Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/5

Hello to all the wonderful ladies,

I do not have a torn meniscus; what I have is an impending tear that never tore. I consider myself lucky for that. I always wear a very sturdy McDavid knee brace. I can still jump if I want to. Colin is a personal trainer that I was dating casually, but he stood my up yesterday with what I considered a lame excuse. I wrote to him that we should see each other now as I hardly ever see him. Frank is the man I am moving in with upstate. Yesterday, I realized that I had worked out 8 days in a row, and every muscle in my body ached. I had to come here and look at my postings to figure that out. I have the Cathe Calendar, and I should be using it.

My Polar FT4 heart rate monitor is not working properly, and Frank got it on Ebay. On July 1 when I get paid, I am going to buy one from Heart Rate Monitors USA, so I can return it if it does not work right. The only thing I can see on it is my heart rate, and I can't make the heart rate bigger. I can never see the calories burned.

I think you can measure VO2 Max by doing a cardio fitness test, and an easy one is to step up and down a 12 inch step for three minutes, and then get your heart rate. I have to read my textbook more carefully
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This morning I did 21 Day Fix Extreme Dirty 30, 32 minutes, 183 calories. I do not think I like this one too much because there is so much shoulder work in it. Some is for other body parts but the push up and plank stuff with row etc. for 1 minute at a time puts an awful lot of pressure on the shoulder. My shoulder was a bit achy this morning for some reason. I can only guess it is from the jacks and overhead presses and other weighted work in the cardio yesterday. I then did Legs and Abs mix that is chair/ firewalker with the warm up and stretch and added on the care, 44 minutes, 167 calories. Total time was 76 minutes, calories burned 350.

Deb, way to go with Kylee, I know you are proud of the accomplishments. It will be fun seeing some videos. When I do Vo2 max with my polar it has you lie down with no distractions. No books, television or anything and you push start. It takes about 5 minutes. You have to wear the strap and the watch. Not all of them have that feature. I do like it. I think though that if your V02 Max is really good it makes the calorie burn less because you are more efficient or something. I tested it out once just to see by changing the V02 Max. There are other methods of doing this that seemed more complicated. One was using the treadmill. Not all Polars have that feature. My older F11 had it and my FT60 that I use now.

Lori, there are 3 places I know of that I really trust them to be pure oils with nothing added. That is Melaleuca where I order many things, Young Living at , and I hear a lot of people that use . You can find some of these at Amazon but, I reading reviews some are knockoffs, they don't have the seal etc,, I have not tried rose hips on my skin. I use frankincense, geranium, and extra virgin coconut oil blended on my skin. It works nicely. I did recently add some Coffee Bean Caffeine eye cream from 100%Pure . I am really liking it. I just can't use a lot of store bought creams because they cause allergic reactions. I put some Neutragena Hyraulonic gel cream on my face recently before my workout and by the time I was done I had red itchy blotches around my eyes. My daughter had given me that to try from her office. Makeup is the same way. I did not have this problem till more recently. I switched to Tarte Amazon Clay foundation. I like it pretty well. I am going to try some of 100% pure BB cream for the summer months. There was a woman at my church that was talking about how she never really thought the oils would work but, tried it for some problem she has had for years and it cleared it up. There are so many ways to use the oils. I watched a video series called the Truth About Cancer and there were patients that did not get chemo and used essential oils and diet and their cancer disappeared. I know my daughter's best friend who is a PA and her husband a doctor were talking about her second Dad determined he was not going to die from the cancer that he had and he is doing great now. I met him a couple of years ago at one of the ball games and he swore by Young Living oils. He used Thieves spray a lot and Thieves oil. It is a blend. Melaleuca has some copycats of Young Living oil blends. I just bought their version of Joy to put in my diffuser. I am always looking at Pinterest for ideas. Young Living has a book of all kinds of things to do with the oils. I think Melaleuca just came out with a starter kit with the book and some oil.
Anyway the consensus with the Cancer series I watched is when you get chemo you putting the body under even more stress and they underlying cause of the lowered immune system is not fixed. It often gives people a few more years while whatever is brewing in the body is not fixed. I am not saying they are all correct, but I found it quite interesting.

We have never have left any of our dogs in a dog boarding facility. My daughter did it once with their Golden Lab and paid for extra play time etc.. She said she would never do it again because she was not the same for awhile when they got back. Gertie would probably be in shock. She will go in her crate just fine and anyone can lock it. I have a grandson that gets in trouble for doing that. It is her haven when she wants to go there.

Valerie, that is sad about your Doberman. Your rides sound tough and sort of exciting :) Kitties usually are pretty much self sufficient if they have food and water. I may have mentioned it once before but, we left ours when I was a child and somehow it could not get to it's water and my brother left a candy wrapper in the sink. The house was flooded when we came back.

Caitlin, I have an FT4 and have never really liked it. It never gave accurate heart rates and the reviews at Amazon said it gave low readings. I loved my F6 but that model is no longer available. Probably because you could not change the battery yourself. So, is Frank your boyfriend? Or just a friend? Wondering why he didn't want you to get an air conditioner.
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