Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 5/14

Today I did Rock Out Knock Out premix 1, 38 minutes, 269 calories. I followed this with STS disc 3 legs, 54 minutes, 233 calories. I looked over disc 2's exercises and decided I was not ready for straddle push ups and superman again. I did superman again with cardio core circuit yesterday and more push ups after Monday's STS 1. I will do disc 2 on Friday. I am still sore from Monday. Total time was 92 minutes, 502 calories. I had to go to Walmart to get my curtain rods. Still waiting for the curtains, but I am loaning my grandson my car to go to school tomorrow so my husband can take his car to the shop. So far today I have 7, 295 steps. Not sure if I will get the 10,000 in today. You would think all of the running around and stuff I did in the yard would have done something.

Valerie, that was a lot of activity. I bet you are pooped. Cooking and cleaning up after would definitely add to it. I think a rest day is in order. Getting up at 4 am would have done me in because I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep.

Carolyn, I remembered some of Cardio Core Circuit, but there were some parts I had forgotten. If I had looked at the moves on the workout manager I may have decided yesterday was not a good day for it. I wanted cardio and core work and I really got it. I think there is only the shorter premix and an abs/core only premix. Party Rockin step is always a good choice for me if I am tired and not feeling a workout. I like it a lot.
We were really happy to have them but it was a lot of work. there is all the cleaning and shopping ahead of time, the cooking and food prep for lunches and dinners etc. there is researching, picking places to go, driving there, having all the gear and extra stuff that they could not bring on a plane. there are great (!!) guests, I'm not complaining at all ....... but I'm TIRED. I was very surprised I went back to sleep. we both fell asleep for 90 min to 2 hours. tonight will be an early night.

Cardio core circuit does not sound familiar to me. was it from a series?

after our guests get home, they are going to send me a different polar workout watch that they recently replaced with an apple watch. they have a rich friend who buys the all latest things and passes on his lightly used items to them. I'd never seen an apple watch before. wow. fancy little gadget. not for me though. I want something simple, but would be nice if it worked with the spin bike. I'm not too happy with the one I have. didn't work like I hoped, and it beeps all the time.
Good evening ladies,

This morning was a Dance Cardio 20m, Lower Body 20m..the lower body used firewalker loops and was really intense. I m really enjoying the BBS rotation. I then did a SB bounce that has a lot of barre through out to really finish off my legs, this was 13 morning workout was 53 mins and I do not know what the calorie was because I forgot to end my workout on my apple watch so it says I worked out for 90 mins. Tonight I did the SB workout of the day which was a total body workout, the workout was 47 mins but I stopped before the stretching because I still had some energy to burn so I bounced some more. :) My husband is away tonight so I took advantage of the time. Time tonight was 44 mins and 302 cal. My son came home with a truck load of stuff to move in so I helped with that which was a workout in itself! My steps right now from all the bouncing and back and forth unpacking his car and a friend's truck are at 18,065!!

My son's GF's dad helped him move today and they arrived when I just finished working out. I had a sleeveless tank on and he could not believe my arms or my guns as he called them! And mentioned them several times. I guess light weight hi rep is working for me.:D

Valerie...boy you really had an active trip. I bet you kept up with them just fine and I also think they were impressed with you and your husband's fitness levels. All that preparation must have been exhausting! I love my apple watch. If anything happened to it I would immediatley buy another.

Deb...glad you enjoyed the raw workout. I can't wait to try it. I also have heard elsewhere that it is tough.

Diane Sue...I love Supermans and love when it is used in a workout. I completely understand how somedays a workout can be so hard then when you do the same workout another time you breeze right thru. Regardless, CCC is a tough one! Glad Gertie is better. Yesterday marked 1 year that we lost Chester. Hard to believe it has been a year already. :(

Carolyn...I am the same way with you can see I need tons of variety. I too get bored so easily. Right now I am loving all my workouts that I have been doing and have been for a while. I try to fit in a Live workout every now and then to get my Cathe Fix.

Judy...ha!! I get side tracked all the time. So hard to stick with a rotation.

Hi to Caitlyn!
I forgot to mention that I found it odd that the vet asked me if Gertie was drinking tap water and if we had well water or city water, Anyway, I generally give her water indoors from the refrigerator filtered water. She really doesn't drink the water outside, she waits till she gets indoors and heads straight to her water bowl.

