Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 10/2

Lori, I am looking forward to seeing pictures of GiGi

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Okay no more venting! the police caught the guy!! DH is heading to the police station right now to get our stuff which was in the duffel bag when the punk was arrested for something else. We made a list of what we thought was taken and it will be interesting to see how close we were.
washed & cleaned everything in the camper. For him to reach where we had meds and headlamps he had to lie on the bed. UGH! grossed me out.... into the washing machine! no one who saw this punk called 911, which they should have done as one neighbor confronted him and this was after he had the duffel bag. will talk to everyone, thank them, and make sure they understand the police don't 911 calls on suspicious people. If a neighbor had called, it would have saved everyone a bunch of headaches. I described the punk. he left the meds in their bottles with DH's name on them so weren't hard to find. ( disappointing to a druggie .. BP or migraine meds!) not expecting the cash will be there but this is a more than decent ending.
This kind of petty crime is rampant here... related to drugs and homelessness, plus the damn casino. we are considering getting cameras to monitor outside. most of these people are walking.... daytime robberies when people are home. this was similar to what's happened to most of our neighbors. we both were here, except for my brief run to the PO. working outside you may have a shed open, door to house open but you're working and not watching the door every second. one neighbor lost a chain saw and a bike that way. can you imagine someone riding down the road on a bicycle ....carrying an huge orange Stihl chainsaw? think something was fishy? these people on foot quietly sneak in and help themselves, and walk away. no car in the driveway to alert you.

Lynda, I think punk saw me leave, picked up a rock and walked to the house planning on smashing a window. where the rock was left, he could have seen DH in the yard.... digging out a garden wall. He left the rock, and on his way out tried the door on the camper. the house blocked DH from seeing or hearing anything. then I came back, drove into the garage, closed the door. punk headed back to the road, not up the the driveway, and a neighbor saw him come out of the trees carrying the duffel. he should have called 911.

Deb so glad you were able to do a workout!. but I did TBM plus a chest muscle meltdown. really liked that part. I like doing repeats of the same exercise working the same body part. giant sets I think? I felt well worked but didn't get sore.

Lori your timing was impeccable... getting out before the storm.

I need to go back and re read what everyone has been up to. got so preoccupied with this. Thank you all for listening to my venting.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Strong Upper Body with core (57 min.). I think this is the second time I have done this one. Very systematic and thorough. I also like the core work on this one.

Valerie, that is a happy ending for sure! I'm glad they caught the guy. He sounds pretty brazen.

Thanks for the information, Diane Sue. I don't think I will buy anything before talking with my orthopedist. I am generally skeptical of supplements and their promises.

Deb, I looked up PPI and H2 blockers. They suppress acid formation in the stomach in different ways. Pretty clear from what I read that it was the pressure of my pregnancies on the sphincter that caused my heartburn at that time.

Off to get my annual mammogram this afternoon. Blech!
Hi Ladies,
I never got my workout done yesterday. A few unexpected things came up (seems to happen often). That's one reason I try to do my workout first thing. Today I did Metabolic Total Body and I feel like I had a good workout.

Valerie, that's wonderful that the police were able to catch that guy and you can get your belongings back.

Lori, I 'm glad that you made it out of Florida ahead of the storm. There is massive evacuation going on along the coastal Georgia area in anticipation of Matthew's arrival.

Have a good afternoon.
Deb, they carry Now products in Sprouts. I have used some of them. If I like the Wow stuff I may continue using it. I think some of the Dr Axe Bone Broth Collagen powders says it has hyaluronic acid in it. I would think if a person makes a good bone broth that you would get a lot from it. When we got our last side of beef I would make it in the slow cooker with some celery, carrots, and onions and cook it for about 24 hours. It was gelatinous when I put it in the refrigerator. Of course once heated it was liquid. It tasted wonderful just to drink. I strained the veggies and bits out of it. Finding beef bones is not easy though. I have not made chicken bone broth though.

Valerie, that is wonderful that they caught the guy and you got your things back. If it were me, even after a thorough cleaning, it would make me feel a bit odd that someone had been in there among my stuff. It would take a while to feel I had cleaned that person out of everything. I lost my wallet once. It was really odd because I was at Target. I put the grandchildren in the car and when I got home my husband asked me if I lost my wallet. I said I hadn't, I just went to the store. For some reason it ended up a mile and a half away at a gas station. A guy called my husband because it had his business car in it. My credit cards and id was there but all of my cash was gone. This guy told my husband he found it in the street. My daughter that lives on the acreage has people come out there and park their vehicles and run or ride their bikes. Sometimes they are are just hanging out. They are very watchful. They have a coded gate on the street side of their land. They bought their home on a foreclosure sale and when they got ready to move in someone had taken the stove, dishwasher and refrigerator out. This was a large stove. They had to replace all of it themselves. That happens a lot of the homes spread out in that area. There was a large home being built and they have lost so much stuff to thieves.

