi go in the pool? I did like Total Body, even more the second time I did it. LOL with your cedar "semen plank" story. :)

Valerie, what time did you get up today? My computer shows you posting at 4:23 am....(I guess that is EST)...that is horrible about how the neighbors are on the 4th. Can you get the home owner's association together and have at least a limit put on if that is what the majority of the residents want?

The workout today is Fit Tower Boot Camp

Take care,
Hi Everyone,

Tuesday I went for a 40 minute walk, then I did the express 2 premix from Yoga Relax. That's the first time I've done Cathe's yoga and I really enjoyed it. I did that premix again last night. The stretches seemed to help my low back and hips. My back is getting better and I think I will be able to get back to regular workouts soon. I'm being very cautious as I don't want to make it worse.

Deb-Great job with the Fit Tower workouts! I hope to be able to start these next week.

Valerie-we had a similar situation with fireworks here. One of our neighbors went crazy with them on the 4th. They started around 8pm and went until 11 or so. It was so loud you couldn't focus on anything else. It sounded like it was in our front yard. The cats spent the night hiding. I'm sure all the dogs in the neighborhood were terrified.

Lori-That's funny about the salmon comment. One time when I was working in water treatment, I was attending a seminar and one of the presenters was talking about bacteria in water. She meant to say organisms and it came orgasms. Very embarrassing for her I'm sure. It was so long ago I don't remember the exact response, I think she just hurried through the talk and got onto another topic.

Diane Sue-Great workouts as always! I like the combos you make using both Cathe and KCM. Something I should try.

Carolyn-grilled salmon sounds so good!

Caitlyn-I started taking a low dose HRT, Mimvey Lo, last summer. It helps with the hot flashes. It hasn't helped with sleep as much as I had hoped. Over all I do feel better on it though and I believe it is helping with bone mass, which is a big concern for me. I have not experienced any significant side effects,

Deb it was around 1:30 here I always have to pee and many times read or post before I go back to sleep. I wasn't up very long maybe half an hour

We have talked about bringing up the topic at HOA but it would be impossible to enforce . I would be fine with "some " and not a total ban and limit the hours. We chatted with one HOA official. he was angry because he was already sick with a different issue and was kept up all night.people were still setting off crap last night but less intense. New Years is another trigger event but usually less time and windows are closed then and no fire haZard.
Valerie, that is great that the Angel food cake worked out as a roll. I will have to try that. Angelfood cake and strawberries was always my older daughter's request for her birthday cake. I do not do well on lack of sleep. Our HOA has people patrol the neighborhood all of the time. They just hired someone to monitor the pools as well.

Judy, thinking about it, awhile into menopause the doctor put me on Evista because i had osteopena at the time. I think a lot of my issues were due to the fact that i had had a partial hysterectomy when my youngest was 2. I love mixing up my workouts. FitbTower has some good useful premixes and Kelly always has some good ones. I contacted her on facebook about why she does not have worksheets on her website for Shape Up. There is no mention of it on her premixes there either. She is going to look into it.

Deb, when i did Fit Tower bootcsmp this time i did not use the mat. I think Cathes mat must not slide all over as much on bare floor. It just seems in the way. I dont think hanging on to the tower is necessary for the cardio. I did not hang onto it. I dont use the mat on Cardio Slam either. I do it with a pretend mat. I try to be relly quiet about getting out the fly swatter, but Gertie flees as soon as she sees it. Odd when we do not mistreat our dogs but they have that fear.
diane sue you just need a jelly roll pan, about 10x15 with sides. you put a piece of parchment in the bottom. make the angel food mix according to directions. bake for about 15-20 min until it looks and feels done. you flip it out onto a towel dusted with powdered sugar while warm and peel off the parchment. roll it up while warm in the towel and cool. then unroll and fill with berries, sweetened whipped cream . there was supposed to be some cream cheese in the whipped cream but I didn't have any so skipped it. I used strawberries, but the picture showed a mix of berries. also whipped cream over the outside. I got it from a newspaper article so don't have anything more exact but it was pretty much whatever you wanted after getting it baked in a rectangle.
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No workout for me today. I aggravated my hamstring yesterday (not sure how) and it is really sore. I tried to be careful when I did Rockout Knockout, but something bothered me. I was thinking that I would do a JS walk this morning, but that was not a good idea. Now I am just taking it easy. I can never remember if I should put ice on it or not.