Deb, Cardio Core Circuit is one of the Abs Circuits from the Shock Cardio workouts.

Valerie, you can only do so much to prepare ahead of time and it still doesn't make it much less exhausting. I get so exhausted and completely spent when we have busy times like that. It is not as easy as it used to be when I would be tired but not so completely spent. I don't even like those vacations where you are going, and doing things constantly, and all of the travelling. I feel like I need a vacation afterward just to completely relax and rest. But, the nice thing is when you get rested you can look back and think about that opportunity and all of the enjoyable parts of it. Particularly when it is time spent with family and friends.

Lori, that is a huge step count that you got. I have never got quite that high myself. Around 16,000 before at the fairgrounds. Great workout. I bet you were feeling good about your working out and the compliments. I know sometimes we don't notice that we are changing much till someone else notices and says something. I think that lighter weights and lots of reps can really help the cuts show. With the moving in and extra workout time I can see how you got all of those steps in. I usually have no problems with superman moves. It just felt tough when I did it on Cardio Core Circuit. I only wore the 2# weighted gloves and took off the ankle weights. It was just not happening yesterday. Sometimes I am fine with the ankle weights. Anyway, I think waiting till Friday for the back and triceps workout was a better idea because even my triceps were sore today for some reason. I think maybe some of the push ups like straddle push ups and decline push ups hit them as well as doing triceps on the Fit tower workout and then more of the same on CCC.

I keep thinking I should form more than a weekly plan for my workouts so I don't find myself staring at the dvds wondering what I really want to do. I generally settle on some certain workouts that I want to use and then add to that over the week. I am not starting a rotation till maybe after I get the Fit Tower workouts and do them for awhile.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday, I took a rest day. It's 75 degrees here now at 5:39 am. It will be a hot one today.

Judy, I love STS, but have not done it for the same reason, I don't want to commit to it and not do other workouts. Good idea to rotate a week of STS with weeks of other types of workouts.

Diane Sue, glad Gertie is feeling better. I wonder what it was? what did you mean by STS endurance workouts? Using some of the STS, and then adding different endurance workouts on other days? I guess I didn't get Cardio Core Circuit....I see now that it was part of that Shock Cardio series which I did not get. I viewed the clip and saw that it was pretty high impact....probably why I didn't get it.

Valerie, welcome back! I can see why you would be tired and need a rest day. :) I made the broccoli salad this week, it was delicious! I will be making that one frequently. Any other salad recipes like that would be appreciated. :). You just got that Polar recently, can you take it back for a refund? Nice that those guests will send you one that they replaced, with the Apple watch.

Lori, great workouts and impressive step count... and...yes, moving someone in or out does count as a workout! :)

Carolyn, I know what you mean about doing those workouts before work. I used to do mine at 4:30 breakfast, just get up, go downstairs and do it! Not anymore. LOL.

Not sure what is up for today, I may do some weeding if the weather holds out...then my nephews graduation is tonight.

Take care,
Good Morning,
Today I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body and Icy Core 1. I really enjoyed it. I don't like Icy Core 2 as much because of the side planks.

Valerie, that sounds like a fun but very exhausting visit. You have definitely earned a few rest days.

Deb, we like that broccoli salad quite a bit. Did you make a creamy dressing or vinaigrette?

Diane Sue, I like to plan my workouts for a month at a time whether it's a Cathe rotation or my own. Planning is one more step for me to make sure that I don't skip the workouts. It's easy to get busy and lose the scheduled time.

Greetings to everyone and have a great day.
Deb I suspect the problem is not so much the polar , but not compatible with the system on the spin bike. the spin bike computer is not great to say the least. I should research it to see what IS compatible. I will keep it, not returnable anymore. just not finding it useful. I'm not a big fan of monitors, so it was an inexpensive way to find out! I will see what happens when I get the fancier one. probably won't be for a couple weeks. I know the apple watch would drive me crazy though I love my iphone.
I did not get the shock cardio series either. if it was high impact, that's why, just like you deb. I will try the broccoli salad as soon as we start harvesting broccoli. we grow a lot! I stop buying it so I'm looking forward to the home grown supply that grows abundantly. we are still unseasonably cold and wet so nothing to pick yet but supposedly weather will improve soon and then it ( broccoli) comes on quickly. I get so much I don't know what to do with it all.
getting my hair done this morning and then probably upper body workout.

