Hi, ladies. Sorry I’m late. I’ve been working on a rush job. It’s as far as I can take it until a colleague provides more info. Yesterday I did X10. Well, let’s say I used X10 as the basis for my cardio workout. I did one of the premixes that is about an hour long, changed all the high impact moves to low impact, and changed all of the weight exercises to cardio, LOL. I’ve done it several times before, and it works great.
Judy – thanks for the info about the foam rolling bonus. Maybe I’ll try it this weekend. I really like Functional Total Body too.
Valerie – I hope you had a good bike ride yesterday. Very cool how you met DH, and even better that because of it, you got to marry a guy with interests so similar to yours. I haven’t followed the Kroger/Albertson’s merger, but Kroger is the main grocery store out here – that and Walmart Supercenter, which I despise. Yay! You got a kitty! He sounds very pretty. I hope he fully adjusts soon so he can move into the main house with you.
Carolyn – Good job with Cardio Quick Fix yesterday and Functional Pilates today. LOL, there is nothing that will make me like that workout. But I’m glad you do!
Cathy – I’m glad you finished shopping before the snow hit. Trust me, the toenail removal, shots and all, was well worth it. See below if you want to know why.
Hi to Diane!
The Toenail Story: The nail on my right big toe was first “removed” way back when I was in the sixth grade, when my sister’s horse stomped on my foot. Please note that it was not my horse, who was far too nice to do something like that. My toe was a bloody mess when I took my shoe off, and dadgum, it ruined my favorite pair of socks! When it grew back the first time, it became ingrown, so a doc had to remove about a quarter of it. The nail never reattached to the nail bed. It always grew sort of up in an arch. And it was really thick, and grew very slowly. Because it grew so slowly and wasn’t attached to the bed, over the years (decades) skin grew into the nail bed. So I had to keep the nail cut shorter and shorter until last year I gave up and saw a podiatrist. He said yep, the nail needs to be removed. So we went through the process I described the other day. However, the acid didn’t kill the root, and the stupid nail grew back. It was headed straight into the skin that had overgrown the nail bed. So on Monday, off it came again! TMI, right?