<--nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could

<-- hands Michele a slice of pizza that <-- just made for DSs
<-- does that qualify for being an enabler??? :)
<-- tells Michele is seriously considering keeping Jack (Sparrow :))
<-- is seriously a lunatic
<-- HELP!!! :)
<--- 's kitty is yowling for dinner
<--- is going to sign off for now but might check back later
<--- :* :* :*

<--- edits to add that yes, of course, Carola is a lunatic, but that's why we love her:p :7
<-- thanks Lorie for official diagnosis :)
<-- thinks it's hilarious that <-- beat Ms. Doggie Lunatic Lorie by one dog - unless fellow lunatic Lorie keeps Jason - which is a strong possibility :7
<-- thanks Michele for her comment
<-- feels the LOVE now :+ }(
<--- comes back briefly to confess
<--- ordered a pizza}( :9
<--- invites the OALers over for pizza and vino
<--- thinks probably BOTH Carola and Lorie are lunatics:7 :p :p :p
<--- gives you both nuggies/noogies in Beavs absence
<-- clinks the vino glass with Michele
<-- is on the way to get pizza at Michele's
<-- LOVES having PIZZA in OAL company
<-- still thinks we need to have a OAL GTG
<--- runs in, wondering if there's any pizza left anywhere?
<--- says Miss Sophie was a bit manic tonight ;)
<--- did the Bootcamp/ME bonus premix and LOVED it!
<--- can't get over how cute those pups are
<-- just officially adopted Jack into family
<-- talked to breeder, she said to keep Jack, he evaluated # 1 dog out of litter
<-- he will be in breeding program unless he sells within next week - unlikely
<-- all 3 pups and Pepper will be going to Mini Aussie Nationals in Texas in October and to Phoenix Open in December
<-- breeder suggested to sell Mavster instead, said over <--'s dead body, Mavster is DH's favorite dog, only took <-- 5 dogs to find a dog for DH, Mavster ain't going anywhere other than being shown with DH at Disc Dog competition :) and DH running around a ring to show HIS tank puppy :)
<--- wanders back into the thread late
<--- sees Sophie & waves wildly!:7
<--- is super glad to see Sophie & hopes she has a great school year!
<--- hopes <--- didn't miss her but thinks <--- probably did
<--- absolutely adores the photos of the pups
<--- has been shopping for MIL's b-day gift this evening
<--- was FINALLY successful
<--- then came home & ordered dad's belated b-day gift online and...
<--- finally PRE-ORDERED the new series!!!:7
<--- has to admit to not adding anything on after all, though:(
<--- says that in the end the additional $$$ made the difference x(
<--- has spent a lot on others lately & once it got down to it, that made all the difference
<--- thinks that's enough... for now
<--- also doesn't own a band & once <--- gets a couple, it will be time to order others that use the band
<--- is satisfied with the pre-order... for now}(
<--- thinks it's late & time to sign off
<--- hopes everyone has a fantabulous evening & a great loooong weekend!
<--can't believe that <-- missed Sophie!!!
<--doesn't have time to read ^^^^^
<--but thinks that ya'll have been rather chatty today!
<--loved the pix of the puppies!!!
<--hopes everyone has a good weekend
<--knows that ya'll are up late due to the holiday weekend
<--will not be enforcing the 'tuck-in'....

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