new year new goals what are yours?


Well here we are again a new year.My goals always seem to be swept under the rug but here I go again
I have reached a goal wt so one will be to keep it there
Get more defined
have more patience
eat better (getting there)
and not to miss a planned workout (YEAH RIGHT)I try..
Great thread! Mine are - spend more time with people that are important to me, less time at the store, in front of the tv, etc. This last year marked my first full year of working out. I loved it! I focused so hard on food that I became bored with counting calories and ended up forgoing any attempts to eat clean at all (Doritos, Little Debbies, McDonalds - I frequent all of these foods). Next year I plan on not fixating on weight, but rather, looking at my body like a machine. I work hard on it so that it can get me where I'm going, then I stuff it with man made chemicals and crap. I want to eat more natural, raw foods, yet still enjoy my meals. And I want to make others smile a lot more next year.
My resolution is to spend more time with my family and make time for friends! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Mine are:
2. Avoid aspartame
3. Eat more meals at home
4. do 4-5 cardios/week
5. learn to be quiet
Great thread... Mine are:

1. More focused on what matters (God, Family, Friends, Health etc.) **Basicly quit sweating the small stuff!
2. Count my many blessings daily!
3. Be happy with myself! Know I don't have to have a perfect 10 body to be happy!
4. Appreciate my husband more! Quit taking him for granted!
5. Continue my fitness journey and stick to my goals (hopefully lose some weight and gain some muscle in the process:))
6. Conquer the new Cathe Intensity series:)

-Pammer If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
Eat more cleanly
Drink more water
Exercise patience, patience, patience
Increase cardio endurance
Increase strength

There are quite a few others, but they follow the same pattern!

I think my new years resolution is going to have something to do with eating to many sweets.I'm not sure if I will just eat something sweet once a week or what I will do yet.But I think that is how it will go, and only on special occasions.
And I will probably try to be more patient and not so stressed out about the little things.
Oh, and my husband and I are going to pay off some bills.So, today he starts off on buying a new snowmobile? Go figure.
Good luck everyone with your new years resolution.I can't beleive that christmas is almost over already.Now it is just going to be cold and miserable.:-(
My goals are simple:

1. Enjoy the life I have with my family (good times and bad!)

2. Lose my last ? pounds. I have a whole year for goodness sake!

3. Continue to strengthen my body through exercise.

4. Continue to learn how to eat to fuel my body for maximum efficiency.

5. HIT THE PA LOTTERY! I promise to share the wealth! :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
I love this thread!! My goals for 2003 are:

1- have more patience with my family. It's rough having 2 teenagers in the house with all the raging hormones:)!

2- to lose 10 of the 20 pounds I put on this year. I have found that I don't mind a little bit of curves after all.

3- not to take my husband for granted or be impatient with him as much. This is the man I fell in love with and married, why nag him all the time?

4- to start being happy with me no matter what shape I'm in, what contest or race I do or don't do. I want to be comfortable being me.

Read for pleasure more
Make time to travel with my husband and enjoy it
Increase strength
Increase cardio endurance
Spend more time with people I really like, and less time with those I don't
Use time more efficiently at work and spend less time at the office
Fun thread! I can identify with so many of the goals that people have set for themselves. Here are mine:

To adopt a moderate approach towards things
To be less self-centred
To respect my body by returning it to a healthy weight (with body fat, curves and all!)
To stop obsessing about diet and exercise
To spend more time with my family
See as many National Parks in the US as I can
Adopt a dog and another cat
Have a baby
Spend my time on things that truly matter
Mine are:

1. To "soften and be merciful" - which translates into stop being so judgemental and quick to complain about people

2. Stop wasting money - I waste a lot of money on things because I don't want to spend the energy it takes to economize

3. Get stronger - Intensity Series here I come!!

Happy New Year!
Mine are these:

Get more"cut" physically.

Eat cleaner(I try this one every year! :D )

More patience(control my Irish temper!)

To be happier! I want to enjoy life and not obsess about every nit picky thing. My kids will only be kids for such a short time. If I have to miss a workout or set something aside to spend more time with them I will do it!!

Happy New Year to All!! Susan
I love all these resolutions!
Just like others, mine are
1. Not to nag my husband as much (still a little, we don't want unrealistic expectations here, lol)
2. Same with my son- allowing him to rise to the occasion instead of trying to do things for him
3. Stop wasting money, like a previous poster wrote, within reason
4. Be more consistent with daily housework, to control it instead of letting it control me
5. Continue fitness progress
1. Add healthy foods to my diet rather than worry about what I should NOT be eating.
ex: I may eat Wendy's fast food for lunch. That's not great, so I'll eat a healthy meal for dinner and no junky snacks.

Hopefully, this will be easier since I just had oral surgery and can't eat "real" food yet. Sometimes cravings diminish...

2. Have a *balanced* workout program. Cardio 3-4x's; strength 2x's, stretching/yoga 1-2x's. This is enough for me- I'm no longer a 5-6 days a week cardio gal and there's not a big difference in my weight.
I think I'll make a chart to checkoff my workouts because it's easy to forget.

Those are my health goals...I have to think of some personal ones too which are tougher.

Good luck to us all...we can do it! Be sure to keep your goals specific!
LoriHart -

"Have a baby"?????? Are you pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant?

I too am planning on getting pregnant in the spring! Yeah!!!! I am trying to lose as much weight as I can prior to getting pregnant.

Just wondering if you are already pregnant and I missed it somewhere on the boards? Or if you are planning on it sometime soon?

If a congrats is in order.... then CONGRATS! If not, then I guess it is Good Luck and Happy trying:) :-jumpy

-Pammer If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!

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