Novice runners NEW CHECKIN!!!! (sorry for yelling.)



I was posting on the 5ft 3 an under but that one seems to have run cold. I like to have a check in. I'm focusing on my jogging and using Cathe workouts for cross training and strength work. I'm training for a 10k in October. I consider myself to be a novice. I'm using Higdon's training program. I'm training for the

Everyone is welcome in this check in, I hope some others wander over here,
I figure I will post my rotations, workout results, and diet successes.


I know its just me and my multiple personalities :p

I did 4-DS KB/Legs before 8 am on a Saturday.

I sure hope some others join me in here cause otherwise the crickets sounds are going to be deafening.
Hi Alisha,

I used to be a runner and am trying to get back in to it. The longest races
I've done are the half marathon. I really like this distance. I've also used Hal Higdon's training program and think you will do fine following it.

Happy Training!
Thanks Diana!

I was too sore from 4-DS legs yesterday to do anything today, I did not want to sacrifice my first day of running by overdoing it today.

Its so hot here that I will be up at 4:45 am and out the door by 5 am. That should be the coolest hour of the day.
Hi Alisha!
I'd like to join you in the runners check-in! I am a beginner myself and would like to discuss training with other runners. I am on Week 2 of the Couch to 5K Program, have you done a 5K?

I went for my run this morning (90 seconds running/2 minutes walking -repeated 6 times). I am starting a rotation of running with the Slim Series today. I'll do my SS workout a little later on. I need to re-hydrate and eat a small snack before moving on! ;)

Were you up at 5am to run? I got out around 8am, it was in the upper 60's but the sun was still so dang hot! I've been running with my dog, but as the weeks go on and I run farther I may go out there without her. I don't want her to get over-heated.

I'll have to check out the link you posted about your training.

I hope others join, it would be nice to discuss running tips and such! It's my new found love for the nice weather months! :)
Count me in

Hi Alisha

I'd like to join your check-in. I have only been running since January/February, I am running about 15 miles a week on the TM. I'd like to work up to longer runs, and hopefully find a place where I can run safely outside so I can increase my runs to 10-13 miles per run...or half marathon. I have never entered a 5k, 10k or half marathon, but would like to just for the experience.

Today I begin times flies. I usually start Monday with stationery bike, but I am low energy today (I think it is the heat) so I am going to lift and afterward see about doing a plyo leg or Butts&Guts.

I completely missed the maiden-voyage of this thread, I happened to click on "today's posts" and saw it, sometimes I head right to Open Discussion. I was thinking you might want to post a note at OD because I know there are many new/novice runners posting there. Just a thought. :)

In the meantime I am going to check out the Hal Higdon link you posted.
Thanks for joining me! I did go out for my short dirt track run. I should have worn a head light! It was so dark but it was very warm. It was easier to get up than I expected, I was up at 4:45 am and out the door by 5:05 am. I'm working week 7 of couch to 5k. I will work on the 10k program next month. They sort of over lap a little in distance but I want to finish the one before I start the other. I went out so early that I think I must have been half asleep. I feel like I still need to get a workout in :eek: I have a yoga dvd for tonight.

In the beginning when I first started adding some running, I could only do about 15 seconds. It took me a long time to work up to 25 minutes but now, its weird, I feel like I could go forever (providing I have water and a snack.)

I hope others join us, I love talking about running.
Hi Janis! It's nice to meet you. How long did it take you to work up to long runs? Did you train so many days per week? Sounds like you are almost done with STS! Is this your first time doing it?

Alisha, I peeked ahead at week 3 of the C25K and it says I have to run for 3 minutes!! I feel like that's a big jump in time from this week and I'm a bit scared! :eek: But I told myself to just focus on this week and see what I can do next week when the time comes! I'm with you, when I first started running I couldn't go far, but some days I do feel like I want to repeat my whole run when I am done! :) I'm sure I'll feel differently next week, ha ha. Do you use any of the music programs they have on the C25K site? I'm using it and I love the music plus being told when to run and when to walk! It sure beats holding my stop-watch while I run.

I love to talk about running too since it's my new found love! I'm looking forward to learning more about it and getting stronger!

After my run this morning I had a snack and tons of water. Then I did "Tone it Up" from the Slim Series. It was killer!

Have a great day!
Hello ladies!

Today's workout was Slim Series "Mix it Up". It was a tough total body workout that really kept the heart-rate up!

No run today, it's been raining here all morning and is supposed to continue all day.

Have a great day!
January 21

Good Morning Alisha and Christine

Thank you for the sweet welcome.

