Peanut butter

Better 'n Peanut butter at Trader Joe. Hm....I never tried it, thanks for postng I'm going to pick up a jar this weekend. I loveeeeeeeeeee PB cant do without this stuff, keep a jar at work and home :p :p :p

Teddygirl, let me know what you think of it, I just went to the health food store today to get another jar of Peanut Wonder (same as Better'n PB @ trader joe) but here in IL we don't have those. Peanut Wonder makes a regular one & then a low sodium one -I've always got the regular one but today they were out so I got the low sodium, wondering if it will be as good!
Hi Jen - I think the Better 'n PB will take a little getting used to, it's different than regular, but really, pretty good. I always have it WITH something, so over time I don't think I'll mind it at all. Especially since this is the major source of my fat calories during the day! ;-)
Hi All!

Just wanted to chime in here... ground rules for nut butters: avoid hydrogenated oil and added sugar. Choose organic or natural brands. Almond Butter is also a very healthy one, but on the expensive side. I find natural almonds do just fine and you get more for your buck - just remember to get them w/o having been roasted as this cancels out all their wonderful health benefits!:9
Hey Dayna- Glad you like it enough to keep giving it a chance and you are correct it does take a little while to get used to. I wish it was higher in fiber/protein but for 100 cal & 2 grams of fat I'll take it, it makes a good sweet snack or treat!
Has anyone tried almond nut butter and cashew nut butter? They are really good, and full of nutrients! :)
I was also wondering about the peanut butter after seeing the post on the calendar. Do you feel that it's the protein in the PB that you crave after working out (especially with weights)? I follow a low fat diet and usually avoid peanut butter because of the high fat content, but the other day I had fixed my daughter a full PB& Fluff sandwich before popping in one of your DVD's. When I was done with the exercise, I saw that my daughter only ate half and the other half was left on the table. I couldn't resist it. I thought, wow, my muscles could use this. It was like a sudden craving. So I ate it and it really peased my craving. I'll have to try some of the other suggested PB's. Of course it's just in my nature to buy low fat PB, even though it's for the kids, so I already have the low fat skippy and Jif.
Not Cathe here.
Does anyone besides me find it funny how many posts there are about peanut butter on a website devoted to exercise? Besides giving us more of an excuse to eat them, I think regular exercise makes the foods we enjoy taste even better. Imagine how many posts there would be if someone started talking about chocolate. I now recall a newspaper article, some time in the last year or so, reporting on a study which found that chocolate is good for the heart. Reese's pieces anyone?
Reese's pieces are MY FAVORITE. I can't even get close to them though b/c I know I can't stop once I have one! I mean, come on peanut butter & chocolate together, what are they trying to do to us!!!! :)
After reading this thread I went to WalMart and purchased Natrually More. I love it! Even my kids like it - and they routinely turn there nose up at 'natural' peanut butter. I have gotten them to use Skippy Natural up to now. Not sure I'll convert them to this one - that's OK - more for me.;)
All this talk of peanut butter is making me hungry, I prefer Jif no matter what it is.
I just got home from a trip to Walmart to buy Naturally More PB and they didn't have itx(

I'm in MN....anybody find it here? I've been to a couple health food stores and even more grocery stores and no-one carries it. I'm intrigued by this product and would love to try it.

Hi, I am not sure where in Il you live. But I just purchased Better N Peanutbutter at Jewel. Also there is a Trader Joe on Lagrange Road and one on Roosevelt Rd. I am not sure if that is still considered Lombard or Glen Ellyn.

I live in IL & while I haven't looked at Walmart myself when I read this post the first time Naturally More was mentioned I knew my Mom was at Walmart-I had her look for it & no such luck. I also looked for it at the health food store where I get Peanut Wonder & they didn't carry either. In an earlier post on this thread someone mentioned they had to ship it to a friend b/c where she lived she couldn't find it either... wonder if she is in the midwest also!x(

However, if you go their website, it appears they are based in St. Louis which is only about 2 hours from me so you'd think I'd be able to find it! is the website for them, if you click on purchase it gives a number to call.

Hope that helps!
>Has anyone tried almond nut butter and cashew nut butter?
>They are really good, and full of nutrients! :)

I adore almond nut butter. I mix a teaspoon with a teaspoon of real maple syrup and put it in my oatmeal..... or on a rice cake.

I feel like I am having a breakfast sundae with no guilt...
Fellow peanut butter lover here! I most enjoy the Smuckers Natural with the honey already in the jar:9

But I did see that, like Naturally More, there is another product called "Power Butter" that has the same nutritional profile as Naturally More, but is easier to find and purchase online. You can get it on Amazon or I can't say how it compares b/c I've never had either, but if you can't get Naturally More in your area it might be worth checking out.

Not Cathe here,but I just purchased peanut wonder and WOW,Im impressed, I love it! It's addictive.

I didn't like the natural pb, I tried smuckers natural and just couldn't do it.

but i can definitly deal with this one!

Thanks Mattea, I will have to check that out on

Amy - Yes Peanut Wonder is soo good but addictive! Just to let you know the last time I went to purchase the store only had the low sodium one in stock so I got it, I really can't tell a difference so I think I'll start buying it on a regular basis. Just thought I'd share!

I have just found my new found love for smuckers natural peanut butter with no trans fats and minimum sugar. :p


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