

Oprah is talking about her weight gain on the entertainment shows and also it will be featured in the January issue of O magazine. Since she's talking about it I thought I would put in my two cents and ask the people here what comments they have about it.

First of all she has been up and down with her weight for what 30 years?? When she lost the weight this last time (when she showed her abs on the cover of her magazine) her exercise routine and diet was so extreme I don't even think a fitness professional could maintain that schedule. She worked out 6 days a week did cardio twice a day (i think 45 mins each) she did weight training 3 times a week, and I think she was also running and ab training. I know I have a print out of her workout schedule somewhere, but I also remember that she said she was eating lean protein and leafy greens with one piece of fruit a day. I think it would be virtually impossible to maintain the weight loss that she had from this workout and I guess that's why she gained it back.

She has some thyroid issues, but beyond that I think she pretty healthy. She's really being hard on herself and putting herself down. She said she felt like a cow when she was on stage with Tina Turner and Cher but hey, they make money off the way they look and they could put some 20 year olds to shame! They need to work out and stay in shape just to do their jobs....Oprah has a day job, she has great curves and I think she should just accept that she is a full figured gal and just try to cut back on the comfort food just a little and work out just once a day along with strength training. You know...the stuff Cathe says to do. Maybe we need to send her a link for STS, she would probably like it. What do you guys think?
Is she ever NOT talking about her weight? :confused:

I do think that Oprah is meant to be a full-figured woman, that's just her genetics. In fact, I think she looks better now than when she lost all that weight and got to a size 8 (years ago, when she was on that liquid diet protein diet).

For someone that many people look up to and admire (and sometimes worship, it seems!) she certainly is insecure on this issue. And she's resorted to some drastic means (like the liquid protein diet) to try to lose weight. (Not a particularly good role model, IMO).

If she weren't a television personality, on screen (where, as they always say, the camera adds 10#), she might actually feel more contented with herself. Also, if she's comparing herself to some of the very thin women who've been on her show (like Gwyneth Paltrow), she's bound to feel bigger. (I think even regular-sized women would!).
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I have always thought that her PT Bob Greene had her on a too extreme workout and diet schedule, setting her up for failure and yoyo dieting or binging yet again.

His plan in my opinion is way too low in fat, too low in calories for the amount of exercise and can't be sustained over the long run. I thought all along that this was a recipe for disaster. I am not at all surprised!!!

Aside from that I lost all respect for Bob Greene after his involvement with some very questionable food companies like McDonalds, etc.

I feel bad for her though, it is a very public struggle for her and that can't be easy.
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I feel bad for her though, it is a very public struggle for her and that can't be easy.

Ditto. I think she is beautiful at whatever size. From what you all are saying about her workout routine, it does sound a bit overboard -- cardio twice a day?!?!

Trainer Bob Greene Shows No Mercy

Cardiovascular Workouts
Six mornings a week: Forty-five minutes of aerobic exercise, including at least two of the following: power walking on a graded treadmill (up to 10 percent), jogging, elliptical exercise, stair-stepping or rowing.

Four or five evenings a week (before dinner): A 20-minute workout using one of the above exercises. These sessions gave Oprah a chance to reflect on her progress toward her goals.

Once a week: On a day with no strength training, Oprah replaced her usual aerobic exercise with a 75-minute run.

Strength Training
Four or five times a week: Thirty to 40 minutes of strength training, usually two days in a row, followed by a day off. Oprah preferred to train before her aerobic workout. Her warm-up: a 15-minute power walk.

Day One
Squats: Three sets of ten using 50 pounds of weight. Remember: This is a customized program; these weights may not be appropriate for everyone. (Works the buttocks, quadriceps and hamstrings.)
Leg extensions: Three sets of ten using 60 pounds. (Quadriceps.)
Leg curls: Three sets of ten using 60 pounds. (Hamstrings.)
Chest presses: Three sets of ten using 50 pounds. (Chest.)
Incline presses: Three sets of ten using 40 pounds at a 45-degree angle. (Upper chest.)
Lat pulls: Three sets of ten using 50 pounds. (Upper back.)
Seated pull-downs: Three sets of ten using 50 pounds. (Biceps, chest, and shoulders.)
Standing flies: Three sets of ten using 20 pounds. (Chest.)
Seated rows: Three sets of ten using 50 pounds. (Back and shoulders.)
Back extensions: Three sets of ten on a back-extension device or a Roman chair. (Lower back.)