Lynda, I feel better when I read about the supplements on Web MD or Mayo clinic. There are a lot of companies that jump on a bandwagon before stuff is fully been tested. Talking to your orthopedist is a good idea.

Carolyn, Ice Total Metabolic workout does feel like it works everything well.
I forgot my workout :) Today I did Sharon Twombly's Athletic Step Jam skipping the stability ball portion. This was 83 minutes, 677 calories. I have been able to get this workout to over 800 calories when doing the ball work too. It is a good calorie burner. I Then did Barre Amped Strength and Stretch Power Stretch, 23 minutes, 51 calories. Total workout time was 1 hr. 46 minutes, 728 calories. I skipped the ball portion because my neck and shoulder is hurting and I did not think swinging the ball overhead might aggravate it. I am going to have to change up tomorrows workout some because some of the upper moves will just not work. Maybe I should stick with just the lower quad work and arms.
Off to do a simple cardio workout. probably elliptical, treadmill. I have worked ch, sh, ba a lot this week and am giving it a second day off.

wow diane sue, you really do some long and intense calorie burners. I can handle about an hour and that is it, unless I'm outside doing something. Part of the issue is petty crime to get money for drugs. this issue is so much bigger than even a few years ago. I looked up the guy who stole out stuff, and he's been in and out of jail multiple times this year for assorted thefts. arrested for burglary yesterday. we found a wrist band ID with name, birthdate in the stuff. DH lost some clothing, owners manuals for the camper, a knife, several cans of bear spray, and cash. but much less than it could have been. I still feel like our camper has been contaminated but I think that will pass. one family near here came home and found their entire house cleaned out. major appliances seem like a goofy thing to steal. ...unless you have a new house that needs furnishing.

Lynda, hope the mamm went OK. those are so stressful until you get the 'all clear". this guy is an addict. the wrist band is likely from a methadone clinic a short distance from here, and we found a meth pipe in with our stuff.
Valerie, I wonder what he was thinking when he took the camper manuals and papers. Do you think he was planning on coming back for the camper later? That is weird. When we lived in one of the smaller cities where my husband worked trailers were always being stolen. Mostly for hauling. A lot of people there were self employed and worked out of their homes. There trailers and large out buildings were part of their business. My husband had one parked in our driveway, not ours though, hoping someone would try so they could catch them on camera. Our house had cameras, inside and out so whoever it was would have been recorded. I really do not know why the previous owners had the camera system installed. There was a monitor in the coat closet. I don't blame you for feeling like you do about the druggies. Most of them do not seem to really want help. I also cannot imagine wanting to feel as poorly as they must feel when on all of that stuff. I don't like feeling weird with prescription and over the counter stuff.
diane sue I think he was high when he got here, and just wanted 'stuff" to sell. I thought he looked off walking up the street, but nothing that I felt warranted a 911 call.... not quite right but not that bad. I've called in plenty of people for being drugged out so not shy about that. the folder/binder probably looked like potential personal information or cc #'s.
Dumped boxes of things into the duffel. really... my contact lenses and solution? My mt bike shorts or tights? in a hurry and grabbed whatever looked useful. the guy has an arrest record xx many times .. frequent flyer... since april this year. no idea about before that, assuming the name I got was right. there is a methadone clinic run by the tribe a couple miles away. we think that's where the wrist band came from. but he changed into DH's clothes so we didn't get them back. we got his previous wet dirty clothes in a bag. stolen stuff from Walmart with tags on.
we lost $200 cash, a hunting knife, 4 cans of bear spray, DH's hiking pants, a patagonia hoodie, a summer t shirt. a small flask of brandy. socks and underwear. most we knew about, we got back. we also got a meth pipe!. just what I need for my weight loss program! plus receipts from the local casino so that's where he probably went first. this is a misdemeanor. he committed a burglary on the 6th and that's why he's in jail.
we are thinking about a camera system. really, almost every one living here has been robbed at least once, some many more time,s or other events with people pounding on their doors at 3 am, or needles and underwear on their lawns.

did 15 on treadmill, 25 on elliptical, and ice core 2. didn't care for that one, like #1 much better.
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Good morning,

Yesterday I did Live Barbell Upper Body. I like this one a lot. I get to use my 2 body bars which is nice.

