Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/2

Ha Lori, it was pretty awful because of the extremes. I'd go from a hot sweat... water pouring off me.... where sitting in a snow drift would have been good, to shaking and freezing a couple minutes later, with my skin feeling like rubber. it felt like my skin was covered in a wet suit and was not really my skin. this sounds weird.... but I read about it after I'd had this experience , and it was not that unusual. I would cycle back and forth all night. I got zero sleep. zero. there must have been a few seconds in between but it was really awful. I went for about a month thinking it would moderate, but it didn't. It was so awful I think it was life threatening. I think I would have died without HRT, in an accident or who knows. . It helped so much in 24 hours ... it was a miracle. this was before HRT was viewed somewhat negatively. if I was only mildly uncomfortable I would habe been OK. this was way beyond that. I probably took it longer than I had to, but I was not reliving that month. so IMO if you are truly uncomfortable, give it a try and if it helps, it is probably worth any risk.

We mt biked for 2 hours today. I had some mechanical issues with my derailleur getting jammed up with a shred of a stick, chain coming off, and assorted problems. related to that . all worked out eventually.
Good morning,

Yesterday I did Fit Tower Boot Camp. I liked this one. It was not as hard as it looked on the clip, and Cathe does a good job with modifications.

Judy, glad your back is better. Nice that you found that a Cathe yoga workout helps. LOL on the slip of the tongue for organisms...:)

Valerie, oh..ok, so the time stamp on our posts in our own time zone time, not the posters. On the fireworks etc...we had an incident here with a 6 month old being burned about 18% of her body being too close to some idiot doing fireworks. They are charging him with reckless endangerment of a minor...but what about the mother who I guess was right there with the baby?

Diane Sue, Kelly is really good about responding to anyone that asks a question on her forum. When I was looking at her premixes etc, I noticed a lot of her workouts didn't have workout sheets for them. I also did not use a mat for the Boot Camp, and will probably not use it for the others. Mine is thicker and does slide around too.

Carolyn, I hope your hamstring feels better after a rest day.

Lori, fetching a ball is both Keegan and Kylee's preferred form of exercise too! I am amazed that Gigi being half of Chester's weight is so much stronger...then again, Chester was probably not really pulling like she does.

I was going to do a cardio workout today, but maybe later....we'll see. I have a wake to go to...

Take care,
Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I did an indoor ride and some stretching. Chris caught a cold/flu thing from someone at work and is staying home today. He had a mild fever last night and has been coughing. We will go to urgent care if he doesn't feel better by this afternoon. I've got a scratchy throat now so I probably caught it too.

Deb-Thanks! Yes, Cathe's yoga is really good. I want to try Yoga Max when I get back to normal workouts. That one looks more challenging.

Carolyn-I hope your hamstring feels much better today. I think that is what happened to me too. I knew my low back was starting to get tight and sore but I kept working out.

Valerie-My doctor said something about only staying on HRT for 2 years then trying to taper off. I have read that the thinking is starting to change again and now some doctors are saying that women can stay on it longer if they don't have risk factors.

Lori-Great job with the Fit Tower rotation! I'm still hoping to jump in on Monday. I may end up doing shorter premixes of the workouts at first, to be safe.

Diane Sue-I really like that ab workout of Kelly's. I agree, the tabata format makes it seem tougher.

Judy I think docs used to automatically put women on HRT even without symptoms because they thought it was beneficial. Then they gradually moved toward not wanting to use it at all . Now it's somewhere in the middle. I foolishly said I would just "ignore" the symptoms. Said I would not use it. Then menopause hit like a freight train. It was very abrupt and sudden with one month normal and fine and then all hell broke loose. I tapered after a couple years and by then I had no more symptoms

Deb that is sad. People behave so stupidly around fireworks ,especially if alcohol is around too. News only cover the stories if they are especially horrific most don't even make the paper
Yes that's right on the time stamp. This post should be around 6 am here . I think if I go back and add or edit it changes the time stamp to show a new time

