One fav. of Turbo Jam?


I tried the very first Turbo Jam and ended up returning it. I'm thinking about giving it another try. Which ONE workout is your favorite? I was sort of thinking about trying Cardio Party 3... Thoughts?

I do not have the first TJ set of workouts, but I do have the Maximum Results package and the new ball workouts. I have heard that the first set is more instructional (?), perhaps not nearly advanced enough for those looking for a challenge. The newer workouts have received better reviews.

My personal fav is Cardio Party 3. I love this workout because of the music...the moves REALLY go well with the music and the time flies by!! Also, from the maximum results package is Punch, Kick & Jam which is more "athletically" driven as opposed to dancy, which is also a lot of fun.

Neither of these workouts are as hard as say KPC, BUT, good workouts nonetheless and certainly worth looking into.
Thanks for your input Rose. I think I'll give Cardio Party 3 a try. I like this type of music. It definitely helps with the fun factor!
The only TJ I havent sold is the 40 minute Fat Blaster ... Its an Interval and I love it when I dont want a long Interval to do
My favorites are Total Body Blast (from the new "on the ball" series) and Cardio Party 3.

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