Diane Sue, yes, good to be careful and read up on the ingredients, where they come from and the company before purchasing. Wouldn't you be able to get beef bone from a butcher? I guess it may not be grass fed beef though...that would be tough to get here.

Valerie, that great that they caught the guy! At least you know that the police are paying attention to the reports they get. Where were you able to look up the guy's record? Surprised that what he did was just a misdemeanor.

Lynda, hope all went well with the Mammo yesterday.

Lori, have a safe fun trip picking up Gigi! :)

Carolyn, sometimes life gets in the way of a workout for sure. I agree, doing them first thing in the am is good.

Any exciting plans for the weekend?

Take care,
Good Morning,
Today I did Plyo HiiT One and Ab Circuits: No Equipment. I modified the burpees but I think they were still effective. Ab Circuits was a 17 minute ab workout. I finished with BarreAmped Strenghten and Stretch Barre Power Stretch.

Diane Sue and Lynda, I am also cautious about taking supplements and I research first. The collagen is the only one that I use that was not recommended by my doctor. I use it for hair, nails, and joints.

I have a hair appointment today and a couple of errands, nothing exciting. Hello to everyone.
Deb, I don't know what exactly makes a charge go from misdemeanor to burglary. he was arrested for burglary the next day, the 6th. It does back up my observation about the rock sitting on our lawn....that he intended to smash a basement window but saw DH working in the garden and changed his mind. We were able to provide a decent description of the guy and the duffel.... dark green , sierra club logo, duffel. the officer who came out to talk to us was excellent and took down all the info, didn't just blow it off. I would really like to talk to our neighbors who saw this and didn't call 911 immediately.
I looked up the booking records for the county jail. I got his name from a wrist band he'd left in the duffel. it looked like it was from a methadone clinic not too far from here. the aggravating thing is this kind of stuff... theft, vehicle prowls, drugs, drunk and disorderly...., gets a booking and a few days in jail, maybe. then they get turned loose to go back to doing what they do best. so there's a revolving door. we can't afford to jail all these many many people for any length of time.

Replaced DH's hoodie...came already!. it's probably what the jerk was wearing...we got a bag of his wet dirty clothes included for free.

Off to look at plumbing fixtures this morning. the driveway at our new house needs to be improved. it's been wet and too muddy to get big trucks thru so an extra expense and delay.

I watched much of the leg workout from ICE. Pleased it didn't have a step so will try it soon. anyone offer opinions on it?
Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Crush It (35 min.). Short but good cardio.

Valerie I really love the chiseled leg blast from ICE. I can barely remember the other one--To the Mat--except that I had my usual doms in my hamstrings after ball roll-ins with that one. I should try doing it again. I guess what you have to worry about is if these petty criminals graduate to more violent or vicious and desperate behaviors. Misdemeanors are jail time, but felonies have longer sentences and in prison, not jail, I think. Public defenders and prosecutors probably just want to process these petty criminals as fast as possible, so they make deals, and they are out on the streets again.

Deb, our wedding anniversary is on Monday, so we are going out to dinner tomorrow night, so we don't miss the debate on Sunday night, and Kim can get ready for his always-busy Tuesdays on Monday. Hard to believe we have been married for 36 years. We were living together for 2 years before that, but I didn't want to get married until I had published my first book and felt professionally established. I just have to wait for the radiologist to look at the mammograms. S/he is in Pittsfield and I had my mammogram in North Adams.

Lori, me too on pics of the new pup Gigi!

Carolyn, I guess Atlanta is unaffected by Matthew. Poor Savannah and Charleston!

Enjoy the weekend everyone and be thankful for not living anywhere near a storm surge!
Today I did Ice Lower Body Blast Blizzard Blast premix with the warm up and stretch, 30 minutes, 172 calories. I followed this with Metabolic Total Body Blizzard blast only, 12 minutes, 83 calories. I then did Workout A again with a few changes. It was a bit shorter at 57 minutes, 252 calories. I wanted a bit more stretching so I did Barre Amped strength and stretch bonus stability ball total body stretch, 6 minutes. Total time was 1 hr 45 minutes, 520 calories. I am not sure that I will get any workouts in this weekend. I will see how it goes. We are getting our sofa bed from my Daughters storage building so we have a place for company to sleep. I will be pushing to have things done when my brother arrives. I went shopping today.
Workout A
Wobble Hack squats 3 sets 8 reps 15's
1 arm pullover 2 sets 8 reps 10# (much lighter because I did not want to hurt my shoulder)
Cradle side lunge barbell 40# 8 reps right 8 reps left repeat
seated row green band 3 sets slow and holds
single leg rock up squat with the stability ball 15# 8 reps and 4 holds right then left then repeat 2 more times
reverse delt fly with external rotation standing 1 set 8's 2 sets 5's
skipped the chest around the world it really hurts in my traps and shoulder
standing barbell concentration curls 40# 3 sets
decline triceps dips 3 sets
skull crushers on an incline, 25# 3 sets

Valerie, I guess with the things the guy chose to take he had to be on drugs. What would he do with your things and your contacts. That is just wrong thinking he is running around wearing your husbands clothes. That is gross getting his bag of clothes and pipe.

