Okay, What's the story behind your Cathe name?


For those who don't mind, could you please share?

Te Te (prounounce "T T")is what the little girl I took care of when I was a nanny called me. When she started to talk, she couldn't say "Teresa" and this is what came out. Of course, it only lasted about a year, and she's 21 now and has no recollection of ever calling me that, but I told so many of my friends about it that many of them call me that even now.

Another Teresa here! That is such a cute story. A little girl I babysat called me "Tree Tree" so I can relate. :) I never really liked my name and always secretly wanted to be called "Tess" so that's what I go by online, even though no one calls me that (except those who I've met from these and other boards). Oh and I live in Atlanta, so that's what the ATL means.
Mine is boring.... It's just my middle name and what my close friends call me. I'm not too original! ;)
Te Te is what my niece and nephews call me! My real name is Terri.

Sparrow is the title of one of my favorite books.


Even after all this time the earth never says to the sun, "you owe me." Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights the whole sky.

- Hafiz
Liann, at least you used your middle name. DebbieH...DUUUH! :7


Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie") http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/aktion/action-smiley-066.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Oh, my god...two of my friends used to call me "Tree!" One night YEARS ago we were out partying, and one of them was calling to me and she changed it a bit and yelled,"Tree Trunk!!!" It stuck with my party-girls. Now, I've always had an issue with my thighs, and even though i knew that my legs had nothing do do with the name (no, that can be blamed on large amounts of cheap beer), it wasn't my favorite nickname to say the least!
Another total unoriginal here (hey - Mama D!).. wait for it, wait for it... first intitial and maiden name (which is still what I use when I practice law). BUT -- my car license plate says 2SASSI -- now why didn't I use that?????

Cool thread!


Great thread Te Te. You actually cleared up an argument I had with my sister, who thought it was pronounced "Tay Tay". Oh, how I love to be right! Cute story about the name too. My mom's name is Theresa too and her neighbor's little boy also called her "Te Te". Actually it was something like "Tante Te Te" because his mom was speaking to him mostly in Afrikaans, and the "Tante" was for aunt (she's not really his aunt though).

So my name, pixiesis, is pretty self explanatory. My sister, pixie9 was posting here for awhile before me, so I just kind of stole her name. As for the pixie9 name, I really don't know where she came up with that. Hopefully she'll come on and let us know.
>Oh, my god...two of my friends used to call me "Tree!" One
>night YEARS ago we were out partying, and one of them was
>calling to me and she changed it a bit and yelled,"Tree
>Trunk!!!" It stuck with my party-girls. Now, I've always had
>an issue with my thighs, and even though i knew that my legs
>had nothing do do with the name (no, that can be blamed on
>large amounts of cheap beer), it wasn't my favorite nickname
>to say the least!

I hear you. If anyone called me tree trunk I'd slap them upside the head. My mom likes to call me "TC" for some reason. I hate that. I don't mind just being called "T" though.
I always wondered if people thought it was "tete," which is French for "head." (hmm...seeing that written out has a lot worse connotation than it did when I was just thinking about it!)

I can't believe how many TeTes and people who know TeTes there are on this board!!! We should start a club!!
The story behind my Cathe name is this: when DH and DD were dropping me off at the airport for the 2007 RT, DD said to me "Mom, are your exer cited?? You know, "exer" because your going to exercise and "cited" cuz your excited to meet Cathe?". The look on her face was priceless. She was so proud of herself for thinking that up on the fly!! So when I told someone at the RT what she said (I think it was eriniski), she said that that should be my Cathe name. So there you go!

Prior to exer_cited, my Cathe name was step_a_holic, which I never really cared for and doesn't really come with a story. At least not one half as good as "exer_cited"!!!
Don't worry Te Te, it really doesn't look like tete. The way you capitalize both Ts and have a space between them helps, also you need a little "chapeau" accent ^ over the first e. Words missing their accents really don't look like the word, to me anyway.
Well, mine is super boring and unoriginal! I was trying to think of something more fun when I joined the boards, but my first name and last initial seemed easiest at the time!:)
Oooooooooooh, I did one of these threads eons ago and kept meaning to update it! Thanks Miss TeTe!

When Sophie was little, her great uncle went to Greece and brought her back a cute t-shirt with three stick figure girls in bikinis on it, and underneath it said "All wild girls". So I stole that for my screen name on another site and just used it here too. I'm really not all that wild, though:p And half the time people on here call me Limecat!
Mine is my first and middle name :::snooze::: and RN because at one point in time in my life I worked as an RN. I guess I still am a nurse, I just use all my skills at home now.
Mine screen name is rather obvious. Armywife because I am a wife of someone in the Army. My whole life has been Army. I was 2 when my dad joined the Army and he was in for 20 years. We overlapped and I joined the Army, and then married someone while I was in the Army. So I am Army all the way!!!
>I always wondered if people thought it was "tete," which is
>French for "head."

I didn't think that because of the capitalization of the second 't'.
well this one is beth6395 beth and my street address my email which I love and thought of changing it here too juicyfruities

everyone always saw me with a piece of juicyfruit in hand or chewing I always had one to spare for friends

"You didn't pause your dvd and go make popcorn did ya"
-Cathe Friedrich


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