One leg sit-and- stands?


I'm sure this has been covered because i can't be the only one with a problem with these but I can't find it with search. How the heck are these done? I can't get up without major arm swings for momentum, which I'm quite sure is not good form. would a lower chair height help? I'm pretty short and am finding this an impossible move.... suggestions?
thank you so much! that is just what I hoped existed. I KNEW I could not be the only one with a problem with that move. I will be doing the suggested alternative at least for a while.
Chair height is crucial on this one. If you notice, Cathe's upper leg and lower leg are at an angle MORE than 90 degrees. When she is sitting on her chair her hips are at a height higher than her knees. For me, to get the same angle with my legs that Cathe has, my weight bench is the perfect height for me.

I am at least 5 to 6 inches taller than Cathe so your height will definitely play a factor in the height of what you are sitting on.

Don't get me wrong though - the right chair height will only enable you to do them but they are one tough little move! There is always a dread factor for me when I get to these but now that I have been doing them awhile I cannot tell you how much easier they have become. Not easy - just easier :p!

Good luck!
I'm 5'3" so pretty close to Cathe's height but regardless I can't do them. with my chair, I feel like I'm close to level. I had trouble with wall squats at first and couldn't go down far enough to get the weight but now I can, so I think this is just another instance of doing an "adjusted" move for a while until I can do it correctly. Thank you, it's a journey!
Oh gosh - yes - those wall squats!!! I couldn't do them either at first!!! She really throws some good stuff at us in STS doesn't she?

I really love STS and feel like the program gives real strength gains.
I dreaded those wall squats the first time through. By then end of the program I could do them - :eek: I was amazed.
Chair height is crucial on this one. If you notice, Cathe's upper leg and lower leg are at an angle MORE than 90 degrees. When she is sitting on her chair her hips are at a height higher than her knees. For me, to get the same angle with my legs that Cathe has, my weight bench is the perfect height for me.

I am at least 5 to 6 inches taller than Cathe so your height will definitely play a factor in the height of what you are sitting on.

Don't get me wrong though - the right chair height will only enable you to do them but they are one tough little move! There is always a dread factor for me when I get to these but now that I have been doing them awhile I cannot tell you how much easier they have become. Not easy - just easier :p!

Good luck!

Seconding this!!! This first time through, I tried using my step, and absolutely could not do them, weight or no weight. This time, I'm using my bench, and although it's a tough move I can do it with weight. It's a trick of both height and getting the 'up' motion coming right from the glute. BTW, with practice I can now go a little lower in the seat I use, but it's harder; that would be another way to toughen up the move. Not that it needs it :eek:
Tomorrrow is legs again, so I'll try the modification Cathe shows. I have the same trouble with the wall squats. I have to go too low to set down the weights and can't get up. I prefer to think my arms are too short...

extending and planting my feet further from the wall helps a lot, so I'll try with weight this time.
haha, my husband laughed at me the first time I tried those! I coulndn't do the sit-and-stands at all!.... I got it by the second time through (at least 3 or 4 of them) =)
I have REALLY bad knees and have such a hard time with these. Now I know why I never could water ski....I can't get up. I don't use any weight and I place my heel on the floor. I know it is not how you are supposed to do it but it is THE only way I can!!!

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