<--nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could

<--- isn't a Vol!!!:eek:
<--- & DH are actually anti-Vols!!}(
<--- was raised in Southern California so <--- tends to root for CA teams
<--- moved to VA at age 12 so <--- also likes the Hokies (not Vick, though!;))
<--- moved to Jacksonville FL with DH (then SO) after college & was exposed to the college football frenzy there
<--- explains that most people in JAX were Gator fans but there were also a lot of GA fans there too
<--- worked with one lady that would come to work on Fridays dressed from head to toe in Gator attire (from a bow in her hair to her socks & shoes... all Gator gear!)
<--- moved back to VA briefly & then moved to TN after <--- & DH both got jobs here
<--- also can't stand listening to "Rocky Top" a billion times during FB season (or any other time for that matter:p)
<--- is unfortunately subjected to it nearly every Friday over the intercom at workx( during football season
<--- has a Hokie version of Rocky Top & it's funny
<--- explains that the people who are throwing the party for <---'s DH know we always pull for anyone but the Vols but they still like us anyway:+
<--- says "It's all in fun" & they know that but there sure are some serious fans around here
<--- is glad to have another crazy football fan in the OAL though!:D
<--- & DH often attend HS football on Friday nights & watch as much college & pro as we can get on TV
<---'s DH is a HUGE Steelers fan & almost has me hooked too

<--- ETA: <--- looked at the "other thread" & now realizes that it probably sounded like we're fans (*smacks self on the forehead*)
<--- actually just posted it because that's where we live & that's what all the hoopla is around here
<--- they sure do get all worked up when the Vols play the Gators!
<---'s DH loves to stir things up so we always go when they're playing each other
<---'s DH is actually a 'BAMA fan... ROLL TIDE!!! (--that's him talking--)
<--- really isn't a gung-ho fan of any particular college team... except the Hokies when they were not tied to such negativity
<--- will still pull for them anyway, though, especially since the terrible tragedy there:(
<---is just plain pooped out
<---has 20 minutes to go and just had to see what's going on here
<---read it all, but <--- is feeling a bit brain-dead and can't remember much at all
<---thinks there was something about a pizza with pine nuts :9
<---hopes everyone has a really nice, long weekend
<---tells y'all to have fun, relax, and forget about work for three whole days
<---is going to wrap things up here and do exactly that
<--tells kel that DF is actually in california and will be going to the tennessee game :p
<--loves that the gators are sooooo good and beat the vols last year
<--is expecting a repeat performace or <--may have to break of the engaement ;-)
<--is a sore loser
<--assures kel that <--is a BIG TIME college football fan and we can be OAL football fans together
<--asks kel where in tennesee she is
<--and DF will be going to dyersburg (pop. 15,000) for the holidays as that is where DF grew up
<--can't imagine growing up in such a small town!
<--can't beleive catherine found nothing while shopping
<--wonders if catherine enjoyed her pedi
<--- is sorry Catherine didn't have any luck shopping!x(
<--- has had the same experience when shopping lately for some reason
<--- thinks she's a good enabler, even if she didn't have any luck shopping!:p }( :+
<--- is still pondering her add-on purchases
<--- will be doing the ordering tonight

<--- is now worried that <--- might have offended any Vols fans out there
<--- would never want to offend anyone for any reason

<--- is getting ready to leave for now but may BBL
<--- hopes everyone has a GREAT LONG WEEKEND in case some of us aren't around!!!:D
<--- says "WOW! You ladies are FAST typers!"
<--- is glad Catherine had a nice lunch with one of her DS
<--- tells Lorie that <--- moved from a suburb of L.A. to a small town of about 10,000 in VA
<--- now lives in NE TN & loves it!
<--- thinks the fans around here are crazy, as were the fans in FL:p
<--- hopes Lorie's DH has a GREAT time in CA & wishes the CA team good luck!}(

<--- edited for dumbo typos!:+
<--just looked at the line and california is favored by 6
<--would be secretly happy for the vols to start out with an L! }(
<---just jumping in here to say
[font size =+3][font color=navyblue]WE ARE --- PENN STATE[/font size=+3][/font color=navy blue]
[font size=+2][font color=blue]G[/font][font color=orange]O[/font] ][font color=blue]G[/font][font color=orange]A[/font]][font color=blue]T[/font][font color=orange]O[/font]][font color=blue]R[/font][font color=orange]S[/font]][font color=blue]![/font][/font]
<--- waves hello to the OAL
<--- says she knows she hasn't talked to you in a while
<--- is going back to school on Tuesday
<--- can hardly wait!!!
<--- needs a back to school outfit
<--- forgot new backpack at Dad's house
<--- has a new teacher who is a MALE :eek:
<--- hasn't had a male teacher before
<--- 's mom thinks her new teacher is cute
<--- hopes everyone is having a nice summer
<--- has to go but will bbl (maybe)
<--wildly waves hello to the sophster!!!
<--tells sophie to make her mom play her the linus video
<--also tells sophie to ask her mom if she can adopt jason
<---waves HI to the Soph-meister! :D
<---loves it when Miss Sophie posts here
<---knows that Sophie is going to do awesome in 5th grade
<---tells Sophie that <--- had her first MALE teacher when <--- was in 5th grade too :D
<---says that he was an awesome teacher :)
<--- is thrilled out of her mind to see Miss Sophie!!
<--- wonders if Soph got a bunch of cool new school clothes
<--- is lol that your mom thinks your new teacher is cute
<--- wishes Sophie all the very best in her new school year
<--- completed a CC workout followed by elliptidancing:p :7
<--- was all revved up after CC vol 1 so she elliptidanced to the Allman Bros, Alison Krauss, and some jazz standards
<--- thinks Beavs would be proud:+
<--- thoroughly enjoyed her workout;)
<--- just showered and needs to fix her hair:eek:
<--- might BBL:*
<-- can't believe Sophie is in 5th grade already!!
<-- hide the car Shelley :+ }(
<-- tells Sophie that she needs to come to AZ to visit
<-- kept Maverick just for Sophie :)
<-- these pix are for you Soph


Feeding time at our house (Tuxedo, Pepper, Scooter, Maverick, Shiloh and Jack



<-- have a great Labor Day weekend everyone!!
<--- says OMG those doggies are so CUTE :+ :+ :+
<--- wants a puppy...someday
<--- feels her resolve slipping away
<--- is trying to hold fast to her No Pizza rule
<--- is ...is caving
<--- screams [font color=red size=+1]PIZZA...I WANT PIZZA...GIMME PIZZA[/font]
<--- :p :p :p

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