new year new goals what are yours?

Mine are a tag goofy:

1. Always do the dishes before I go to bed (DH really doesn't like seeing a sinkful in the a.m., and since he's the one who does almost all of the housework, I've gotta do at least that much);

2. Eat more vegetables (now that good fruits have replaced most of the sweets I ingest) and fewer Cheez-Its; and

3. Work up to 25-lb dumbbells for all of my dumbbell upper body work by no later than the end of the year (pec flyes, supine and standing lat presses, triceps work, long-arm and overhead shoulder work, biceps).

That's it -

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-04-03 AT 09:19PM (Est)[/font][p]My number one fitness goal is to improve my diet. I have to eat a healthy, high-fiber breakfast and stop drinking all my calories (sodas & cappucini.)

I'm also going to get PS and concentrate on building good muscle. I've focused on cardio for too long with no results.

(I'm also going to get better at checking in! I only post about once every couple of months.)

My non-fitness goals are to finish my BA, finish a novel, keep my basement and bathroom sparkling clean, and keep paying off debts.

(formerly posted as jencrispin, but I lost my log-in info.)
My goals are:
1) To get a balance of cardio and weight work. I've been slipping away from cardio and into weight work more, since I really prefer hefting iron, but my recent experience with CTX reminds me that I also need to think about getting in enough cardio. The trick will be to get a good balance without overtraining, and giving me enough recovery time to build nice muscle.

2) To rid myself of 1/2 of my possessions. Though this isn't necessarily directly related to fitness goals, by having less "stuff" around (and donating or otherwise finding a good home for the stuff I don't need or use), I will have more workout space (my living room is also my workout room---or vice versa).
1. make a baby with dh :) (will be our first!!!)
2. ease up - stop being so uptight and self-centered!
3. get microsoft certified in VB.NET
4. gain some more muscle mass

Mine are:

To align myself with God's will
To be as nurturing a mother as I can be
To not feel guilty about time spent working out
To not listen to negative people
To appreciate my husband more
To pay off some bills
To feel/act more sexually interested

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-03 AT 06:05AM (Est)[/font][p]This is good to be putting goals in writing.

1. Pay off my credit card debts - tax refund time will help big time with that. "I pay my bills with ease and have money left over."

2. Really work toward getting more work at a Personal Trainer. "I want to work full time as a PT and be able to quit my day job at the church." Yes, I said it.

3. Be positive every day, write everything down that I want, how I want the day to go, what I want to have happen. I can choose to be happy and positive. I can pay off my debts. I can create the life I want. "I claim good in my life today."

4. Really learn how to play golf. My son the golf pro got a cam corder for Xmas! This will make it a lot easier, not that learning golf can EVER be easy! Oops! I forgot...."Learning golf is EASY for me."

5. Almost forgot one...."This year I will meet Miz Donna Gettinfit@39 and Trevor in person."

Just believe it, write it down, then....Just Do It! :)

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