To answer your questions, Christine, I started running the same way you are with walk/run intervals. I followed a schedule I got off of the internet which sounds similar to the couch to 5k that you are doing. According to the exercise calendar I keep I started on January 29th with my first walk/run - it was two miles. My last walk/run interval was March 21st. My first all running was March 23, 3 miles straight. After that I slowly increased my pace or my distance for each run (not both - either one or the other).

Yes, this is the first time through with STS. STS is how I 'found' Cathe. Can you believe it! I sort of feel like an ostrich who has had his/her head in the sand. I have really enjoyed the program, and have seen significant changes in my body. I am looking forward to starting again soon. I am waiting for the power tower so I can do pull ups/chin ups.

Alisha, your comment about working up to 25 minutes and now you feel like you could keep going forever, that is what I felt too, it seemed like a miracle happened! The human body has an amazing ability to heal/repair/adapt, doesn't it!?.:) For me the first 20 minutes of any run can be grueling while the body warms ups, and the mind becomes untangles, then after that it just flows.

I love talking about running too. although in the last week or so this week I have been rather 'off'...Today I think I was dehydrated going into my run, it also could be hormonal. I just finished CCv7, but I took too many water breaks, so instead of 6 miles 60 minutes it was more like 5.25 miles in 50 minutes.

I am adjusting my mindset to - I'll have a better run on Saturday.

Alisha - have you thought about posting something at Open Discussion to attract other newbie runners?? Just an idea.

How are you ladies today?
Hi Everyone,

I would like to join your check-in. I have been running since October of 2007. I started running because I was going through a hard time and wanted to focus on a challenge so I decided to enter a 10K race the following April. Running has always been hard for me. I was on the high school track team but wasn't very good. It is still hard for me but I love the challenge.

Last year I did 13-5Ks, a 8K, 10K, and a 15K. I was training for a 1/2 marathon last December but ended up with shin splints in both my legs. After many discussions with other runners, I decided not to do it. I didn't want to end up with stress fractures. I was disappointed but learned from my training so it's all good.

This year I have done numerous 5K races, a 8K and a 10K. I'm not doing many longer runs because I have a family issue that does not allow me to train for longer periods of time. I find that I don't have the focus to train for a race longer than a 10K. I run about 3 days a week and do running drills at the track. I have a 5K race on August 8 and 3 others that I plan on doing in September.

I love talking about running too.
Hi Jane! Wow, you've done a lot of races, that's awesome! Based on all your runs it doesn't sound like running is hard for you! :) Do you mean because you get frequent shin splints or injuries? I just started the C25K program (for the 2nd time, LOL) and I'm currently on Week 2. I hope to find a local 5K I can participate in by the end of August/beginning of September.

Hi Janis! I noticed that the C25K program tells you to either run for time or distance, but not both. I've been focusing on time right now. On the days I run I do where my pedometer and it only takes me about 2.1 mile. I also walk though and on those days I go about 3-3.5 miles. I'd like to start walking farther (walking I like to go for distance!) Awesome results you're getting with STS!

Hi Alisha! How are you doing today?

I did my run this morning but it was sort of interrupted. I run at the park and a lady stopped me to ask some questions about my dog. She only stopped me for a few minutes and it was during a "walk" interval so I didn't mind, but when I tried to hit pause on my IPOD, I accidentally skipped forward to a different tune! Good thing I was keeping track of my intervals so I knew I already had 3 complete. I tried to find my place in the program where I left off but I was one interval behind. It's okay though, I just ended where I knew I needed to end. I was tempted to run a bit more, but decided not to. At home I did Slim Series "Cool it Off". It's a 60 minute stretch workout. It was just what I needed today!

Have a nice day everyone! :)
I'm lookin' forward to this check-in! I really admire distance runners, because I completely suck at it, so I'm hoping to live vicariously through you guys while happily doing sprinting.
I've been running for awhile but would like to drop in on your check in every now and then....if you don't mind. ;)

I'm in recoup mode right now after a 24 hour run I did this weekend (which was my first!) I got in 50 miles which was my goal so I'm happy.

Are any of you going to the Road Trip next week? I'm signed up and very excited.

Kathy G
Good Morning

I did week 7, workout #2 this morning. Its nice and breezy out there. Then I did Stretch Max #1. Yesterday I did Step Fit. It was harder than I had remembered, I wish I had a smiley that was dripping with sweat. Tomorrow should be Low Max.

Christine: how is it going with week 3?

Janis: I did post over in OD, I don't know if anybody saw it, I may give it a bump.

