<--nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could

<--- tells Stephanie it wasn't just A cookie -- it was cookIES and brownies -- LOTS of them:eek: }( :p :9
<--- says on second thought, maybe she can join Evily for pizza night -- if <--- makes her own pizza
<--- will use WW pita bread and top it with roasted peppers and onions
<--- thinks she has a solid plan here
<--- agrees that Kel is deserving of praise and accolades
<--- hopes Nance has an absolutely wonderful weekend with her mom and friends
<--- waves at everyone else as she cannot do personals this late in the thread;)
<---thinks Stephanie's pizza sounds yummo!!!!
<---makes homemade pizza, but just uses red spag sauce and the same old same old toppings
<---LOL at celery stick night
<---hopes Michele can put the cookies and brownie incident behind her
<---thinks that anyone who completes a marathon is, indeed, a rock star
<---wishes there was something anyone could do about Bevdemort
<---will hope she hoists herself on her own petard
<---says she will be closely watched and this time things will be documented carefully
<--- thinks Evily is a "ROCK STAR" for many reasons, but especially for completing a marathon
<--- had to look up petard in the online Webster's Dictionary:p
<--Missed out on Bevdemort controversy. Who is this person?
<--LOL at Michelle's looking up "petard"
<--about to do the same
<--Loves making adventurous pizzas, like spinach pizzas..
<--'s DH loves <--'s homemade barbeque chicken pizza
<--must go eat some breakfast!! (well,brunch)
<--Thinks every OALer is a ROCKSTAR!!
<--- thanks everyone again for all the uplifting comments
<--- thinks y'all are the GREATEST!

<--- is LOL at Robin's behind being the third one from the right
<--- loves the idea of her pirate ships & wants to see pictures
<--- is also excited about CC#7 & wonders what it will be like?
<--- is now starving & wants PIZZA & cookies & brownies!!!
<--- also asks Michele to furnish the definition of petard
<--- is too lazy to look it up:p
<---tells Stephanie that Bevdemort is the combination of a name of a certain Pain in the Butt that Robin is going to be working with soon and the name of the evil dark lord from the Harry Potter series (Voldemort). Also known as "SWMNBN" - She Who Must Not Be Named.
<--- is also happy to be of service

Main Entry: pe·tard
Pronunciation: p&-'tär(d)
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from peter to break wind, from pet expulsion of intestinal gas, from Latin peditum, from neuter of peditus, past participle of pedere to break wind; akin to Greek bdein to break wind
1 : a case containing an explosive to break down a door or gate or breach a wall
2 : a firework that explodes with a loud report

<--- agrees that this is an appropriate treatment for Bevdemort}(
<--lol saw the pedi bus but completely missed the mooners till <--read Robin's comments
<--sends a big :* and hugs Stephanies way
<--thinks Em needs a new job that doesn't aggravate her piriformis!!
<--hopes 1 gets here quickly for Shelly
<--wonders what she has planned for the afternoon?
<--agrees with Shannon about work getting in the way of posting x(
<--tells Kel she MUST have BM2 and DM }(
<--waves to Ms Lee!
<--tells Teri she didn't miss the bus- hop on board!!
<--still hasn't decided what to do today???

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--- agrees that Catherine should go shopping
<--- thinks Catherine could probably match Nancy's shopping prowess
<--- hopes Robin has a nice weekend with Tristan
<--- tells y'all that she bought her first HP books
<--- ordered hers from a UK bookseller once she realized the UK and US books are slightly different
<--- just had to have the original versions
<--- wonders what the differences are, besides the covers
<--- figures there will be some misspelled words in the UK versions:p
<---LOL about the misspelled words in the UK versions
<---thinks Harry and the gang will wear jumpers, the cars will have bonnets and everyone will eat crisps
<---hopes Michele loves, loves, loves the HP books
<---tells Michele that there are some differences between the US and UK versions
<---thinks that they are listed on the HP Lexicon website, if <--- remembers correctly
<---would love to have the UK versions of the HP books! :D
<---did someone say shopping?
<---couldn't hear you all over <---'s growling stomach *growl growl*
<---can't wait for lunch! :9
<--- thanks Evily for the information about the HP Lexicon!!
<--- tells Evily the UK versions weren't much more than the US
<--- did a search for HP Bloomsbury on Amazon and found a UK bookseller
<--- says they shipped really fast, too
<--- is also starving
<--- better head to the store and get her WW pita pizza fixins:D
<--- has 18 minutes left
<--- is chomping at the bit
<--- is trying to figure out what circuit to do this afternoon
<--- is leaning towards Bootcamp
<--- has no idea which circuit workout to recommend to Shelley
<--- wonders what time Shelley will be working out
<--- might workout wit cha:D
<---plans to go home early today too
<---wishes it was to enjoy the afternoon, but <--- is actually just craving some R&R with her heating pad
<---would leave right now, but is waiting for a package from Pangea to arrive
<---contemplates whether or not nutritional yeast and agave are worth the pain http://bestsmileys.com/anxious/1.gif
<---will go kujo on UPS man if he doesn't get here soon
<---wonders how Catherine decided to spend her day
<---thinks it would be pretty cool to have the British versions of HP too
<---is going to go pop some more pills, if she does not slink back into the thread later, have a lovely Labor Day weekend!!!!
<--- is sorry Liann isn't feeling well and hopes the R&R with her heating pad does the trick
<--- has never tried nutritional yeast or Agave nectar
<--- is probably never going to, either -- lol!
<--- hopes for his sake the UPS guy gets there soon:eek: }( :7
<--- thanks Liann for the holiday well wishes and sends them right back at cha
<--popps in and waves
<--skimmed over ^^^^ and remembers seeing a bus full of bare butts(LMAO)
<--Loves this thread<--needed that laugh
<--Thanks everybody for the high fives,happy dances,and the "you go girls"
<--Wonders if Shelly is "bootcamping" yet?
<--Wonders if Catherine is enoying her pedi yet?
<--wonders if Nancy is relaxing with the ultimate(sp;-),LOL) massage!
<--if off to cruise cathe land!
<--just read on another thread that kel is a vol?!?!?!?
<--'s DF is a vol and <--has to be subject to UT games all the time (!)
<--is going to puke if <--has to hear "rocky top" a thousand times
<--thinks that DF probably doesn't love the fact that <--is a gator. oh well! :)

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