No time!


Hi Cathe,

I am a working, married, mother of a 1st grade child who has an enormous amount of homework. My husband works until about 8pm at night. This leaves NO free time while I'm at my PEAK to excercise during the week. Can you offer any advice of which of your tapes might be good during the week to help get in some cardio and strength training in little time? I probably have about 30 - 45 minutes in the morning (around 5am) but also have very little energy.

Any suggestions would be great!
Hi I am not Cathe but if you have the CTX Series have you consider this one or the Body Blast Timesavor? This is for people who are short on time.
Your life sounds like mine. I have 2 kids with homework and a little one at home with me and my husband I own a business where most of the officing is from home. The only time I can work out is 6:00 am, so it has to be something that is around 35-50 minutes max. I've used Timesavers this week (just got it this week) b/c I had advanced past most of my old 30-40 minute dvds. A lot of DVDs "change pace" somewhere around the 35 minute mark, so you could do up to the change pace point, keep going if you can, if not, skip forward to the cool down. I usually do a longer workout twice a week. Today I woke up a little early so I did 2 sections of Cathe's Timesavers- step from #1 and #2 and then hi/lo from #2 before stretching. I think that was around 48 min. of cardio with some lower strength hidden in there.
I really like Timesavers. That's the only Cathe DVD I have so far.
>Thanks so much for all the advice. I'm shopping now to rebuild my video library as I've used the same tapes for an entire year and can't bear to do them again. Boy, you can get extremely overwhelmed trying to figure out which of Cathes tapes to buy so I appreciate the advice! :)

Anyhoo, I think I will buy the Timesavers and apply your good advice as well!

I am an advanced excerciser so it doesn't make much sense to try other videos that are at an intermediate level b/c they fit my time frame.

Thanks again!
Definitely the CTX series or Timesaver!!

I am in your same situation but I have a 2nd grader!! I got great results just doing the CTX 30 minute cardios only during the week. Then I would do a longer strength training workout on the weekend!

My body improved much quicker once I shortened my workouts.
Thanks so much Danielle!

That is exactly what I need during the week! I can probably devote about 1 1/2 hours on I'll alternate upper and lower on those days!


This DVD is the best! I'm using it 5 days a week and then adding on other videos for the other 2... All 5 of the workouts are less than 1 hr. Just perfect for before work!!! ;)
You will become addicted

I just wanted to share that you may find that you feel so energized and good about doing those little morning workouts that you find yourself willing to get up earlier so you can do a bit more.I started out with 30 min in the morning and now I do 90 min. The payoffs are just so great that I am willing to do this. However, I do go to bed early so I can do this. I'm a working mom too. I get up at 4:15 and go to bed at 9. I wish you luck on this.
Reading your comments, you guys have now inspired me to buy the CTX series.

I'm going to have no money this year at this rate...

Well, you may end of having no money this year, but I guarantee you won't be sorry you did it!!!! Enjoy and let us know how you progress!:7 :7

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