Lori, that is a very funny story about salmon and cedar! There are definitely times when things just come out wrong.

Valerie, that dessert sounds good. I actually saw it in the newspaper last week. My dessert was not low calorie. I made a lemon ice cream pie that I made in layers and had to freeze after each layer. Lemon curd was the lemon layer and the crust was made with chopped pecans. My family raved about it.

Judy, I love Yoga Relax and I do it often. I like yoga for the relaxing stretches so I rarely do more active yoga practices.

Hello to Diane Sue, Deb, and Caitlin.
Today I did Hard Strikes with the Heavy bag, 59 minutes, 437 calories, avg. heart rate 132/max 175. I then did the bonus abs 1 from X Train, 11 minutes, 41 calories followed by Kelly Coffey Muscle Up abs bonus, 15 minutes, 68 calories, finishing with Kelly's Body Design yoga and cool down, 16 minutes 61 calories. Total calories burned 595, time 1 hour 42 minutes. I don't know why but this tabata style ab workout of Kellys is always tough. The moves are not that unusual so I guess it is the format.

Valerie, thanks for the information on making the cake roll.

Carolyn, I think sometimes we may have already tweaked something a bit and when we keep working out it aggravates it. It is definitely a time to take it easy for a bit. That pie sounds delicious. I love lemon stuff. I made a lemon zucchini bread yesterday and after a small sample had to push myself to not grab a big chunk. My husband loves it. I peeled the zucchini first so he wouldn't recognize that there was a vegetable in it. I told him afterward though. I used coconut oil instead of the canola they used. I thought I was having my grandson over today, but it seems his Dad cannot go back to work till he can spend a full day of using that broken hand.
Diane Sue, I think you are right about me having already injured my hamstring. I have been complaining about my glute and hamstring for a while. I will certainly pay attention now and give it a rest.
Good evening ladies,

This morning was cardio of choice so I did a BBS dance followed up with a Bellicon bounce. Total time was 38 mins and 275 cal. This was my only workout. I had errands after work and when I got home it was GiGi's play time. I hardly walk her any more. I would love to but she is so strong and lunges for cars and especially pickup trucks. Couple of times she was almost hit. She pulls me so hard I almost fall over. I am strong and Chester was 109 lbs and GiGi is 60lbs. 1/2 his weight and 10 times more powerful! So to make up for it we have ball time in the yard everyday. She is awesome with this...fetches and brings the ball back and drops at our feet. She would do this for hours if we let her! This way she gets plenty of exercise.

Glad you all saw the humor in my story. It really was pretty funny.

Deb...GiGi does not go in our 15ft pool but she does have her own kiddie pool. I was in it the other with her and we had a blast. :). Glad you liked Total Body. I think you can modify the high impact moves on the Bootcamp to low impact. I'll be doing this tomorrow for the second time so will let you know.

Judy...glad your back is feeling better every day. Haha that is also a funny story...I was so embarrassed. I can laugh about it now.

Diane Sue...Angel food cake and strawberries is a favorite of mine. Those cords did look a little ragged. Mine look like a typical bungee cord. Maybe there is a casing on the model she has. At first I thought it was bands that she was going to use as an upper body workout. But then I noticed rather quickly what they were. Hope she gets this corrected soon. This can't be helping JumpSport's image with everyone's bands coming off. An hour and 42 min workout is awesome. Wish I had the time during the week to workout like that. Unfortunately, I have to reserve it for the weekend. That is why I do my split workouts. I like them but not the same as all at once.

Carolyn...hoping your hamstring is better by the time you read this. Your lemon icecream pie sounds delicious. I love anything lemon.

Valerie...your dessert sounds yummy too and easy to make. Perfect for a summer outing. Stinks your husband got a flat tire. Hated when that happened when I use to ride. 26 miles is nice. Wow HRT for 10 years. You poor thing. I am so very fortunate that I was over and done in a year with no HRT. This is not the norm I know. My doctor even mentioned I am very lucky. There were nights that the night sweats were so bad..I would be in a pool of sweat and my husband would pretty much have to sleep in a ski suit because the bedroom needed to be so cold. Once I started using the progesterone cream things got better. It was very expensive but if I was running low my husband had no problem picking some up for me so I would not run out! Lol!!

Have a good night all!

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