Morningstar- endurance is not my strong suit but I'm working on it. Sprints are more fun but I'm getting used to jogging for longer periods of time.

Kathy G: All I've got to say is WOW! :eek: 24 hours and 50 miles? You are a running maniac! (I mean that in a good way)
I'm truley a novice. I'm old-n-fat and had knee surgery a couple yrs ago. I'm trying hard to lose weight and get in shape. I've lost almost 20# and have started walking with the dog in the mornings. We are up to 2 miles. I really want to jog but the knee just either hurts or feels funky. So I'm only able to jog about 100 ft then I have to stop.

So don't laugh, I'm working at jogging starting with 100ft at a time.
Yesterday I ran a 5K around my neighborhood. It was nice, hot but not too bad. I live in South Georgia and run in the evenings when it's still HOT!

Today I doing a kettlebell circuit workout. I usually run 3 days a week and swim, weight train and workout with kettlebells on the other days. Often I combine my running and kettlebell workouts.

Christine ~ My injuries have all healed and I haven't had any problems with my shins for months. Yay!! Running is just hard for me...period. I think genetically I am not built like a runner so I have to work harder than other people who are more "genetically" built for running. I don't let that stop me though. I just keep going! :) Once you start racing it becomes an addiction. After my first 5K, I immediately began signing up for more. It's fun and I've met some great people.

Morningstar ~ I should do more sprinting.

Kathy ~ Congrats on your 50 mile run!! WOW! You are amazing. I am not signed up for the Road Trip. Have a great time!

ImFiddY ~ No laughing from me! Running is hard enough without having injuries. Keep up the good work and don't give up.
Hi Ladies -

Jane - I'm impressed with your run-log too! Running in a 10k is my first (next) goal, and working up to a half-marathon so I can do the Bataan Death March with my high school girl-friend and her military husband/family members is my next goal.

ImFiddy - Yay! every 100ft is a celebration! I look at this way, let's be thankful for being vertical and mobile!

Alisha- a sweating smiley face!!!! yeah - we need one of those and a little green jealous one too, to be used when expressing my feelings about the RT.

Kathy G - your stats are amazing too! and I am a wee-bit jealous (insert green smiley guy) that you are going on the RT. Please share details when you come back!

Christine - who/what is the slim in six dvd? (I am still a newbie to dvd w/o's...)

Morningstar - I need to do more sprints! It is the lazy bum in me that has been avoiding them all week. I loved them last week in the CC intervals. If I had a track near by I would definitely be doing more sprint work. My treadmill gets a bit scary at the 8.0 pace. I think sprints are a good thing - it is great conditioning for our fight/flight instincts, and with your workout, you have both handled!

Syndey and Tricia - did you find us over here!? Hope to hear from you soon.

As for me - I did my last sts strength disc for legs this morning. I did not do any cardio this morning. I usually starting with rowing, but I am 24 hrs from TOM and I was just too tuckered out to push through it this morning. My weight workout was excellent though, and I tagged on 4 sets of leg curls and 4 sets of leg extensions.

My ankle was swollen last night and still is this morning for some reason, and my knees are achey. I think it might be from doing the cardio timesaver pre-mix on Butts &Guts, but I am not certain. it sort of explains the knees, but not the ankle. I don't have a memory of tweaking it, and I haven't done anything differently. Hopefully it will feel better tomorrow for my run!
I might just join up -- because I'm about to start "official" 16 weeks of marathon training for the Seattle Marathon Turkey Day weekend. I ran my first marathon last summer, and I would still consider myself a novice -- but as all of you racers know -- it can be addicting! :) I did a 5K about 2 weeks ago and I will run a 15K in September. I'll probably get a couple of runs in before the end of July (along with some Cardio COach's on the elliptical)... But I start officially on 8/1 with running 4 days a week and the long runs on Sundays. I will just be finishing STS -- I'm guessing all the muscle I gained over the last 3 months will diminish somewhat. I'm going to focus on more endurance weight-training workouts for the next 4 months while I train.

I'll try my best to check in -- It might be as short and sweet as "ran 6 miles today" or "ran 10 miles - can't walk now" -- We'll see!
hi everyone!!

i like to run too. i've been running for many years--at first, it was because of my job---i'm in the army. but now i run because i find that i really like to run. i've only done 2 5k's and a 10k. but that was over 2 years ago. i am just now getting back into it.

i do most of my running on my treadmill, but recently brought a jogging stroller to take it outside. last week, i logged 10 miles. nice to meet all of you.

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