we cleaned out my office and moved furniture. what a mess. everything has a new place and will take time to get used to it.
Carolyn I don't like core 2 for the same reason. I am unable to keep my feet in place for side planks and can't seem to activate the right muscles for those. probably means I should do it more often , not ignore it.
Today I did Party Rockin Step 2 Extreme premix 8 combos plus finished product, 62 minutes, 405 calories, 126 average/ 161 max heart rate. I then did STS abs circuits stability ball abs 20 minutes, 66 calories. 95 avg./117 max heart rate. I finished off with Barre Amped Advanced Active Stretch, since I wanted a good stretch. My legs are sore. I don't think I have had this much doms in quite some time. Maybe I need to do more rounds of STS meso 1. Total calories today was 536. Workout was 1 hour 47 minutes with the stretch workout. I watched the You Tube with Kelly Coffey and her brother doing the heavy bag workout. I saw that she did some stuff with light weights as well. I checked Meltdown and she has a mix on there that combines the weights and heavy bag in intervals that would be similar , but maybe heavier weights. I was contemplating doing that You Tube with STS dis 2 back and triceps. They are having tornados in out state. They haven't hit here yet. My husband is trying to figure out how to get my Chevy Spark in the garage with the Lincoln and motorcycle. It is such a big bike.

Deb, the vet did not say what was wrong. All I know is the antibiotic seemed to clear it right up. Maybe we caught it soon. I told the vet there was a bit of blood streaks in the urine. Why do you think that he asked if she was drinking tap water? I was just saying that when I do STS as a rotation, I generally add something else with it. A bit of another weight workout, some other abs, yoga, and add on to the cardios using something else. It eliminates my wanting to quit. STS workouts are pretty long. Most of the Shock Cardio workouts have high impact in them. I would say Step Moves would be the lightest. Some of the MMA ones and the heavy bag would not have so much. There is one that has quite a bit of impact that is intense in it. I can never remember which one it is till I put it in the dvd player. I do have it written down in a notebook though. I had great results when I first did the series with the abs and the cardio workouts. I love that broccoli salad. It makes eating broccoli easy.

Carolyn, I have all kinds of rotations I have written up and done. I just have not been good at doing it ahead like that lately. It is nice to have the workouts out and things set up the day before. I get done so much quicker that way. I do not like the side planks where you raise the top leg. I can do it on one side, but the other, my leg does not want to move at all. It is like my foot is glued to the other foot.

Valerie, I have heard that the moves that are difficult are the ones you need to work on. I have tried and tried with those side plank leg raises. It makes my knee that I had the surgery on hurt trying to hold it out straight in a plank. Then there is the raising the top leg one. P90X 2 did a lot of that balancing stuff in side planks and on balls. I kept thinking if I keep trying to force it things will get better , but then I ended up having to have knee surgery. I have wondered if I created the knee problem trying to force something that wasn't meant to be.
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Good evening ladies,

This morning's BBS rotation called for 2 dance cardios each 20mins. Tonight I did SB's Total Body Cardio Hiit, 43m. Total time was 83 mins / 525 cal and right now I am at 13,348 steps due to all the dance!

Diane Sue...before the jumpsport and dance workouts I very rarely hit 10,000 steps. Now it seems to be a regular thing with me. Great workout today. A nice mixture. If there is a move I do not like I always improvise. I know they say that means I should work on it but I really do not care! Lol! Pushups for example...I do them on my knees and I am perfectly fine with it. My arms and chest always feels worked so never felt the desire to go the next step. I am not saying that is good for everyone, but, it works fine for me. I love p90x1 and 3 but did not care for 2 at all. was really warm here today and I am loving it! I am the same way with rotations. Hard to stick with them now that I love Barre. Gigi has done really well not chewing everything under the sun. However, she did get my Bose Wireless headset last night. Ugh...that was an expensive chew toy. I just ordered a new pair today. I use them mostly to walk her plus when we travel I use them with my ipad to workout. We are heading to the Cape Memorial Weekend and will need them so I can workout early and not wake up Bob. Bad doggie!! :(

Valerie...I love cleansing and rearranging! Feels good doesn't it? My husband is so non technical and he likes having his apple watch. Huge fans here!