I'm looking at this post again and before its time stamp was 5:31 and I think it will change to closer to my current time of close to 9 am. no, it didn't change the time stamp. I thought it did.

that is my game plan whenever I run into anyone obviously sick. no contact if possible, sanitize my hands after, and any surfaces that might have been contaminated like cart handles. I am also very careful not to rub my eyes, mouth, face in any way. I have avoided a lot of colds like that. many people unconsciously touch their faces, rub eyes or nose and pick up viruses that way. I assume all public surfaces are contaminated, like pens, writing surfaces, handles,
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Lori, Gertie pulls hard too. She walks well once we get going and i haly ant make herbsit. She gets so excited when we firstvstart. Shevdoesntbcare about the cars though. Just othe animals. She will stp andvpoint then bark at them. But yes, shevis strong. We go out and playbfetch with the ball in the evenings. It has been hotvthough and when she is d one she takes the ball and drops it on the doorstep and waits for me to let her in. We aalwayslayed with her indoors too with a lader liggt, but without the carpet she goes sliding accross the floor. A couple of times she ran upstairs and came flying off the stps and almost slid into a glass cabinet door. I am hoping Amy has a better rebounder when she gets the actual workouts up.

Valerie, sorry you had mechanical issues. Good it was something you could fix though. I used to sweat so much during menopause that i was constantly changing clothes and washing bedding.

Deb, i just thought maybe for some of them workout sheets woul be difficult to make because not as much weight work in them. I was surprised though on a few. But, with Shape Up there was notbeven a premix list. Nothing.
That is terrible about the fireworks and that baby. Our family once went to a fireworks display in a small town while we were doing a fourth of July camp out. They shotvthe fireworks off so close to where we were all sitting that pieces of fireworks were raining on us. The crowd was all really close and itvwas in a football field.

Judy, i hope you do not get really sick. When we were in church Sunday we had a couple that had just moved from Wisconsin that were obviously sick. They were cough all through service. My husband said he could feel the guys breath on his skin. We were worried about catching something. We both ribbed down with hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes when we got to the car. We bothe washed up and ch a nged when we got home. They did not look well either. It has been 5vdays so hopefully we are padt getting whatever they had.

Lori, I keep meaning to mention that the ankle weights I use most of the time are adjustable. They have metal bars in them that are easy to remove and insert. I have had them for 19 years now. I purchased them at Collage video. Here is a link
I have the 10# pair that go to 5# each. I was surprised when I saw the 20# pair that would be 10# each. I would imagine that would be helpful for some strength work. I also have a pair of just 5# ankle weights that I purchased when our stuff was in storage and I had no clue where my others were.
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My hamstring is much better today, but not 100%. I used some anti-inflammatory cream that I bought when I had shoulder issues, put ice on it a couple of times and slept with a small pillow under my leg. I remembered that acronymn RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation and that is what I did. I was able to do a gentle JS 30 minute walk today. I kept the knee lifts low and no hamstring curls.

Judy, I hope that you don't get sick. Summer colds are miserable.

Deb, it's funny that you noticed the time stamp. I always look at the time of the post as well. It took me a while to figure out what time zone was shown.

Hello to all and have a wonderful afternoon.
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Shape Up combined workouts, 64 minutes, (took longer for writing things down and interruptions) 342 calories, heart rate 114 avg/169 max. Since the only lower body work in this is the cardio segments I did Fit Tower Legs and Glutes only premix skipping the warm up, 28 minutes, 91 calories. I wore 3# ankle weights and used the blue band. Total time 92 minutes, calories burned 433. I was hoping Kelly would get worksheets up on her website. I imagine she has to get a hold of whoever does the website work. I have always liked the tabata rounds in this one. I usually feel close to done by the 6th round but can push through to the 8th.

