Sound like we're all in sync -- I'm on my first week of Phase 2 -- loving it. Today was squats, and I did 160# for 3x3 -- a far cry from Karen's 235# x 5, but it was the most I've ever squatted.
Quite enjoying the GGS materials. There's a lot more info than in Nia's program, but it's more expensive, too. Higher volume of work per session, cardio suggestions, so a bit more of a complete program. Three total body workouts a week, though Molly says you can do 2-4 day/week, depending on schedule and preferences.
There are 4 levels from beginner to intermediate/advanced. Levels have similar layouts, but the movements get more challenging. I'll do level 4. I was initially worried as there are no super low rep sets, so I emailed Molly and she gave suggestions to lower reps of a couple sets of the main lifts and progress weight and/or reps. Happy to share if you get the program. I will make some other subs (bench press for pushups w/ walkout, BB DLs for trap bar DLs, back squats for front squats).
I purchased the nutrition manual which is a 45-page booklet by Dr. Cassandra Forsythe -- lots of good, solid info. I've been wanting to check my nutrition since weaning DD (while BFing, I got away with the ten bazillion calorie diet
). Feeling good, liking what I see.
I'll finish my Nia program late July, maybe do a month/one phase of the new BBA bodyweight program with some cardio and metabolic, then start GGS around the start of Sept. It's a 16-week program. I can see building some good muscle with it. Reps largely 8-12, but I'll do a couple low rep sets each w/o to keep training for strength.
Oh! If you purchase GGS, be sure you get level 4. You may need to ask Molly -- it's not part of the main program.
Oh, and Jen Sinkler's programs, Lift Weights Faster 2 and Get Stronger Faster 2, will be on sale July 16-18. I may bite!