Novice runners NEW CHECKIN!!!! (sorry for yelling.)

Couch to 5K is a program designed to take you from the Couch to running a 5K in 9 weeks. Each week has a different walk/run interval. I just finished Week 2 today and it went like this: Warm-up/Stretch 6 min, Run 90 seconds/Walk 2 minutes (repeat 6 times), Cool Down 5 minutes. Each week the times you run/walk increase/decrease to get you ready to run the 5K by Week 9.

This sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Is it an audio program like Cardio Coach, or something else? How does someone get a hold of the program? I would really like to learn to not hate endurance running.
This sounds like just what the doctor ordered. Is it an audio program like Cardio Coach, or something else? How does someone get a hold of the program? I would really like to learn to not hate endurance running.

Here is a link to the homepage, you can get the program right off the website:

There are music downloads that go along with each week of the program (you can find them at the above link). There is a voice that goes along with it that tells you when to run and when to walk, I love it!

Good morning everyone! :)
Thank you so much, Christine. I have downloaded all the podcasts, but I haven't listened to them yet. I notice that some of the weeks do not have the same workout for each day of the week, but there is only one podcast for that week. Do you know if the podcast is for the first workout of the week, or...?
The weeks where you have one podcast means that the workout is the same for all three workouts, same music/same intervals. When there are different mixes for the different workouts (ie week 5 has different intervals) you may either have different cues (with Ullery) or different mixes (podrunner.) Either way, the C-5k (couch to 5k) program is a great one. Don't be discouraged if you find that you need to do more of any particular workout before you feel like you can move on to the next workout.

This morning I did week 7, workout 3. It was awesome!

July 25

Good Morning Ladies

My ankle was not swollen this morning- YAY! so I did Cardio Coach Press Play. What a great program, I had a great run, so motivational, inspirational and emotional. 61.54 minutes 6.15 miles. It felt really good today, and I certainly needed it.

I started out bargaining with myself - "only go 30 minutes and if xyz body part starts bugging me I'll stop." Of course, after 30 minutes in, I was totally hooked and stayed for the duration, no extra challenges though. What is it about Sean O'Malley?! He just makes you want to do better...and do better without complaining about being jiggly fat or whatever imperfection I think I might have. The lesson here is to be thankful that I CAN run and leave the rest behind.

Ok enough of my self absorbed rambling - how is everyone?

Christine - 2 weeks of c25k is a great accomplishment! You're almost a 1/3 of they way there! I just love the Slim Series titles! I definitely want to 'Keep IT up', especially since I sit on IT so much.

Alisha - Congrats!!! Just two more weeks to go, I bet you feel fantastic?! How is your ankle? Did it give you any more trouble?

Sydney - your sweet sweet baby is so cute, I just want kiss the sweetums cheeks and make him/her giggle. A 2 mile walk with a baby is a wonderful way to stay fit. I never made it very far when my guys were in strollers -
in those days strollers weren't so user friendly.

JANE!!!!! I am incredibly and deeply impressed (and jealous) of your 110 laps!!! Are they 50m laps????? I so wish I had access to a lap pool. ^^^^five's to you.

Kathy G., Imfiddy, Charlene - I hope all is well with all of you. Char - what did you do about x-dh, waiting for an update to your blog.

Morningstar, I was wondering this morning while doing the warm up portion, how heavy the pack you run to work with is?
Morningstar, I was wondering this morning while doing the warm up portion, how heavy the pack you run to work with is?

Hey Janis,

I'm glad your ankle is getting better and congrats on the great run! My pack changes in weight depending on what's in it: usually, my lunch, the pair of shoes I will walk home in, a complete change of clothes (VERY necessary!), the normal stuff you'd put in a purse, etc. I would say maybe 10 pounds or so, sometimes lighter, sometimes heavier. I use a Gregory Maya running pack and it is insanely expensive and so worth it. I don't really notice the weight after the warm up is done.
I didn't run or do any kind of workout today. I went to sleep last night at 8:00pm (carb overload after two weeks of no bread- 'nuff said!), woke up at 10:30, stayed up loading music and workouts onto my Sony until 3:00am, woke up at 6:30am and that was it, I couldn't go back to sleep no matter what I did. I am so freakin' tired right now, but sleep is impossible, as is almost everything else. Including eating. It's 3:00pm and all I've eaten is a small bagel and a small power bar- very unlike me. I did do some chores, so yay me, I guess.

Tomorrow I'm going to do a strength workout and then take myself to see Harry Potter and maybe continue my journey to finding a pair of jeans I would be caught dead in.
The weeks where you have one podcast means that the workout is the same for all three workouts, same music/same intervals. When there are different mixes for the different workouts (ie week 5 has different intervals) you may either have different cues (with Ullery) or different mixes (podrunner.)

Wow, I had no idea about this one either!! I guess it's because I'm only going into Week 3 and so far, the music/intervals have been the same for all 3 workouts per week.

Janis, I'm glad to hear your ankles is better and that you were able to get a good run in today! Yay! :)

Alisha, you are only 2 weeks away to your first 5K! I can't wait to be there too!

Hellos to everyone else!