Carolyn, good to hear that your hamstring is better. I used to have an anti inflammatory cream the doctor had mixed up for me for my neck. I never noticed it working all that well though. I like Tiger Balm ointment for achy muscles. The first time I had tried it , my husband bought some back from Thailand. I sometimes use my freezey wraps that are meant to wrap around my knee on my shoulders. I hope you are 100% soon.
Good evening ladies,

I ended up taking rest day today. Must be a bad week for toes. I stubbed my left baby toe outside on the brick edging,while playing with GiGi. Ouch! She knew I was hurt and came over to help me. Was cute. Was really bloody last night and hurting this morning. Had to wear sandles to work today. No way was my foot going in anything else. It is better this afternoon. Just looks worse than it is. FT rotation calls for a rest day tomorrow so I am just a day early. sounds like you had a horibble time with the change over. Mine was bad for only a short while then I was able to manage and before I knew it it was over for me. I am so thankful of this. At my worst I too got no sleep, would be soaking wet at night. There would be times at work I would be talking with someone and flash...i would have beads of sweat on my face and could feel the sweat dripping down my back. So embarrassing! I can't imaging how bad it was for you. I would have taken HRT if mine continued. You get to the point where enough is enough. Flat tire and then mechanical issues. Good thing this does not happen very often!

Deb...glad you liked Bootcamp. I think I mentioned this is my favorite of the 3. I do not get people and fireworks. So sad about the baby.
Chester pulled when he walked for the first 1/2 mile and that was it. He never lunged full force like she does.

Judy...hoping you do not get sick. Fingers crossed. I have both of Cathe's Yoga workouts i have only done one of them once. I really tried to be consistent with yoga but can never stick with it. Glad you got a ride in.

Carolyn...glad your hamstring is better. Yes RICE!!! I always look at post times too. Funny we do that. Been ages since I have done JS workout and I do miss them. I have been consumed with BBS and my Jumpsport the past couple of months.

Diane Sue...funny I actally have those and mine too must be easily over 20 some years old. I never use them anymore and are somewhere in the basement. Years ago,I would sometimes use them as a weight belt. Would velcro them together then wrap around my waist for an additional 10lbs. I can't imaging using 10 lbs on each ankle! Nice combination of workouts.

Have a great night all. Rainy tomorrow so good to get lots of housemax done! :)
Lori it was weird because I was pretty much OK all day but the minute I tried to go to sleep, it went crazy and it looked like I was a nut case. I'm sure it looked like I was nuts because daytime was fine. I have no idea why it worked that way but sure glad it resolved. sorry about your toe!. sometimes the little things ( toes) are the biggest issue.

I did High Reps upper and abs today. that ab workout is challenging although the moves are simple. we are planning on leaving sunday for a week. want to road ride tomorrow. judy I am also crossing fingers for you but it sounds like your DH is already sick. summer colds are the pits, way worse than winter because it seems so out of place.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday.

Judy, I hope Chris is feeling better today and that you did not catch it. Nothing like a summer cold. Do you like the yoga session of KCM's newest DVD where you can pick the 15 minute sections to do? Hers is more of a moving yoga, where you go from one post to the next.

Valerie, wow, your menopause symptoms sound horrific. I would be begging the DR for something if I had it like that. I had the usual, hot flashes during the day, and night sweats/freezing spells, but not bad enough to take anything. They lasted about a year if I remember right.

Diane Sue, do you use a collar on Gertie when you walk her? Apparently the fireworks were private, not put on by the city etc...I think all of those should be banned. No one bothers to call the police any more because they don't come.

Carolyn, glad your hamstring is better. Smart moves using the RICE process. :)

Lori, ouch! That sounds like it hurts a lot. Are you sure its not broken? I had the same thing happen to me during menopause...I was meeting with a client ( male of course!)..only him and I in the conference room and was hit with a hot flash. Like you, water dripping down my face and me scrambling for a tissue, trying to wipe my face and keep up a conversation with this guy...I was mortified, and who knows what he was thinking! Now if it was a woman, I could have just said, "excuse flash" and she would understand. Do you use a collar on Gigi when you walk her?

No agility class today, cancelled due to a death in the trainer's family...but lots of HouseMax to do...

