Peanut butter

A Match Made in Heaven

Better'NPeanut Butter and a small container Dannon plain yogurt! Finally found a healty mid-afternoon office snack. I love the low-calorie idea of this brand but still want to try Naturally More if I can ever find it.

Question -- I have to remember to let the butter stand at room temperature for at least an hour to soften it up before I can mix it into the yogurt. Anyone have any brilliant solutions as to how to soften it enough to mix it into whatever?
Normandy, just microwave it for 30-45 seconds depending on how much you are eating. I have found that over 45 turns the pb chalky like. Good luck!
I eat the Smuckers Natural also, but I'm out so I believe I might try Naturally More. I also enjoy half of a PB & honey sometimes after a workout and for some reason it hits the spot.
>Normandy, just microwave it for 30-45 seconds depending on
>how much you are eating. I have found that over 45 turns the
>pb chalky like. Good luck!

Thanks for the tip -- I was afraid to use the microwave for this but will now. I try (!!!!) and limit myself to 1 heaping tablespoon per container yogurt. Am really happy about the low calorie, low fat and low salt content in this brand.
Shortly following the original post about peanut butter I mentioned to Mom about how chatty everyone here on the forum was on the subject. I gave her my 2 cents on the subject and how my DH and 5 yr old daughter enjoy the stuff. We are big time consumers. Jif is our present brand. To my surprise,
Oh my! Mom bestowed a 9 lb bucket of organic peanut butter to me for my birthday which is tomorrow. How lucky am I?
another vote for Smuckers All Natural here, however, I also drain all the oil off the top. I don't mind it dry-- I actually find I prefer it that way now and can't stand regular pb... I wish I knew the nutritional value of ANPB when you drain the oil off the top?! LOL
I buy Power Peanut Butter... at Gnc.. it has more protein ..
I have built a lot of muscle eating peanut butter ( ok ok and whey protein -- most of all CLEAN EATING)

I MAKE sweet potato muffins with peanut butter !
Hey Everyone, found Naturally More for purchase online!

I wanted to tell you that I went back to my local health food store and they were out of Naturally More. The manager was supposed to get back to me about when they'd be getting more if at all (the space on the shelf where they had it was filled with a different product :(). Anyway, I went back online and the Natually More site now has a link to purchase it! I know I'm not crazy and that a few weeks ago it wasn't there. I remembr looking to buy it online. Anyway, I ordered 12 jars for $39.99 not inlcuding shipping. I can't wait for them to come!! The tracking number tells me it will arrive on 1/23. Here's the link:

Click on Purchase on the left. Then click on the link to shop online. So excited! I'll post this on the newer PB thread on the Open Forum. Take care!
--Jennifer :)
I found this on
"Oh boy -- are you in luck! Your timing could not POSSIBLY have been better (and not just because today is National Peanut Butter Day). While I am a fan of Better 'n Peanut Butter (also sold as Peanut Wonder), I know that it works better in recipes than it does straight, and that it tastes a little bit more like pb & jelly than straight peanut butter. That's why my head almost exploded when I recently found PB2. PB2 is my newest peanut butter obsession. Basically, it's just powdered peanut butter. Now before you get all freaked out and upset at the sound of it, listen to what I have to say. There's a company in Georgia called Bell Plantation. And they make cool, unconventional peanut stuff. Well, they have found a way to extract practically all of the oil and fat from peanuts when they roast and grind 'em down. The result is a fine, insanely delicious-smelling, peanut butterlicious powder that is EXTREMELY versatile. You can add water to it and essentially turn it into low-cal, low-fat peanut butter (2 tbsp. of the stuff has ju st 54 calories and less than 3g of fat). OR you can use it cleverly in recipes and make peanut buttery smoothies, cakes, hot cocoa, ice cream sundae toppings, etc. The possibilities are endless. I literally spent an entire Saturday night experimenting with this stuff and had the BEST time (it was not nearly as pathetic as it sounds, I promise). I will DEFINITELY be featuring this stuff a lot on HG. I have big plans for it. So keep an eye out for recipes that call for it. They're on the way. BTW, PB2 is hard to find in stores, but it's sold online. Order some now so you're stocked up once the recipes roll out! Have fun!:9
Hi Jennifer,

Thank you so very much for this information. I went to this site and it sounds like a great way to use in recipes. I can think of cookies, muffins, bars..... Do you happen to know how large or amount of this you would be getting? 16 oz. 32 oz.?


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter
$3.43 (Minimum Order 4)
Made with USA grown peanuts that are slow-roasted and pressed to remove fat. All natural with no additives. PB2 has the same consistency as full fat peanut butter with all of the natural roasted peanut flavor but with 75% less fat calories.

Strangely, there is no indication of how big the jar of PB2 is. I just sent them an email to find out.
Hi, Jen -- Why is it so hard to get the nutritional info? It took forever to download and I finally cancelled it. Do you have that info -- sodium, sugar content, etc? Also, do you know what the shipping charge is for the basic order? Sounds like a great idea!
The day the Hunry Girl email came out about PB2, I tried to order 4 jars. It was 7:00am when I did it. I got as far as creating a username and password and entering in all my info including credit card number. On the last step to confirm the order, an error came up. I tried it three times to no avail. So, I emailed the company all my info and have not heard a word. Interestingly, when I went back to try it again yesterday, there is no longer an option to use a credit card. Also, the first time on the site it said there were 670 something jars left in stock. Yesterday it said there were over fourteen thousand. Still no email though. I'll let you know if I hear something.
--Jennifer :)

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