Deb, I have seen soup bones at Sprouts occasionally. Maybe if I were to ask at the meat counter they might have them. Today they were supposed to have a sale on Horizon Milk, 2 for 5.00. They only had fat free on the shelf. Another woman asked them and they said they would go check it out. We both wandered off. I went back and it was still just skim so I got 1 carton of another brand for 5.00 for 1. When I got to the register that lady had two cartons of Horizons whole milk in her cart. They must have got some out just for her. I was a bit irritated because I noticed they seemed to be trying to get rid of fat free in most of the brands. I think they did this deliberately with the 2 for 5. Others were lower than normal in fat free.

Carolyn, I did all of those burpees in Metabolic Blizzard blast but I was behind in quantity. I was the same with the single leg ones on the Lower Body Blast blizzard. The doctor I have now does not offer much advice on supplements or anything. She just writes down what I say I am taking. The doctor I had before recommended most of the supplements that I took. That is when I originally started using the glucosamine and chondroitin along with extra niacin for cold feet and magnesium for the issues I had taking calcium supplements. He had recommended the black cohosh as well.

Lynda, happy early anniversary. It is always nice to see people that have stayed together and weathered the good times and bad times. I get my mammogram and I always have to wait for the doctor to get the results and have their assistant call me.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday. I went to get my haircut/color, and the salon had lost their water. Apparently some workers down the street had done something that shut their water off. I was not happy.

Carolyn, I hope you had better luck at your hair appointment yesterday. :)

Valerie, I think the charge is based on what they stole, how much money etc. Also, if they broke in...was the camper door unlocked?

Lynda, Happy Anniversary ( a little early)...ours is Thursday next week, October 13th. It will be 32 years. I get my mammograms at a hospital and the radiologist looks at them while you wait and gives the tech the info. Then I get a letter in the mail confirming what they said. If they don't like the image, or he/she can't read it properly, they will tell the tech to take it over while you are still there. No having to go back etc.

Diane Sue, we have a lot of butcher shops near us, easy to get a soup bone. What is Horizon Milk? Why so expensive? I would be upset too if I saw the other person had the sale price whole milk variety. .they should have gotten enough out for both of you.

Agility class this morning, then HouseMax for me. Still getting the house ready for the painter. You don't realize how much "stuff" you have until you have to put it all in boxes and move it somewhere.

Take care,
Deb, I'm embarrassed to say we think the camper might have been unlocked. there was some scraping on the door edge that we didn't remember, but the lock works OK. it isn't a real hefty lock, has 2 parts to it. usually we keep one locked and not the other. we are so careful about keeping it locked, but it's possible it wasn't. we have kicked ourselves about 10,000 times for this but will never know for sure if this guy popped it open, or if we left it open. the only time we leave it unlocked is when we are actively loading or unloading for a trip. it is still on the truck and the truck was locked. if it was unlocked , it was a fluke. we keep our shed locked with a padlock, and our gate across the driveway closed but not locked unless we are gone. If we have the garage door open, we lock the door between the garage and the house if we can. plenty of stuff could get stolen from the garage but it isn't possible to never have the door open. it is so sad to never relax for a moment.

Deb that's a good system with the mamm. the hardest is the time gap between the procedure and the results. I usually have to wait a week to get a letter back.
the day got away from me yesterday and I didn't get a workout in.

diane sue there are such an incredible number of options for milk or milk-like beverages that I'm not surprised if stores try to weed out whatever isn't selling well.
Happy anniversary Lynda. I think DH and I are also coming up on 36 years. I need to do the math to check.
This was my investment club meeting day and the meeting was a bit longer than our usual 2 hours. We take turns hosting and always provide light refreshments. The husband of today's hostess likes to cook something very special for the group. Today he made eggs benedict and it was delicious.

I managed to get in a short workout this afternoon. I did a Pyramid Upper Body premix of up only and I skipped the abs.

I hope everyone is having a good day.

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