Have a great weekend!
I am still resting my hamstring today. I ran out of the Penetrex cream but my Amazon order came today and I have rubbed it on. It really helps if I use it as recommended for 5-7 days.

My house is so quiet now! Daughter number 1 left last night and daughter number 2 and family left this morning. I just got back from my meeting and the house feels too empty. It always takes a while for me to adjust to the quiet and settle back into my routine after they leave.

Hello to everyone and have a good afternoon.
Deb, in a way it was good because it removed all doubt about whether I should use HRT! I only put up with it for about a month but the prospect of "years" was too awful to think about. too bad men don't get something similar although then there would be a lot more world wars!
Yes, the police can't possibly enforce laws when they are broken to this degree. I would vote to ban all private sales and have only commercial displays but that'll never happen here.

we did out ride this morning. only 15 miles but we went fast. trail is way too busy on Saturdays. tomorrow will all be sitting and driving. DH's bike was back to normal. it's so funny how he always complains I don't watch what I ride over ( I do) but he's the one with all the flat tires. I've had 1 flat while he has had probably 20.

Judy, hope you dodged the bullet and don't get the cold. Carolyn so nice you had a visit with your daughters. hope the hamstring continues to heal. I have freezer packs and usually go with cold and nsaids.
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Today I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Kick Stepboxing, 70 minutes, 463 calories. I then did Strong and Sweaty bonus abs, 13 minutes, 54 calories, and finished off with Suzanne Bowen's Barre Amped relaxation stretch 15 minutes, 33 calories. Total time was 98 minutes, 550 calories. I need to finish the hand sewing on a dress I finished off for my granddaughter since she is going to grow out of it before we get back to working on sewing practice. I will have to come up for something else for them. I want to trim my hedges today. I will have to use the sheers as the electric trimmer is at my daughter's house.

Lori, ouch n the toe. I hope it is okay today. I still use those ankle weights. That is how I get those 3# ankle weights. Until the last 3 years they were the only ankle weight I used. I used to have a 1# pair of ankle wrist weights and they started leaking the weight material so I tossed them. I think it is sweet how dogs notice when we are hurt or even sad.

Deb, yes, I use a choke chain when we walk. I have tried a slip leash collar all in one and that didn't work. It broke because she pulled so hard. At least with the choke chain I can give it a pull and make her stop till she is under control. I have a prong collar, but have not wanted to use it on her unless necessary. I also have a training color from the dog training set I purchased with for Gertie. It would have to have links added. It worked well when she was a pup. It has points but is a heavy duty plastic/nylon type product. Originally the prong collar was purchased to help with Mudd who was a heavy puller. If she got loose she would take off and the thing I always worried about is her getting into a fight with someone else dog. Usually though when she got loose she would come back in search of me when I was out of sight. I had her chase down a couple of dogs before that were loose, but both times she just came back happily after she chased them a suitable distance away from us. If a dog retaliated though, I don't think it would have been a good thing. Anyway, the choke collar did not help her with walking, she pulled anyway to the point I felt terrible for her. After that I just struggled with the choke chain. I mentioned before that I tried the harness for Gertie and that did not work well either. I think the thing that would work would be to do it on schedule every day and have a stronger will than the dog. It is just something I dread doing with all the other dog walkers out there. I always cross to the other side of the street when there is another dog being walked. I think it is my fault because I don't continue doing it.

Carolyn, I know how you feel. I always felt like after the frenzy of activity and having the family around kind of a let down. I felt like my dog acts when the grandchildren leave and is mopey for awhile. Then again, it can sure wear you out and be such a special fulfilling time all at once. That is good that your cream came. I had to order more local bee pollen through Amazon and ran out so ended up purchasing from from Sprouts. Fortunately the one from Sprouts appears to be US bee pollen. I can't see bee pollen being beneficial from China. I did not want to be without since it has helped my allergies tremendously. The one I get from Sprouts comes from a third party seller in Nebraska near where my Dad lived. They have same plants and trees as we do here. I couldn't find any here in Oklahoma. One website, but every time I tried to go back to that site I get a virus threat so I finally deleted it.

