Nwe Years Resolution Rotation/January

What a great rotation! It certainly delivered what it promised, I lost the holiday pounds, and I had a blast. I modified the order a little to get some of the longest workouts on the weekends, and added a few evening sessions when I couldn't get up early enough to do everything in the morning.
I'm not sure what to do next, I'm anxiously waiting for february!
Thanks Cathe, you're the best
Boy, this was tough!

I only did the last three weeks, and took out a couple of the half-hour workouts. I did not have the time or energy to do strength and cardio back to back. Congrats to everyone who stuck to this one- to me it was a beast! Thank goodness I missed out on that first week - I would have wimped out on it anyway! Thanks for kicking our butts, Cathe!}(
RE: New Years Resolution Rotation/January

Thanks for the fantastic rotation, Cathe. During the past month on this rotation I dropped about 6 pounds of my post baby weight! I only have about 7.5 more to go. Thanks so much!

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