<--nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could

<---says wow, you guys have already been quite chatty this morning!
<---is sitting here at work in jeans and a t-shirt (gotta love casual Friday) wishing she was back at home
<---says it is that TOTM and she feels cruddy...
<---didn't work out last night because of TOTM, but is still really feeling some ab DOMS from doing Tracey's workout on Wed
<---is sorry about Robin's situation at work
<---says that there is a SWMNBN type person at <---'s work too
<---adds that a few months ago, they moved her office next to hers
<--- remembers the sense of despair and frustration <--- felt and is sure that Robin must be feeling some of that now
<---sends Robin a hug and an invisibility cloak to drape herself and her computer in so that she can still post
<---tells Phyllis that she will make sure to let her know when the preorder begins for the new "Extreme" series ;)
<---also sends congrats to Shelley on her run and high 5's Lorie for figuring out how to add on to her sig. line
<---tells Catherine to save her a seat on the pedicure bus
<---could definitely use one of those!
<---hopes Kim find some interesting books this weekend
<---high 5's Amelia on the weight loss and the clean eating! http://bestsmileys.com/cheering/2.gif
<---waves hi to Judy & Shannon!
<---is lol at Nancy's hair looking like Amy from Dilbert
<---is sure Nancy looks lovely anyways :)
<---tells Teri she has a seat reserved for her on the bus and that they will be by shortly to pick her up http://bestsmileys.com/school/6.gif

<---ROFL - Just realized those kids on that school bus are mooning us!!! Doesn't think the pedicure group would really do that unless we just passed Robin's SWMNBN!
<---waves hi to Emily too
<--Arrives late to thread and has to literally jot down notes to say hi to everyone
<--Sometimes thinks if it weren't for "Notes to self" <--- would be completely dysfunctional (now only mildly dysfunctional)
<--Hopes Lorie's "wonky" tummy feels better very soon. Try some gingerale
<--Glad Phyllis enjoyed <--'s book thread
<-- has way to many books waiting to be read!
<--Also congratulates Shelley on her run
<--Is SOOOOOOOO jealous of Catherine's pedi and Nancy's "ultimate" massage
<--zoned out for a minute wondering what "ultimate" massage entails... Sounds decadent!
<-- Congratulates Amelia on weightloss. Way to go!!
<--Agrees with SHannon that eliptical trainers rock.
<--Tried StepBlast last night and actually survived!
<--Very bad on step, but decided to make up own moves to compensate for clumsiness. Had a "blast!"
<--bids you all a fabulous morning! BBL
<--tells nanc that <--went to the university of florida and our team is the florida gators. there is a cheer that goes, "it's great, to be, a florida gator!" and that is where the sig comes from
<--hopes shelly doesn't have a seizure
<--thinks shellers PR-ness from yesterday rubbed off on <--
<--just did iTread #9 60 minutes and did 7.1 miles
<--thinks that's an iTread 9 PR for <--!!! :D
<--tells amelia that <--learned how to do that signature from a post from evily to gayle (basically, if you see a signature you like, right click on it then go to properties and copy the tag. if it has a .jpg or .gif at the end, the forum will recognize it as a signature thingie)
<--thinks it sounds like <--knows what <--is talking about
<--actually has an HTML learning disability
<--says "BEEP, BEEP...the pedi bus is here!!!" Bus will be going to catherine for pedis then to nancy for spa day
<--tells Judy that SOM is one of <--'s all-time fave movies
<--might try CC5 this weekend since shannon likes it so much
<--doesn't think nancy could look like dilbert lady
<--will TRY not to hold teri's seminole-ness against her
<--REALLY needs a shower! BBL
<--Jumps back in to say hi to emily and liann
<--wonders if emily was kidding about the "15 miles" comment
<--needs to get in gear!!
<---is LOL at Liann's pedi bus!!! :7
<---thinks Lorie might be on to something with the "short bus" comment ;)
<---tells Stephanie that <--- is serious about the 15 miles comment... although <--- hasn't run 15 miles in quite some time!
<---tells Stehpanie that <--- ran a marathon in January and didn't have piriformis problems while actually running - it was always sitting for long periods that really aggravated it - go figure!
<--- arrives as early as possible & waves tiredly to all
<--- thinks all this poison ivy/oak medicine is making <--- feel icky
<--- will be glad when it's all over
<--- ended up getting really busy last night so <--- was unable to preorder
<---'s DH is going to a HS football game tonight so <--- will definitely be able to tonight
<--- with the help from Catheland, <--- has decided to add-on MM & LIC
<--- will get the GS series for Christmas & maybe a couple more
<--- still wants HSC, DM, & BM2
<--- thinks that will complete the collection... for now - LOL
<--- feels very behind today as there are already so many posts!
<--- will make a feeble attempt at personals
<--- is extremely distressed to hear that Robin won't be able to post from work after September 10!
<--- says "HI" to Phyllis
<--- is with Lorie being glad it's fried-day & thinks her kidnapping idea is a good one
<--- adds more congrats to Shelley's fast run
<--- hopes Catherine enjoys her pedi today
<--- waves at Kim as she passes through & hopes she finds a good book to read
<--- likes Lorie's GO GATORS thingie
<--- used to live in Jacksonville
<--- starts doing the happy dance with Amelia to celebrate her weight loss & adds "Way To Go Amelia!"
<--- also hopes she has a great time at the BB game tonight
<--- thinks Judy's new workout sounds tough
<--- waves to Shannon & tells her <--- loves CC#5!
<--- says "Oooh! Nancy's spa day sounds fabulous!"
<--- hopes she has a fantabulous time with her dear friend too
<--- wishes Teri a good & uneventful day at the office
<--- is glad Stephanie "had a blast" last night
<--- thinks Evily seems awfully chipper today & hope she has a great day!
<--- agrees about sitting in front of a computer all day
<--- tells Liann that <--- is also sitting here at work in jeans & a t-shirt
<--- also loves casual Fridays!
<--- is ROTFLMAO at the mooning school bus
<--- needed that today so "Thanks!"
<--- will try to become more chipper as the day goes on
<--- must go for now but...
<--- will definitely BBL because Catheland & the OAL always cheers <--- up!
<---needs to be financially independent
<---says all this work takes too much time, which takes time away from OAL
<---may be MIA again today
<---covers eyes and blushes at the bus full of mooners ;) :p
<--- waves hi to Kel and wonders how her day with the muckity mucks went?
<--- is wearing army green cargos, a long cream fitted t-shirt and a 3/4 sleeve, short, slightly darker green hoodie
<--- LOVES casual Friday!
<--- is thinking of more and more things she could wear purple shoes with :eek:
<--- is trying to figure out what she's going to serve on Sunday
<--- so far has:

