O/T Where does everyone live?


I am from Libby Montana, (close to Kalispell). I also lived in Billings for awhile. I worked at the Highlands Golf Club there, do you know where that is?
I get back to Montana at least twice a year :)
This is my first post, but I've been lurking for several months.
I'm in Madison, Wis., but originally am from West Lafayette, Ind. I've enjoyed reading about everyone's whereabouts... it's great to know that there are Cathe/exercise fans nearby!

Hi! Nice to "see" you here! Thanks for the Christmas card! I just got it. I cannot believe how grown up Kelly is! Your card I sent out last Tuesday just came back. :-( I sent out 98 cards and they all are coming back needing $.12 EXTRA postage. Waaaaah! I have put ribbons on them for the past three years and never had them returned. 62 came back in one day and the final ones are dwindling in day after day. Talk about frustrated. Grrrr! I'm hoping the ones I haven't gotten back squeaked thru?? We need to plan a meet soon. Maybe after the rush of the holidays we can meet part way for lunch. I'll give you a buzz. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Just wanted to let you know that I did get your card. That's terrible that most are being returned to you. The card is beautiful - love the little gift tag and also the picture of you and Dave and your grandkids! :)

Oh Great!

Thank you Erica. I was thinking I saw yours in the returned pile. Glad I was wrong! ;-) I got the most adorable pic of my grandkids yesterday in my Christmas card from my daughter. I am going to see if she can E-mail it to me and I will post it. Thanks for letting me know.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
chewy - RE: O/T Where does everyone live?

my grandparents + other family are all in w. lafayette...i went to school at IU!
Arogerson, we're neighbors

Arogerson, I live in Waukesha! I think you, Marie1120 and I are the only Wisconsinites on board!
chewy - RE: O/T Where does everyone live?

It's a small world! I probably either know them or know someone who knows someone who knows them, since everybody in that area seems to be separated by six degrees or less.
I went to Purdue and then worked there for a few years before moving to Madison in August. I've taken some shots about being a Purdue grad in Badger country in the past few months, so I'll never say anything to anyone about their attendance at a rival Big Ten... even if it is IU :)
Another Jersey girl here! Born and raised in Atlantic County (home of Atlantic City) and about 35 minutes from Cathe World!

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