Caroyln...I remember not liking Icy Core 2 either. Those darn side planks!

Hi to Caitlyn!
Lori, that is too bad about your Bose headset. I am so glad Gertie never chews on anything. I keep my large Dooney and Burke purse on the floor by my chair, we leave shoes. Even if I drop some food, she will wait and look at me to see if there is approval to eat it. Really that includes her dog food when I sit it down. She knows her toys from the children's toys. Umm, she will eat the dropped crayons. I don't know what is up with that. I was afraid she was going to hurt herself the other day when she flew upstairs to get one of her toys and flew down, leaped off the end of the stairs and slid across the room, almost into a large antique cabinet with a glass door in the middle. I need to put a rug or something she can grip at the bottom or get her doggie boots. She still is not accustomed to the new floors without carpet. You till her to sit and her feet slide.
I did the full P90X2 rotation. Some of it was okay and I purchased the extra dvds. P90X3 is nice because they are short. There is a lot of variety in it. I do wish Tony would not confuse when he does the kickboxing one. He is always on the wrong side when I am facing him and some of te moves, I end up on the wrong foot. I Really do like that one though.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday except for some gardening/weeding. It was so nice and sunny yesterday, in the 80's.

Carolyn, I do not enjoy side planks at all. I just have to accept that I am not built to do them. I made the creamy dressing that was printed with the broccoli recipe. I did make a couple changes to the salad; walnuts vs pecans, I lightly steamed the broccoli, with carrots that were just chopped, not grated.

Valerie, that is great that you grow broccoli...that is one vegetable I never get tired of.

Diane Sue, I hope the tornados do not reach your area. I didn't realize that the KCM heavy bag workout was with her brother. That is interesting. Not sure why the vet was concerned about tap water. Is there something in the water in your area that may affect pets? Overly chlorinated? or too much floride? I would be curious enough to call back and ask. Yes, the STS workouts are a bit long...and no time saver premixes! :). I liked P90X2...except for the yoga and boxing, and the plyo....just did the weight work.

Lori great job on the steps and workouts! I am with you on the push ups...I do them on my knees as well. I have tried in the past to do them on my toes, but I get pretty frustrated on how hard it is. I'm sure if I stuck with it, I would be able to do them that way eventually, but just don't care to for some reason. Good that Gigi did not swallow any parts of those headphones! Bad Doggie!! :).

I have to take John's car in for a regular check up this morning. Any plans for the weekend?

Take care,
It seems the storms are still here. Poor Gertie did not like how loud the thunder was. She went to her crate last night. I heard her go in it. Iulled some weeds yesterday before the storms kicked up. It was 85 and cloudy with a breeze so not too bad. Sunny Sunday though which is good for the birthday party. My daughter is opening their pool for the season so anyone who wants to can swim.

Deb, I saw KCM show a picture of her brother when he placed in the Crossfit games. Then a few days later she had him do a workout with her in her home gym. He uses the heavy bag, she does shadow boxing. There is some abs at the end on it and I think the workout is around 27 minutes. I had wondered if the vet thought the illness had to do with the water being contaminated in some way, as he said he had an idea of what was causing the problem. I heard on the news th at some people were complaining about foul taste in the water. It was said to be safe, but they had just did some treatment and it would take a day or two for the taste to go away. But, she only drinks tap water a tiny bit ouside. Usually she waits to come in for fresh water. My daughter says her dogs have a tapper on the outside faucet , but prefer the water inside. They have a big water jug and when it is empty they will push it around to get their attention to fill it. They have well water though.
My workout today was Great Glutes. I did a premix with no floor work plus the bonus chair segment. Workout was 55 minutes and 289 calories.

Diane Sue I'm glad that you have not been affected too much by the storms in your area.

Deb, I hurt my shoulder slightly doing side planks last year so I have been avoiding them or doing them slowly and carefully. It was a move where you go from side to side with the plank. I considered blanching the broccoli for the salad but didn't do that the first time. I might try it the next time I make the salad.

Lori, I looked at the Body by Simone on YouTube again yesterday and I can see why you like it. It seems to fit well with your jumping and the SB workouts that you enjoy. I don't think it's right for me, however! Her pace is too rapid for me.