Valerie, nice ride today at 15 miles. Enjoy your drive tomorrow.
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Good evening ladies,

This morning was FT Bootcamp. Had no problem with my toe. The tip is really scaped with a good chunk taken off. But nothing that needs stitches. I followed up with a ReboundFit Workout from youtube. I discovered while reading a rebounding thread over at VF. It was fun. Total workout time was 74 mins / 562 cal.

Deb...we do not use a collar when walking her only a harness. We have a shock collar we bought a month or so ago but have not taken it out of the box. Still not sure if we want to use it. Right now the ball thing is working for all of us and she seems to enjoy it.

Valerie...i can see why you went on HRT. You seemed to have it really bad. Have a great trip!

Diane Sue....I loved the rebounding workout I did. Nothing crazy but the music was fun and my HR was at 168 at one point. I will do this one again! The link is below if you wanted to check it out. Loved the music in this. One of the songs is Timber which is so much fun to bounce too. She also has an intermediate one on YouTube. I have not reviewed that one yet but may be fun to run them together. I hear that KCM workout is great. I like the idea of step kickboxing.

Here is the video...

Carolyn...before my son moved back I missed him all the time. When he was home for a weekend I always hated Sunday nights. I know exacly how you feel. I bet you enjoyed this past week tremendously.

Judy...hoping your back is continuing to heal.

Have a great night all!
Lori, that does look like a fun workout. Are they using sand weights? My sand weights are 2# and 3#. They are much bigger than that. I put it on my you tube watch later so I can try it out. I have a shock collar for Gertie. We rarely use it anymore. I think she has probably had me actually push the shock button twice. I do the tone first and if she stops whatever bad behavior that is her correction. She know the tone means she is in trouble without the shock. The one time was when she was young and kept digging up the yard. Once and after that a beep and she quit. I had to be on it for awhile with the beep though. The other was when I heard all kinds of barking and her and Mudd was outside. Mudd was on the doorstep barking at her telling her she better get home (or that is what it seemed like) She had pushed through a loose board off the back fence and was on the other side. I used the shock collar and somehow she managed to get that board pulled out and crawled back inside the fence and headed for the door wanting in to safety. Now I leave the gate open as a training tool when I put out trash etc. and tell her to stay and wait. She sits by the gate and waits. She knows those words pretty well. She is told often to wait at the bottom or top of the stairs till whoever is climbing up and down gets to the the other floor before she comes bounding down. or up. I was always afraid of her knocking a baby down or something. Anyway, I think they are a good tool and the beep is very helpful. If she starts barking a lot where I think she might annoy the neighbors, I put it on and she usually won't bark. But, like I said, I don't put it on her often. It is in my laundry cabinet. A verbal correction usually works anymore.
That Kelly workout has always been a fun one. I need to go back and look because I am sure there was one a bit older that I always loved that was also step boxing and had fun music, which was one of the first I had done of hers. I couldn't find it so I need to check and see if I can get another.
Lori, I hadn't thought about being able to use the training collar while walking with a harness. It might help with the pulling and wanting to go after cars. I wonder if Gigi would react to just the sound. Does yours have that feature. I once had bark collars for Mudd and our Dane because we had neighbors complain, years ago. They had different levels on them so we just used the lower shock. Trying to use a remote though did not work very well. The complaint felt unjustified. I was alone at the time when my husband was in Iraq. I had the authorities say there was a complaint that my dogs barked all night?? I went to bed at 10 and the dogs were in the house every night. Also they were in the house most of the day. It made me mad, but I didn't want to aggravate neighbors. If they would have come and said something to me personally it would have been nice. Anyway, I never wanted to try the collar at the same time I was walking with a choke chain or had another collar on her.
I just went and looked for Kelly's original Step Boxing workout. Amazon has it for 19.99 but it is 12.99 on Kelly's site. Total Fitness does not have it. I swear I had it and cannot find it. Anyway, I ordered Plateau Buster which I keep meaning to get.

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