Day Two
Shoulder presses: Three sets of ten using ten-pound dumbbells. (Shoulders and upper back.)
Lateral raises: Three sets of ten using ten-pound dumbbells. (Shoulders.)
Frontal raises: Three sets of ten using ten-pound dumbbells. (Shoulders and arms.)
"Thumbs down" raises: Three sets of ten using five-pound dumbbells. (Shoulders—rotator cuff—and arms.)
Standing cable-cross curls: Three sets of ten using 20 pounds. (Biceps.)
Rotary torso: Three sets of ten on each side using 20 pounds. (Abs—obliques.)
Back extensions: Three sets of ten. (Lower back.)

Abdominal work
Every Day
Incline crunches: Three sets of 30 at three increasingly difficult inclines.

After every workout, Oprah did stretches for her whole body, although 80 percent of them focused on her legs.

Before you try an intense exercise program, consult a trainer and your doctor.
Aside from that I lost all respect for Bob Greene after his involvement with some very questionable food companies like McDonalds, etc.

I feel bad for her though, it is a very public struggle for her and that can't be easy.

I've read Bob Greene's work and I agree Carola --- I'm not a fan of his at all. I know over the years, whether you like Oprah or not, some folks here have urged her to get some attention for Cathe. Let's face it, many more people have access to home DVD's than gym memberships. Yet, I've never really seen Oprah delve into that niche (granted, I cannot say that I watch her much.)

I also feel badly for her. I, and many of us here, know what a huge struggle weight loss, and then maintenance can be, but to have your issues made so public has to be excruciating. I have always admired folks who carry their weight well with confidence, poise, and beauty - no matter what the size. I am one who has zero confidence in my appearance, always thinking I am way too fat and that everyone who looks at me has the initial thought "she should lose some weight." I cannot imagine what it must me like to deal with those issues before such a large public. And even though Oprah has those shows that talk about self-acceptance, I have to wonder if she really "is there" herself. Kind of sad.
Ah, I love Oprah, and yeah...it kills me to see her struggle publicly with this. After her last drastic weight loss a few years ago, she had a show where she gave away racks of her clothing to audience members. I remember thinking, "Oh, no. You are kidding yourself if you think you're going to maintain this."

I wish she would overcome this mentally and emotionally.
First, I'm not an Oprah person. Not an indictment of her, I just don't care for any talk shows on TV or radio.

That said, you know what's missing from Oprah's routine as posted above? FUN!! Where's the fun stuff?? Kickboxing, step aerobics, hi lo, Zumba, Turbo jam, hip hop abs, barre work, spinning, you name it. It's all grind your face stuff--who the hell wants to do that 6 days a week? She needs cardio coach for machines and some classes in a gym to get her groove on. Try kettlebells or crossfit or bootcamps. Maybe even some dvds! All work and no play makes Oprah an unhappy woman.

I actually don't think her routine was that outrageous or harsh, but I bet a woman used to being in charge like her just HATES to be told what to do every frickin' day.

Look, I just finished Amy's KBX. (Well, 62 minutes of it then I surrendered.) But I was HAPPY while I was doing it. Amy's adorable, the music is pumping, the kicks are flying. It's all good! I love fun cardio and I don't think Oprah was having any fun at all which is the surest way to burn out on exercise and make it drop to 1000 on your priority list.

I think she needs another trainer.
Hi all-

While I'm not a huge fan of Oprah, I definitely have a ton of respect for all that she has accomplished in her career as well as her charitable work.

I hope I don't get too flamed for this, but I don't feel that sorry for her. She has access to top notch personal trainers, chefs that could make her the finest, "cleanest" cuisine in the world, and a personal assistant to help her fit exercise into her schedule. There has got to be something else going on here...

Because I don't know all of the details on what she has done to fight her battle with weight, does she ever mention talking to a therapist about compulsive eating issues? With the access to all of the above, it has to be more than just genetics.

I myself come from bad genetics and my body type isn't one that is meant to be thin. However, with exercise and a clean diet, I've managed to keep my body fit, strong, and healthy without the help of personal trainers and chefs. Its a struggle and its frustrating, but it can be done. And I'm sure that there are a whole lot of other cathe members that are in the same boat as me.

Take care, Lynn M.
That said, you know what's missing from Oprah's routine as posted above? FUN!! Where's the fun stuff?? All work and no play makes Oprah an unhappy woman.

I think she needs another trainer.

I totally agree. I was looking at Greene's program and thought were the heck is the fun???? His food plan makes me want to run and hide and the exercise plan is as no-fun as it gets and I do think two workouts a day are ridiculous.

Maybe to get someone jump started but it certainly is not a sustainable program for long-term. Not only because of the burnout factor but also time. Aside from the fact that it would be nice to have a life aside from working 10, 12 or more hours and working out for 2 or 3 hours.