Valerie, broccoli that you have grown yourself sounds wonderful. Fresh vegetables are always better.

Hello to Judy and Caitlin.
This morning I did KCM raw you tube boxing, 29 minutes, 148 calories. I wore the gloves and used the heavy bag, but paused to pull off the gloves and do 3# dumbbell upper cuts etc with Kelly. Then put them back on for the next round(3 rounds). Her brother had gloves with the fingers out so he did do some other moves like overhead press alternating during the second set of weights. Anyway it made the workout a couple of minutes longer for me. I liked the workout. No jumping around, although I did some light jogging between moves. It is boxing and not lower body. She does some ab work at the end. I then did STS disc 2, it seems like the workout card is a bit off? Maybe I just missed something as the card has 1 arm row as the second move which I don't recall doing and is missing one arm row before the last set of deadlifts. Anyway, I started out with the wrong dvd and did that warm up which I did not count, then I paused to write something down and lost 10 minutes of the workout. Map My Fitness kept running though so I was able to come up with something. Although MMF had me at 311 calories with it set for STS. I chose the reading from my Calories burned based on average heart rate, so that took it down a lot. 56 minutes, 197 calories, heart rate 97 avg./135 max. I finished off with Kelly's Body Design Yoga, 13 minutes, 44 calories.Total time was 98 minutes, calories 389.

Carolyn, we have more storms today and tonight. Hoping no one else gets hit with tornados and that hail. Nice work on Great Glutes today. I love that one. I like all of those individual workouts that came out when that one came out. The music is nice and they are just right for me. After the mention of the broccoli salad yesterday , I went and checked to see if I still had some broccoli. I am going to make some today. I haven't blanched mine for this one. I have another recipe that has bacon that I have blanched it for though.
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We did a road ride this morning, 26 miles. 2 hrs 10 min. we adjusted my bike seat to level. I still got numb at the usual mileage, but it didn't get as bad from that point on. unfortunately my crotch really doesn't like the seat level. I will try this for a while and then maybe do some minor adjusts. I have got to realize this may not help, or if it does, it may not be instant.

this is the ideal climate to grow broccoli... it is vastly better than store broccoli. it is a different hybrid than commercial. I just love it. we are finally getting some sunshine.. sunny today and promises of more sun into next week.
Carolyn, I also worry that side planks caused my shoulder issue. I've never been able to nail down what move was the problem. I can't get my feet to stay in that position unless I block them against a wall, and even then I topple over.

I mix up the pushups. when cathe does them in 2's, I usually do toe pushups, but for longer sets=, especially drop sets, I do knees. I also do them on my toes but with my hands on the step which is "in between" in difficulty. when I do them on knees I do many more . so if she does 12, I will do 20 or 30 on knees. .
Good evening ladies,

Today was a scheduled rest day. I had an early morning doctors so no time to workout. Too hot when I came home so my husband and I opted for margaritas. :)

Diane Sue...all and all GiGi is pretty good know what she can and can not chew on. Unfortunately, she was confused when it came to my head set! Good for you doing p90x2. It was really tough and not enjoyable for me. I liked p90x 3's 30 minute workouts. We had such intense storms last night too. Really loud thunder. Nilla, being deaf, never heard anything. GiGi was a little startled. The thunder claps were so loud it startled me too. Glad you liked the raw workout. Going to try it oit this weekend.

Deb...that was my first concern with the headset that she swallowed a large piece. It seems intact other than it being ripped apart on the top portion that goes over your head and the ear cushions are completely torn apart in a million pieces. I tested it yesterday and they still work! So I ordered replacement ear cushions and I maneuvered a scrunchie that I cut to slip thru the top peice that goes over your head to cover the ripped portion and bam! They look decent!!! So I am going to return the ones I just bought and save $250. :) love that you have the same opinion as I do when it comes to pushups. Knees are just fine!

Carolyn...I have never done the complete Great Glutes workout. I have have the downloads so I took a portion of GG and LLA and made a really great lower body workout mostly with the fire loops and barre section.

Valerie...awesome ride! When I used to ride long distance many years ago I would need a product called Body Glide I think? It helped in that area to reduce any friction. Padded shorts or feel it eventually! Congrats on the pushups!!!! Good for you. It is funny that I just never had the desire.

