Peanut butter

OK, I went back to the site and ordered 4 jars using my PayPal account. I wrote them another email saying not to process the credit card order request from the other day. Now I'll probably have 8 jars showing up on my doorstep. We'll see. I'll update on the taste of the stuff when it arrives. The idea of mixing water with powder to make my peanut butter just doesn't sound good, but usually whatever Hungry Girl likes I do too. So it's worth a shot.
--Jennifer :)
I checked out that Better n Peanut butter last night and decided against it since it was low in protein and had a lot of ingredients listed that led me to believe it's "processed" too much.

I will find the Naturally More this weekend and check that out. I usually stick with the organics...just peanuts and salt and they are all good.

I have to laugh too. But I have to add one more thing, my husband loves Jif Peanut Butter, he says it is soooooo smooth. He eats it with real butter. Man oh man, talk about calories. Fortunately it is not often.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Has anyone else ordered the PB2? I just wondered how long it was going to take to get here. The site didn't really give any indication.
I just ordered PB2 and no, there was no indication as to how long it would take. BTW, I was able to use my credit card as I don't have a PayPal account.

Please let us know what BP2 is like. If it would be good to cook with to give it flavor. I know it isn't that much protein, but protein powder would be good for that.

Can't wait to hear from you again, would love to know more about it.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I am so excited!!! I just ordered PB2 and can't wait to try it. Like I said in an earlire post, I loved PB as a kid, but have since cut back due to the high fat content and calories of regular PB. I can't wait to relive my childhood again with PB and Jelly sandwiches, and fluffernutter sandwiches and PB and Jelly toast. But I'm having trouble imagining this. It says that it is powered and that you can add water, but has the same consistency of regular PB. Does it tell you how much water to add? I'm having visions of adding too much water and having a runny PB sandwich.
I thought I'd update those who recently purchased PB2. I ordered mine on January 26th and still haven't received it. I emailed the company and got the reply posted below. Apparently they were totally bombarded when Hungry Girl featured the stuff. I'll let you know how I like it when it finally does arrive.
--Jennifer :)

Here's the email:

Dear Valued Customer,

Please excuse this email, but I felt it necessary to
communicate with everyone that has signed up with Bell
Plantation as a customer. I know that many of you are
having problems, problems with ordering, problems with
paying with credit cards, getting emails to us and
especially in calling us. I apologize for all of
these problems and can only tell you that we are
working very hard to correct all of them for the

We have fixed most of the problems now with the web
site, the credit card system, the addresses on the
confirmations and even the confirmation system itself.
We have taken out the email form that so many of you
had problems with and replaced it with our email
address so that you can just use your own software to
send an email.

The phone problem we have not worked out. The problem
that caused the initial crash of our web site and
ordering system is still overloading our phone and
answering service. According to our telephone system
(BellSouth) we are getting over 400 calls per day,
with a high volume of almost 1,000 calls in a single
day. We have two lines coming in for calls and there
are two people to answer the phone. For the ones that
get through to us, there are hundreds per day that get
sent to the answer system. The answering system can
only store about 75 calls before it is full, so it is
full very early in the day. We can't hope to answer
all of the messages that are left, but we answer as
many as we can.

I am answering 250 to 300 emails per day but can't
even keep up with what is coming in. Please bear with
me and I will get back to all of you.

We are indeed a real company and make all of our
products right here in our own plant. In the near
future we will have pictures of our plant on the web
site for all of you to see. We are shipping out about
500 orders per day now and speeding up on that. We
have hired a temp service to supply tempory workers to
help us get out the orders quickers. FedEx has sent
help to prepare forms and to load trucks. In the next
few days we hope to be sending out over a 1,000 orders
per day. We will build in any system necessary to
keep all of you, our customers, happy.

Before Hungry Girl wrote about us in her newsletter
she made the best understated comment I have ever
heard. She told us that we might see a bump in
demand. Wow, what an understatement, we have over
190,000 hits on our website, over 6000 phone calls and
thousands of emails, a slight bump. Hungry Girl has
quite a following.

Please bear with us and enjoy your PB2 and other
products when you get them. We will be totally caught
up on our order shipments in a few days and all of you
will have been notified by FedEx and us to confirm
shipment including a FedEx tracking number.

Thank you for giving us a chance.

J. C. Bell
Has anyone received their peanut butter yet?

Sheesh, I know they were overwhelmed but the accepted my money a month ago and I haven't received any Fed Ex confirmation let alone any peanut butter. Getting a little irritated at this point....
I got mine today. Taste great!!! I had a peanut butter and fluff sandwich and it taste just like a regular PB and Fluff. You can tell just a subtle difference, like you can tell a little bit by the taste that it has less fat, but it taste great. It says to mix 2 tablespoons of the powdered PB to 1 tablespoon water, but I had to add more of the powdered PB to get the right consistency. I mixed up a bunch of it using 2 cups of powedered PB with 1 cup water and put it in a tall ziploc container and put it in the fridge to hopefully help make it a little thicker.
Thanks for the update. I am hoping to receive my shipment soon! My email is down, so I won't know when, though (it'll be a surprise!)
OK, my son is down for the night, so I am free! Here's my review:

I like the stuff. It does taste like peanuts (I guess it should since that's what it's made of!). The consistency is just slightly different than peanut butter, but really ever so slightly. It didn't wow me though. I have to say that for me, Naturally More is by far my most favorite peanut butter ever. However, this stuff is perfect for when I am craving more. I eat Naturally More every single morning on Ezekial bread. Often, later in the day, I want more peanut butter (my most favorite food ever). This is where PB2 will come into play for me. I have been eating it with a little bit of Fiber One cereal. Today I added a spponful of Edy's/Dryer's Slow Churned Light Vanilla to the pb and Fiber One and it was yummy. Oh and yesterday I put some on my Vitatop. That was really good too. I would pick this stuff over Peanut Wonder/Better N PB any day. I had learned to like that stuff, but this is so much better.

PB2 will definitely become a regular item in my life. The calories are awesome for what you get. I'm just not dazzled by it. I can see how baking with it would be really great. I noticed the opposite of the previous poster in that I have to add a little extra water to mine to get it right. I love that I can mix exactly a serving. I always weigh my peanut butter, but you know how easy it is to take "just a little more". I am notorious for that. With PB2, making a serving solves that problem. I thought about making a big batch, but then I'd be tempted to eat more.

So, that's my take on it. I hope you guys like it. Please post your opinions when it arrives. Hopefully it will get to you soon. Take care!
--Jennifer :)
I just recieved 4 jars of PB2!! It is better than "Bettern'Peanut Butter, that is for sure. I just never really liked the super sweet taste of that stuff..which is probably good, because I don't eat too much of it!:)

The PB2 is pretty good though, I just like to eat it plain with a spoon, which is where portion control comes in:eek: I was a little wary when I opened the box up, powdered peanut butter just seems wrong, but its actually really good. A keeper.
In fact I ate some before my weight workout last night, and it really gave me a boost and satisfied my tummy all night long!!:p

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