O/T Where does everyone live?


I'm new here and just thought it might be nice to see what area everyone hails from so I'll start...:)

I'm a Jersey gal! I live in Monmouth County.

I live in Indianapolis, Indiana -- HOME OF THE COLTS, BABY!!!!! We'll all be watching "Peyton's Place" this Sunday night to see if he can break the touchdown record!!! I hope he does. Peyton's been such a boost to this football team! Before he came along, we were never really sure if we were going to put any points on the board -- I remember a Colts team one season that scored maybe 14 points all season -- they'd get booed by the home crowd!!! It was disgraceful! It just goes to show that all bad things come to an end sooner or later! Peyton helps make everyone around him look good by expecting the best and making everyone on the team believe they CAN DO IT, and he never takes the credit for what the team does. He's quite a role model! We need more like him.

Can you tell I'm a football fan? :7
Baltimore, Maryland...FORMER home of the Baltimore Colts! I've never gotten over when my team was snuck (is that a word??) out of Baltimore in the middle of the night. Haven't watched or cared for football since.

Go Orioles! (Mantra: There's always next year!) :p

Also home of the Maryland crabcake. Yum!:9

Wendy! I'm a Jersey girl too--Essex County (although I grew up in Burlington County). You are not on my list for a Cathe road trip! ;-)
Clackamas, Oregon - HOME OF TONYA HARDING!!!

It is a S. 'burb of Portland.

Where we have legal -
Assisted Suicide
Conceal/Carry Gun Permits
Medical Marijuana

but you can't buy hard liquor at the grocery store or pump your own gas!

A bunch of us from the NYC/NJ/Philly area are planning a trip to take some classes w/Cathe after she finishes the new DVDs. Interested? I'll add you to the list if you--just make sure your profile is active, or send me your email address.
Sydney, Australia

Sun, surf and sky

Home to Melanoma
Bad actors and actresses (sorry Nicole and Russel)
And really strange, big and hairy looking bugs and spiders - setting up "their" home in "your" home

Pflugerville, Texas. Just outside of Austin where it's a nice 59 degrees Farenheit.

~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Big Lake, MN, where, if you watch Wrestling at all, the Undertakers wife is from. Woo Hoo! It's the closest thing to fame that Big lake might have, unless you watch Moster Trucks and then the driver of Wolverine is from here as well!:p


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