Hi to Judy and Caitlyn!
Valerie, I hope that you can figure out what will help with the numbness. I can't imagine being on a bike that long. I did the extreme premix on Pedal Power once on the spin bike and had rubbed off skin from the seat. I bought a gel seat cover and have never done one of the extra long spin rides since. I made the broccoli salad tonight for dinner and ate it with Salmon. I used extra lemon juice in the creamy dressing this time and tiny bit of honey instead of sugar.

Lori, when Gertie was a pup I made some almond flour bars and they smelled so good. The ingredients were pretty expensive. Anyway, I set them on the counter to cool and went to the game room to talk to my husband and heard a crash, she broke the glass dish and ruined the whole dessert. I am surprised she didn't get burnt or something, but never found anything. It took her awhile to learn that counter and table surfing was not okay. Now the you can leave food set on the end tables or coffee table and she will sniff but she won't touch it. Even if you leave the room. It just takes time. She usually does not seem worried about thunder , but we had an exceptionally loud clap and even I jumped. She jumped up whimpering. I think after that she was a bit worried.
Good morning,

A terrible night last night...Kylee kept asking to go outside, not sure what is up with her. She did not vomit, or have diarrhea, but seemed to have to urinate. I hope it is not a bladder infection. I ended up staying downstairs with her on the couch.

Diane Sue, poor Gertie...I hope the storms let up soon. I would find out if the water is contaminated, and if that is what the vet thought the problem could be. If he did, wouldn't he tell you to not let her drink tap water?

Carolyn, that sounds like a good premix. I read somewhere that if you blanch broccoli, you get more nutrients from it, rather eating it raw. I like it crunchy, but not "raw" crunchy, if that makes sense. Also, it let me keep the carrots in whole, small pieces rather than having to shred them.

Valerie, maybe you will get used to the seat adjustment. I need to try using the step when if doing toe pushups.

Lori, good that Gigi did not swallow any parts of the ear buds! I saw that they had them on sale last night at an FYE store...they were not as expensive as the ones you buy though. The ones that were regularly $35.99...were on sale for $14.99. When you use them can you use the same pair for different devices? How do they "pair" to each device?

Agility class this morning, or maybe I will just sleep some more!

Take care,
Deb I use any surface .... that is stable and won't slide... for push-ups. I use the weight bench, side of treadmill, or the step and risers at different heights. Higher is easier of course, while the treadmill side is almost like on the floor. Also works for tricep dips. Never been able to put my hands flat on the floor and do dips but if I grab the edge of the bench or make vertical fists, I can do them and get bigger ROM too.

Lori it isn't friction but pressure. I have super tried Glide and chamois butter and neither help with soreness. I don't have trouble with spinning or mt biking because I stand or elevate off the seat often enough. road biking is the main problem. DH looked it up and the 'experts" say that if the seat is tipped downward this puts more pressure on hands and wrists. it takes pressure off the crotch area. they said even a degree can make a difference. so we raised the tip of the saddle to level I am going to try it like this for several rides and see if it gets any better. the crotch ( I hate that word)may suffer. it is not the sit bones but "forward" that gets so sore. padding may help a little. I usually don't even wear padded shorts when mt biking or spinning so it really is all a road biking position problem. This may be one of those 'anatomical" issues that doesn't have a perfect outcome.

wow lots of doggie problems. hope everyone settles down! My aunts dog ate the drapery one time. he ended up having surgery to remove the remnants. they do eat some strange things in spite of plenty of food available.

that's how I usually cook my home grown broccoli, blanching in boiling water. it usually doesn't grow into big dense heads like store broccoli, but mostly smaller side shoots. usually one main 'head", but it's not real tight, and then dozens of side shoots that are bite sized. If I keep picking them, they keep on coming. the stems (stalks) are tender and cook quickly. I usually cook it for about 2 minutes so it's still somewhat crunchy. we grow cauliflower, kale. Brussels sprouts never work well though. too long a growing season. broccoli is the best crop.
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I am still struggling to gain weight, and I did my legs today. I have wrinkly skin which I never had before, and I really need to build up my muscles. I had a wonderful time when Frank and I went to NYC to see the movie that he co wrote and co produced, and it is a cult horror film. Nobody here would ever had heard of it, but it in on IMDB, which is the Internet Movie Data Base, where it actually has some good reviews.

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