No runs for me this weekend. I did do Slim Series "Cool it Off", the 60 minute stretching/stabilization DVD. I just did the stretching parts so it was a little less than an hour. This workout is awesome when you really need to loosen up and relax. I really needed it, I've been so sore this week. I was ready to go back to bed after I was done! :p
Hi Morningstar!

My god, ten pounds!

Cathe's weighted vest is ten pounds!

Sorry to hear about your interrupted sleep pattern, that sucks. Are you a napper?

Jean shopping is a journey, that's for sure, good luck!

Enjoy Harry Potter - time flew by! I'll add just one word - POPCORN!!!:D:D:D
Hi Alisha!

This is my first check-in ever! I started running back in April or May? It's been so long now I have forgotten! I use the C5K program, too! I'm actually on week 8 now! I had to do week 4 twice. That was my hard week! I didn't think I was going to make it and I was going to have to quit! Obviously, I made it through and the runs got easier after that! :)

I also got sidetracked by some horrible rainy weather in June! :( But, finally, here I am 2 weeks away from being able to run 3 miles! I've already decided that once I get there, I'm going to start training for the 10K, just because! Yes, I have become addicted to running! :eek: I'm also a glutton for punishment! I haven't signed up for an actual 5K race yet, but am hoping to do so soon!
Sorry to hear you had such a rough night! That stinks! I hate nights like that. We're planning on seeing HP tomorrow, too! I'm sure it's going to be great! My search is for a white summer top that isn't old-ladyish to go with a great new green and white skirt. Good luck on your jean hunt!

I didn't run or do any kind of workout today. I went to sleep last night at 8:00pm (carb overload after two weeks of no bread- 'nuff said!), woke up at 10:30, stayed up loading music and workouts onto my Sony until 3:00am, woke up at 6:30am and that was it, I couldn't go back to sleep no matter what I did. I am so freakin' tired right now, but sleep is impossible, as is almost everything else. Including eating. It's 3:00pm and all I've eaten is a small bagel and a small power bar- very unlike me. I did do some chores, so yay me, I guess.

Tomorrow I'm going to do a strength workout and then take myself to see Harry Potter and maybe continue my journey to finding a pair of jeans I would be caught dead in.
Hi everyone.

Today I did 2 Challenges of Cardio Coach Press Play.... It felt soooo good. I did 25 min on the treadmill then did about 15 min on the Elliptical.

Hope that everyone is having a good Saturday.
Tomorrow I'm going to .....maybe continue my journey to finding a pair of jeans I would be caught dead in.

I despise jeans shopping because I am so picky and nothing ever seems to fit right!! Good luck!! I hope you get some good sleep tonight! My hubby and I just OD'd on Chinese Food, so my stomach may be preventing me from getting some good shut eye tonight. :p

Hi Tricia! Congrats on Week 8!! I just completed Week 2 and I am scared to move on to Week 3. I have to make the leap from only running 90 seconds to 3 whole minutes!! :confused: I know you said you struggled with Week 4, but was Week 3 hard too??

Sydney- Did you get to run last night? I love going to walks on the days I don't run. I take my dog on nice long walks, she loves it!

Jane- 110 laps!! That's awesome and seemingly impossible in my mind, LOL. I remember a few years ago when I broke my foot I took up swimming for cardio (I was fortunate enough not to need a cast, just a wrap). I thought I was in great shape until I tried to swim some laps, LOL. Swimming is definitely a whole different sport.

Got a Q for you runners... what do you eat pre/post runs? I eat pretty healthy and know the basics, but was wondering if there's any type of special "runners" food/snack that I may not know about that would enhance my performance or be perfect to re-fuel? Thanks!

Have a great night ladies!
Hi Tricia! Congrats on Week 8!! I just completed Week 2 and I am scared to move on to Week 3. I have to make the leap from only running 90 seconds to 3 whole minutes!! :confused: I know you said you struggled with Week 4, but was Week 3 hard too??

Have a great night ladies!

Hi Christine!

Week 3 wasn't too bad for some reason. It seemed like the recovery time was long enough to get me ready for the next run. Week 4 jumped to 5 min. runs mixed with 3 min. runs and it just was tough for me. I just tried to be patient and did it for 2 weeks before moving on and that seemed to be what I needed.
Hi Runners!

I have a question - how many of you are using your HRM to gauge exertion?

I just discovered that my old formula, when I went from sedentary to walking/running, is no longer an effective formula for me. 220 minus age. Good thing I found this out now - six months in is better than six years!:) LOL.

I haven't done the real -on the ground - max heart rate test yet, but just re-figuring the formula puts all my work out zones at higher percentages.

This makes sense, as my calorie burn sure seems low, but it also strikes a little fear in me. In terms of cardio coach, what I thought was orange zone should have been green zone (steady state)!

So my MHR 182.5, my RHR is 53.
I use an HRM, but it is a drunken fool, so I don't actually trust it anymore.

Today's workout was straight full body strength, no cardio. I won't get detailed, but it was fun, challenging and a bit too long.

I think I'm going to try Couch to 5k, with some HIIT thrown in and some of my fun runs too. I have fallen in love with cardio, though, and have to stop blowing off my strength training!

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