Paris Hilton is sentenced to 45 Days in Jail

> She did want to get caught....She was driving through a place
> where every tabloid photographer and police are in abundance,
>but Miss Paris *thinks* she is ABOVE the law????

I would say in general people who are drunk don't think clearly and logically. I had a couple of times where I took the keys from otherwise intelligent and down-to-earth friends who happened to have a few too many drinks and still thought they could drive.

I would say alcohol impairs our judgement quite a bit. I just don't understand the "gotcha" attitude!

Oh, and she didn't get a break, she is going to jail!

I'm not defending her, but there are murderers, rapists and child molesters walking free on the streets right this very minute. Maybe they should be in jail and more time and money should be spent on putting the real violent criminals behind bars. I'm not saying driving drunk is okay or violating your probation is okay, but I would rather a rapist or child molester be caught and incarcerated than someone driving on a suspended license.
>I would say in general people who are drunk don't think
>clearly and logically. I had a couple of times where I took
>the keys from otherwise intelligent and down-to-earth friends
>who happened to have a few too many drinks and still thought
>they could drive.

Carola here is a link for you so you know more about what happened

>I would say alcohol impairs our judgement quite a bit. I just
>don't understand the "gotcha" attitude!

I KNOW alcohol impairs your judgement....that is why you do NOT drink and drive!!

As far as the "gotcha" attitude.....I don't gotcha???

>I KNOW alcohol impairs your judgement....that is why you do
>NOT drink and drive!!

No, I don't drink and drive, but I did make mistakes when I was younger.

Isn't it great that we all NEVER make ANY mistakes or screw up? We should all be really proud of ourselves for being perfect }(

>I'm not defending her, but there are murderers, rapists and
>child molesters walking free on the streets right this very
>minute. Maybe they should be in jail and more time and money
>should be spent on putting the real violent criminals behind
>bars. I'm not saying driving drunk is okay or violating your
>probation is okay, but I would rather a rapist or child
>molester be caught and incarcerated than someone driving on a
>suspended license.

Paris Hilton could have killed someone. Her license got suspended for a reason. BTW when she was caught driving on her suspended lincense....She was speeding and driving without her lights on at 11pm???

As far as the murdering goes Paris could have murdered someone, so you should be happy that starting June 5 we will be safe from her:7

She sure is making a bad name for herself. Poor thing.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

>As far as the murdering goes Paris could have murdered
>someone, so you should be happy that starting June 5 we will
>be safe from her:7
Yup, she could have murdered someone, but she didn't. And by the way, I have been driving without my lights on with a 0.0 blood alcohol level and ALL of us have been speeding at one time or another. So let's not pretend we are all so innocent. I have had times where I look at my speedometer and oooppss, I am driving too fast!!!

I just don't understand why we are coming down on her so hard. Halle Berry had a hit-and-run and I don't remember anyone showing that schadenfreude that I see with Paris Hilton.

Let's just hope that Ms. Hilton learned her lesson. I still think she needs help and jail does NOT help!

Yes she deserves to go to jail. She was on a suspended lisence for 90 days for that incident. She is going to jail because she was caught driving TWICE on a suspended lisence during that 90 day period and for not showing up to Alchol counseling in February like she was supposed to. If she had done everything by the rules, she wouldn't be facing this jail time.

Second, her jail time isn't that bad. She will be kept from other prisoners because of her "status". She will probably only have contact with one other inmate. 45 days isn't that long. She'll survive. I have no pity for her whatsoever. Hopefully this will make her mature some.

>Come on, ladies, give the girl a break!
>Before you throw sticks and stones at me, no, there is no
>defense to drunk driving, does she deserve to go to jail for
>violating her probation? Yes, absolutely! But let's be honest
>here, most of us were young and dumb at some point, doing
>things we probably shouldn't have done. She just got caught.
>I feel sorry for her, all of her money doesn't really bring
>her happiness either, does it? She looks more like a little
>girl lost.
If she was dumb enough (or ballsy enough) to drive while her license was suspended, then yes, she deserves the sentence but not sympathy. She's not a kid - she's 26 years old. If anyone of us had done this, we would have the book thrown at us. Let's hope she learns her lesson and that other celebrities see, too, that they are not as untouchable as they sometimes seem to be in courts of law.

-Cathy :)
Can they send her to jail in outer space and keep her there? People like her must have a negative effect on young girls.. boys too. If i ever here "i'm hot "thats hot" again i will loose it!
American this all the news can talk about? Anna Nicole and now Paris?

Enough is enough!

This is why I don't like to watch the news.

(also the Iraq stories set off my day with depression!!!)

A little off the Paris topic but............Anyone who has a family member or friend serving in Iraq:
God bless them all. I am thankful for them and pray for them.
My husband and I have a close friend there now, and I pray everyday for his safe return.

We need to focus on the positive when it comes to American news!

>How can you people be so uncaring and unsympathetic. This is
>a young lady who will have to endure 45 days without a party,a
>drink, a fight with Lindsay Lohan , sex and making
>pornographic videos. Where is your compassion! The
>Wonder what her gynecologist will do for those 45 days because
>I am sure she is on speed dial.
:) HA HA!
I caught a bit of some TV commentators talking about this, saying that because of the crowded prison situation, Paris will probably be serving her time on weekends, and if there is no room on certain weekends, she'll be told to come back the following one.

Sounds odd to me. And a bit pointless (though I guess for her, ruining her weekend partying habits would be good).

They also said that perhaps her sentence could be commuted to community service, but I can't imagine a community service activity that would teach her a lesson and be punishment enough (unless it would be serving as a nurse's aid in a ward full of car accident victims, so she can see the possible consecuences of her actions).
>Sounds odd to me. And a bit pointless (though I guess for
>her, ruining her weekend partying habits would be good).

I don't think she waits for the weekend, does she? I mean, afterall, it's not like she has a job!

No sympathy from me. She has to pay the price just like anyone else would.


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