ok...so I finally did Strike Zone!!!


I see what all the hype is about...the good and the bad!

I enjoyed it as a whole. I agree that the moves are off from the beat of the music at times, but I think part of it is simply Tracey's style. I'm so used to Cathe that I find myself doing taps and pauses when Cathe normally would. Overall, I had a blast with this workout! My favorite was strike 9 (I think), the Final Battle. I felt so tough and mean! Josef was awesome and it was nice to see a few variations of intensity on the same moves throughout the entire workout. (although I got all discombobulated during the Spider Webs!)

I did the workout with my weighted kickbox gloves, so we'll see what kind of DOMS this creates tomorrow!

Thanks for all the reviews on this one lately! I'm really looking forward to doing it again soon to really hammer the moves hard!


p.s. now, off to purchase CCV8 based on all the recent recs on that one too! ;-)
I love the Final Fight the best too! I like that Chinese martial arts move where you step to a side and do a squat with your arms in a "ready to attack" stance (I mean business!) that flows into a kick,the knocking two opponents on either side with your elbows and the head butting the bad-guy in front. I can take on 3 baddies at one go now - no probem!(in my dreams).

I also love the Spider Webs. I finally managed to learn that section. By the final few pushups I cannot lower myself all the way down! The rest of that segment kicks my butt hard!

I also love the "empty your bladder" tuck jump section. It feels Cathe-ish but in a distinctively Tracey way.

I better stop before I list all the strikes starting with "I also love..."

CC8, Strike Zone and Kelly's Cardio Step Boxing 2 are keeping me in cardio heaven right now. They play in my head even when I am not working out. I have to FORCE myself to do anything else.

Gayle, I will wait for your CC8 impression eagerly.

~* Vrinda *~
"I agree that the moves are off from the beat of the music at times, but I think part of it is simply Tracey's style..."

Being off the beat is not a style issue, it's either a post-production problem or an inability (or inattentiveness)) on the instructor's part to maintain a steady beat. (I can say that because I'm a musician/music teacher :))

So giving her the benefit of the doubt, I go back to the poor production values. The DVD doesn't look 'edgy' it looks poorly lit. The instructor isn't off the beat, the music's not synced up correctly.

Please, JMHO. ;)
OK here's my review.

First off I think you guys are right, Tracey's use of tempo is much different than Cathe's & takes some adjusting. I don't think she's off beat, I think she's just different.

I don't care about production values. All I care about is whether a workout kicks my butt. Dark, light, low volume, high volume, music I love, music I hate.....none of it matters to me. All that truly matters is the workout itself.

That said, yes, it has goods & bads. The workout itself is creative & lots of fun. But I didn't like the "breaks" that showed the strike numbers, & I thought it was simply too short.

I really hesitated to post about this DVD b/c I like Tracey a lot as a person & didn't want to write anything negative. Then I realized that the only truly negative thing I had to say was about the length, or actual number of minutes, of the workout. The combos were fresh & fun, the cuing was good & it was easy to follow, Josef is nothing short of inspiring, Tracey & the rest of the girls were great (although Tracey can't quite pull off that mean, street fightin' glare ;-) ).

So if this DVD was tweaked, the little breaks betw. strikes were removed & maybe we could just have Tracey say "and now for strike four" or something like that, & if it were maybe 20-30 minutes longer it'd be perfect. :)

P.S. I did not, and probably never will, try the spider webs. I just do not have the coordination. If I remember correctly they're in P90X Core Synergistics too. I skip them on that DVD as well. :p
I really enjoyed the portions of the workout I did on Saturday night. Can't wait to do it again.

Those core crunch things from plank position have me feeling my obliques today. Love that.

And I agree with Laura's suggestions for tweaks. ;-)
I still haven't received mine. I am not sure if I should contact Tracy or not. I dont want to bug her - but it should not take this long to get here. Anyone else not received their copy either?
I don't know if I'm just used to tough kick-boxing workouts, but I found this workout to be almost too easy. It didn't really raise my heart-rate up much. I did like the combos, but felt they were too short to really get an effective workout. I felt the intensity was definitely not up to where Cardio Sweatfest was. I do think it is a great workout for those days when I want a lighter workout, or I can always wear weighted gloves to up the intensity, so I'll be hanging on to this one, just don't see myself looking forward to doing it again any time soon. Maybe my expectations were a little high. I pre-ordered this video at the beginning of the pre-sale and couldn't wait to get my hands on it, lol.
>I still haven't received mine. I am not sure if I should
>contact Tracy or not. I dont want to bug her - but it should
>not take this long to get here. Anyone else not received their
>copy either?

I would definitely contact her. I ordered the all 5 deal along with the versa-loops, and asked her to wait until the loops were back in stock to send the DVDs so she wouldn't have to make 2 shipments. I got the 3 released DVDs and the loops within a few days after ordering.
I didn't like it, at all. I have it on auction at eBay as we speak. ;)

Too easy.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
I still hadn't received mine by yesterday and I emailed her. She said there were a few problems with the shipment and has promised to get one out to me asap. Email her.

I liked only Strikes 7-12. The first six didn't do much for me and I didn't like that she was off the beat.

That said, Strike 9 was a killer for me. Great upper body work. The combos were fresh and fun and it was definitely a sweatfest for me. There were some new moves like some of the blocks. It reminded me a little of Kenpo X and Kenpo X+.

I think Tracey's real niche is core and step. I didn't get Tracey's first kickbox workout. I have Cardio Sweatfest (and yes, it is a sweatfest) and thought it kind of repetitive and boring (but effective) and definitely got my heartrate up.

I think Tracey and Josef interact very well with each other. I thought the intensity was good but not over the top.

I was almost thinking of putting this in the trade pile but since strikes 7-12 were so good, I'm going to keep it.


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