OMG The clips are up

I use Firefox exclusively (and not 'incontinent exploder') and could view the clip without any problems. ;-)
Those look like so much fun. I can't wait! I will be doing alot of previewing some of those step moves though. That's what makes Cathe so fun! The w/outs never get boring.
All I can say is WOW! Some of the moves look a little tricky. I hope she breaks them down a little first or it'll take me forever to get them right.

I am so excited! She has really pushed it to another level. what is that- elite advanced? I can't wait to try!
Okay, I just watched 'em again with sound. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the music!!! It's my kinda stuff:) And wow, those step combos look challenging, don't they?


Now we just need a blog entry telling us they're shipping!

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