omegas 3's


New Member
I have a question!
I really dont eat much seafood.
I try to eat tuna once a week, but i really want to get the good fats incorporated in my diet. i know omegas' 3 r really good and i also hear flax seed caps r good to subsitute if you dont eat lots of fish. my question is do i do the supplement and how much Grams of it do i need. also, do i cut back on the healthy fats cause im using supplements.
can someone give me info on this.
like how my mgs i need
and what type of supplement to get
I read you should take 1 or 2 tablespoons of the flaxseed oil everyday. That's what the "Fat Flush" lady says...I forgot her name. I saw her on Dr. Phil. The oil should be refrigerated and should be in the dark bottle ( I don't know why) It tastes really nasty, but it's just for a reminds me of when I was a kid and had to take my medicine....hehe

Don't stop eating good fats.:7
If you get the book "Before the Change: Taking Charge of your perimenopause" by Ann Louise Gittleman you can read all about Omeg 3's and 6's and healthy fats in her chapter 5 "Healing Oils".

There's simply too much informaion to go into it all here. Her book is at, so you could browze it there. She is a trained nutritionist. And you do not have to be in perimenopause to get a wealth of information from this book that is useful If you are beyond the age of 29, this book can be useful to you.

Personally I take both Fish oil capsules and the Flax oil capsules from the naturemade range, to combat recent hormonal imbalnce and hair problems. 2 capsules of each type is plenty. It seems better to take the capsules separately, because most companies do not make a single capsule that contains the required amounts of the omegas 3, 6 and 9. I just spread them out through the day, and there's no nasty taste or fishy smell. Rite Aid always have half price offers on these products too in the Naturemade range. Do you have a store near you?

I grind a tablespoon or two of flax seed and put it on cereal or yogurt almost every day. I use a coffee grinder. Walnuts and pumpkin seeds are also good. I use them in snacks or to top hot cereal.

Ground flax seed tastes much better than flax oil and you get the fiber too.
I'm with Mogambo: buy fresh flax seeds (the "golden flax" tastes best) and grind about 1/2 cup at a time, to use over the course of several days. It will keep fresh much longer than the oil. And you get the benefits of the fiber as well.

I like to put a tablespoon or so of ground flax on my oatmeal, and top with maple syrup and soy milk.

There are also cereals and bakery items that have flax in them. "Natural Ovens of Mannitowoc (sp?)" is a brand that uses flax in a lot of products.

FYI: A non-fish derived omega-3 supplement called OmegaZen is available from . It gets its Omega-3 from algae, which is where fish get THEIR omega 3 in the first place.
I take Flax Seed Oil everyday in capsule form (vegetarian) and it has worked wonders for me. I was taking Glucosamine and it did nothing for me, so I started taking Flaxseed and it is great! My joints seem to recover more quickly since taking it. It is inexpensive and, in my humble opinion, a great compliment to my diet.
If you want the Flaxseed oil, the best one I found (didn't taste bad) is Jorge Cruise's you can find it in his website

Flaxseed meal is great. You can make your own and use 1 to 2 teaspoons in your yogurt, protein shakes, cereal, etc. Just make sure that if you make enough for several days that you keep it refrigerated because once ground it will loose its strength.

My mother used to make a drinking from flaxseed when I was growing up and I never thought that I was having anything that was so good for me.

Good luck.

Flaxseed – This is one of the best web sites I’ve ever found on the subject of flaxseed.

This link will take you to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) that is very informative.

This describes all technical information about Flaxseed.
Such as Why Flaxseed is a smart choice, The importance of Omega Fatty 3 acids for adults and children, and Immune system benefits.

This describes how to handle Flaxseed.

This describes the facts on Flaxseed.

Just my humble opinion.
The health care practictioner I am seeing just told me to start taking Essential Woman by Barlean. It is pricey but it looks like it has all the essential oils (omega 3's and 6's + more) you need in it. I found it at Whole Foods - about $24 for a bottle with 25 servings (1 tablespoon a serving). Doesn't taste bad - you can put it in a smoothie or on salad or chug it down alone.

That is great information! Thank you on behalf of all of us! That information is very important to get out, especially for athletes. (Like those who do Cathe videos) Thanks.
I was told that the Essential Woman is geared toward the older person; those getting close to the menopause age. At least, that's what a person at Barlean's told me. I take Barleans Twin Flax Seed Oil with Lignan. This is flax seed oil and borage oil. This doesn't taste as bad as straight flax seed oil.
Lorrayne - that's interesting....I'm only 27! I figure she knows what she's talking about though...I'll ask her about it when I see her next!
Also, you can get omega 3's from olive and canola oils, which should be the oils of choice when cooking (most people get far too many omega 6 vs. omega 3's in their diet, primarily because of using those "cooking oils" that contain mostly corn oil, which is high in omega 6).
Please let me know as I did initially buy the women's oil. However, I stopped when Barleans told me that I was too young to take this. However, I truly don't think it would hurt a younger woman to take the woman's oil as primrose oil is good for women of any age. In fact, studies show that primrose oil is excellent in reducing breast tenderness (I found that borage oil is more effective for me).

Lorrayne - I haven't spoken to my nurse about this yet but I was reading the description on the bottle and it says women of all ages! I don't think it'd hurt to take it if you're younger either.
I saw this cereal at Costco. I wanted to try it but was afraid did not taste good. I thik I will grab one and try it for myslef.
Another Nature's Path cereal that contains flax seeds is Optimum Power Breakfast. I like the taste a lot, but the flax seeds (and blueberries) tend to migrate to the bottom of the bag and all end up in your last bowlful. You have to get creative when pouring it to counter that.
Many of these cereals contain whole flax seeds. You can't digest those. They go right through you. Flax has to be ground before you get any benefit out of it.

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