Grilled chicken satays with peanut sauce
Hummus with pita
Evily's vegan CC cookies
Fruit tray

<--- says clearly that's not nearly enough food
<--Just dropped DS off at kindergarten, and he asked if we could skip the hug and kiss.
<--feeling totally rejected! :(
<--Is sorry Kel is feeling icky
<--Thinks Emily is a rock star for running a marathon!
<--Thinks Shelley should BUY THE PURPLE SHOES!!!
<--Thinks Shelly's menu sounds really good
<--Loves hummus with lots of lemon juice in it
<-- Wants to hop on the pedi-short-bus!
<--Thinks all of you are looney
<--Fits in perfectly :p
<--- comes back & tells Shelley that the event ended up making <--- really feel like a mere muck!
<--- was glad to be there but felt quite invisible
<--- sometimes feels like nobody around here knows what <--- really does
<--- thinks we all have days & times like that but often wonders if it's okay to "toot one's own horn" to make sure the people in charge fully understand <---'s contributions to the projects <--- works on?
<--- usually comes up with the original concept & then puts the design on paper but once the whole project is over, somebody else usually gets most (or sometimes it seems all) of the credit
<--- thinks that has contributed to <---'s mood, in addition to all the meds & icky poison
<--- apologizes profusely for the self-absorbed post!
<--- is just glad it's Friday & here's another one for Shelley:
<---'s annoying co-worker who wears headphones all the time but sings out loud anyway... is off today!!!
<--- is super glad about that & will be playing <---'s own music today
<--- loves the sound of Shelley's outfit... & Sunday's meal!:9
<--- can't wait to hear what else she will be serving & when we should all be there:p :+
<--- thanks y'all for already lifting <---'s dark mood:D
<--- comes back to say she's VERY sorry that Stephanie is feeling rejected!:-(
<--- hopes she's feeling better already
<--- thinks this place has a way of doing that;)
<--- hopes Shannon doesn't have to be MIA today
<--- is having fun "playing" today but should probably go do some work nowx(
<--- says UGH! this thread is so long already!
<--- is quite PO'd about this Bevdemort witch and wonders what we can do about it
<--- thinks we should stick her on the short bus full of mooners with a one way ticket to hell:p
<--- will not be having a Pizza Night
<--- might be having a celery stick night
<--- 's DH brought home an entire tray of assorted cookies and brownies last night
<--- will spare you the gory details, but lets just say it wasn't pretty
<--- is doing a CC workout today
<--- says CC has a GREAT DEAL on a CD 6 pack -- 6 CD's for 49.95!
<--- was SO EXCITED when she read this description, "We've got to move out some of our CD inventory to make room for new shipments (yes, that's right.. V7 is coming soon)." :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
<--- cannot wait for CC Vol 7 -- WOO HOO!!!
<--- says: "Awwww! Thanks Liann! You put a HUGE smile on my face!"
<--- really should get to work now
<--- says the key word is "should";-)
<---sends a hug to Kel and hopes she gets all the credit she deserves
<---LOL at the pedi bus
<---thinks she recognized my butt as the third from the right
<---is also LOL at Nancy looking like Alice from Dilbert
<---hopes Nancy's fancy weekend is all she hopes
<---wonders if Liann's DH is surviving work, work and school
<---sends extra hugs to Stephanie to make up for her cold and callous kindergardener
<---agrees with Shannon that work takes up absolutely too much valuable posting time
<---thinks Shelley menu sounds yummy and wonders if a simple tossed salad would round it out
<---forgot to mention that a coworker figured out how to make BIG, individual pirate ships out of a packing box
<---is planning a work evening with coworkers (except SWMNBN) to make an armada of pirate ships
<---runs into thread flailing arms wildly
<---CC VOL 7 is coming???? YEEEEE HAW!!!!! :D :D :D
<---can't wait!
<---thanks Stephanie for calling <--- a rockstar ;)
<---is not really a rockstar
<---is the slowest marathon runner ever
<---was passed by speedwalkers during the marathon :eek:
<---is so sad that Michele won't be <---'s pizza night buddy tonight!
<---wonders if anyone else will join <--- for pizza?
<---will throw a big pizza party to celebrate Kel's accomplishments! :D
<--LOL at last few posts.
<--Thinks Michele probably deserves a cookie and should not worry about rewarding herself!
<--Couldn't even speedwalk a marathon
<--Would love to roller-skate one, though... Wouldn't that be fun?
<--Feeling silly and unproductive today
<--Wishes everyone would quit writing about PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!
<--Adores pizza
<--Makes a mean homemade pizza with alfredo sauce, spinach, toasted pine nuts and fresh grated parmesan cheese (only a couple of times a year, of course)
<--realizes that she is the one obsessing about pizza now

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