Unless you are training for a movie like Hillary Swank did for Million Dollar Baby, or train for a marathon or other specific goal on a more short-term basis 2 or more hours of exercise every day are not sustainable, useless and in fact will make you quit eventually.
There is only 7 days in a week how the heck is it possible to do this:

"Strength Training
Four or five times a week: Thirty to 40 minutes of strength training, usually two days in a row, followed by a day off. Oprah preferred to train before her aerobic workout. Her warm-up: a 15-minute power walk. "
My grandmother and I were talking about this earlier today. Oprah has access to professionals of all kinds, and she still has issues with this. It appears that she has never approached this problem as something she needs to address for the rest of her life. It's one thing to work out like a madwoman and restrict calories to lose weight in the short term. Of course she would get burned out after a while. She has to make permanent changes that she can live with for the rest of her life, not just a quick fix. And if the people she's hired can't help her with this, then she needs new people. Or just try a little common sense and research of her own.

And Lorrie, there is NO way that you are fat, and NO, I have never once thought to myself that you need to lose weight. You look great, dahling!!:D
I have to admit that i really can't stand Oprah.

With regards to her struggle with her weight, until she learns to let go emotionally she will always have this problem no matter how much money, top notch chefs, personal training she gets. This has been a pattern in her life where she yo-yos up and down drastically. Until she deals with her psychological and other issues she will continue this pattern.

Maybe she should keep a low profile with her dieting and excercise as well. I mean obviously the public will notice when she gains and loses weight and maybe her fans really look at her for inspiration but the reality is she has not maintained it long term so maybe she should not make it such a huge topic on her show.

I understand she has a lot of fans and they look up to her as a role model so sorry if i have offended anyone. This is just my opinion.
In the grand scheme of things, who cares how much Oprah weighs? Oprah gives away millions to charities, sets up a girls school in Africa, and was probably at least partly responsible for getting Obama elected. Who cares if she's 100 pounds, 200 pounds or 300 pounds? And why is she apologizing to us? If anything, she's showing us she's human. We've all lost weight and gained it back, haven't we? Why should she be any different?

The sad thing would be if she gave up. If she tried a new activity, or researched a more easy-to-follow meal plan, maybe she'll feel a little better. It should be about living a healthy HAPPY life, not being a certain weight or a certain size.

I totally agree. I was looking at Greene's program and thought were the heck is the fun???? His food plan makes me want to run and hide and the exercise plan is as no-fun as it gets and I do think two workouts a day are ridiculous.

Maybe to get someone jump started but it certainly is not a sustainable program for long-term. Not only because of the burnout factor but also time. Aside from the fact that it would be nice to have a life aside from working 10, 12 or more hours and working out for 2 or 3 hours.

Unless you are training for a movie like Hillary Swank did for Million Dollar Baby, or train for a marathon or other specific goal on a more short-term basis 2 or more hours of exercise every day are not sustainable, useless and in fact will make you quit eventually.

Yep. I'm with you guys. I re-instituted my favorite old Firm routines just so I could break a sweat without feeling punished and it has been so much fun. What Bob Greene is doing I think he's partly doing out of annoyance with his friend, whom he's been hearing whine forever. His program is a lot like The Biggest Loser (and you can bet nearly all of them will gain it all back again, too). I think Oprah has never really dealt with her father's blind eye to her childhood molestation (if such a betrayal can even be dealt with) and that's at the root of all her negative self issues. But, getting back to the main point: She's said she "hates" exercise and a torturous program, with no fun factor, is never the route to making an exercise hater into an exercise lover. But I agree with others that she has access to all manner of help but that she needs to stop comparing herself to beanpoles like Gwyneth "Stick-figure" Paltrow.
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In the grand scheme of things, who cares how much Oprah weighs? Oprah gives away millions to charities, sets up a girls school in Africa, and was probably at least partly responsible for getting Obama elected. Who cares if she's 100 pounds, 200 pounds or 300 pounds? And why is she apologizing to us? If anything, she's showing us she's human. We've all lost weight and gained it back, haven't we? Why should she be any different?

The sad thing would be if she gave up. If she tried a new activity, or researched a more easy-to-follow meal plan, maybe she'll feel a little better. It should be about living a healthy HAPPY life, not being a certain weight or a certain size.



I think Oprah is beautiful no matter what her weight is. She is an incredible, giving person who contributes to this life. Her weight has nothing to do with the person she is.
Totally Agree! She is beautiful no matter how much she weights!
I love everything she has done for so many people! I agree with her needing "fun" in her workouts! She definatly should try Cathe!:)

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