New WW plan has me paying attention!!


I've paid attention to what I eat.... so I thought. Something is different this time around with WW. Maybe it's the new plan- assuming it's more accurate. But I've been REALLY checking the foods I eat. I'm seeing very careless patterns of "guessing" the points vs. actually checking them. I'm down almost four lbs in two weeks- very happy with that!

I guess being dilligent and honest pays off!

Just my two cents!

Why is it that counting calories or points is so effective? Sometimes I think its the numbers at other times I think its because we are more aware of what we are doing, the mere fact of adding it up means we don't forget what we had and that empowers us in a different way. Often people don't want to count anything but I think thats a sneaky way of avoiding the truth by pretending its 'too hard'. At least for me it is:eek:

Personally, I've not been as vigilant and I really need to get back to paying attention. I know there are people who can just 'listen to their hunger' but my stomach would graze on the wrong food rather than the right food if I wasn't awake when I eat. There have been errors I have made in the past because I wasn't actually awake! :rolleyes:
I think I need to check out the new WW! This week I gave up sodas, and any extra sugars! I've cut out fast food, and when I wieghed myself this morning...I didn't see anything change. Of course, I didn't get a starting wieght when I started this journey, so I may have lost one lb not sure. As I've been going between 155 and 157. As of today, I have a starting weight and I'll go from there. Oh and I've been working out for the past 3 weeks!!! What gives? I've been drinking LOTS of water and decaf tea with very little sugar, and using a drop or two of Agave to sweeten. Gonna go check out the new WW!

Oh and Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome!!! :)
I've tried many different "diet"...Atkins, counting just calories, counting macro's, listening to my hunger cues, just journalling in general and "eating clean" etc etc. I've avoided WW and other programs b/c I didnt want to pay but I heard raves about the new Points Plus program and decided that the minimal fee was worth it if I saw success. I have also lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks and I still eat pizza and cake! At first it was a bit cumbersome trying to figure out points but I know have a notebook with most of my regular foods' point values recorded for quick reference. I find it so much easier now! Plus for me having a target number of points allows me to have a goal and let's me be more honest about my hunger cues as well. Working towards a goal number, I dont have to count carbs or calories or macro's at all!

I'm at my lowest weight in over a year in 2 weeks! I for one am in love with the new Points Plus system!

Not that I dont love Cathe and working out, but I've lost all this week with only 2-3 workouts a week, some only a 30 minute cardio! Now I dont stress about workout rotations and missing a day in the rotation etc etc. I now can truly view my workouts as a fun supplement to my WW diet plan rather than a chore I had to get done!
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Hi Stacy,

Congrats on your weight-loss as well!! I agree with you, the first week was kind of a pain figuring out the new Points for food, drink and the happy surprise of the huge variety of activities and the more generous Points! Like you, I'm researching the new points and for any restaurants I like to go to, I've been printing the menus & nurtitional info.

I also just love this program more than I thought I would! Especially since I had almost zero success on WW in the past.

I am so envious of all the folks having such great success on the new WW program! I lost 30 pounds on the "old" plan and although I much prefer the principles of this new program (so much healthier and well-rounded!), I can't seem to lose weight on it consistently (and I do have pounds to lose). I'm down 1/2 a pound one week, then the next I'm back up that 1/2 pound. Up and down, up and down.

I'm wondering if the difference is that I'm not eating all of my weekly flex points? I do eat my activity points, just because I want to make sure I'm fueling my workouts, but I've tried to avoid adding on the weekly flex points if I can, because I find that if I know I have that "wiggle room," I use the wiggle room to indulge in foods that are less than ideal (muffins and cakes, anyone?), and then it's a slippery slope for me. I'm trying to wean myself off from those nutritionally empty foods so that I crave them less, because I'm very much an "out of sight, out of mind" kind of person. Better to avoid temptation, right?

Anyway, I wonder if by not eating my weekly flex points, I'm actually derailing my efforts? I just figured that as long as I'm eating my daily points and the additional activity points that I'd be fine to lose. My understanding was that the weekly flex points are optional, right? But honestly, at this point, this is the only thing I can think of as to why I'm stuck in this darn plateau.
I guess I'd have to put WW in the same basket with Hiit & heavy weight lifting, just not my cup of tea. I know these things work for lots of people and good for them or you if you put your time & effort in. I think it may come from being incredibly lazy* but motivated to look beyond the hype, and to see if things really work (measuring results).

One thing I think WW or any system could do is include how to make - and what to make. If you really want the benefit of good nutrition, great health, & weight loss you need to choose the correct foods most of the time & know how to prepare them in cost effective & efficient way, it's really the only way you'll know how well you are doing and what's really in your food.

It's an individual choice, glad to see others are so motivated as well.:)

Great on the weight loss Pam!
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Actually the WW site does include tons of healthy recipes with points per serving as well as a huge chart of what they call Power Foods. If you keep your diet mostly from foods off the Power Foods list your nutrition cant help but be top notch! :)

Jennifermaria....are you tracking everything and looking closely at the portion sizes? I goofed my first week and tracked a "belgian waffle". I realized my belgian waffle was twice as big as their serving size so it was actually worth twice as much as I thought! Also, make sure you are being honest about your Activity Points (if you intend on using them). I assumed my warm-ups and cool-downs got me 1 point each....I was wrong! When I entered a warm-up in as "10 minutes of low intensity" exercise...that was 0 points not 1 for me. I have been on WW for 3 weeks now and so far have used all my Daily Points and all of my Weekly Points and I am down 5.6 lbs so far. I'm really happy with this program. I never did the old program so I cant comment on how they compare or how I wouldve down on the old program.
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Yup, in fact, I'm kind of bordering on obsessive when it comes to measuring everything. Need to chill out a little bit and realize that it's ok to eyeball every once in a while--it's not the end of the world.
Jennifer I do think there's something to be said for eating all your points. I have mine flipped so I go through my WP's before my AP's but I think if you skip eating your points that you are shortchanging yourself calorie-wise and your body will react by holding on to each one you eat......which is definitely annoying!

Are you earning a LOT of AP's? I tend to earn less AP's than my allocated WP's.

Worth a try but then I'm just a beginner....:eek:
Yup, in fact, I'm kind of bordering on obsessive when it comes to measuring everything. Need to chill out a little bit and realize that it's ok to eyeball every once in a while--it's not the end of the world.

I think that's what helped me the most, eat the right foods, no need to count. That was Gillian McKeith's mantra (one of many), years ago she taught me what to eat (from TV!) & how to cook along with those two that wrote Veganomicon. Personally the biggest shift my diet/overall health ever took.
Not selling any programs, just saying.

I still refuse to count calories, but I record foods I make/eat to some extent just to keep the balance way to whole foods side.:)

There's a lot of trappings in the whole nutrition exercise equation, people who run so they can eat poorly, people who start out working cardio, totalbody, then shift to just weights, then just upper body, it happens, to guys too. Then there's time and effort food shopping, preparation, so worth it but at times so challenging, especially when you get out of the habit, or bored with what you are doing. Bottom line, it has to be something that works for you.
I love the new plan. I lost 10.2 lb in 7 weeks.
I emptied out all the junk from my fruit bowl and filled it with fruit.
I eat whole bananas when ever I feel like it.
I eat all day long when ever I feel like it. "Small meals and snacks".
I eat out on the weekends. I hardley feel like I'm on a diet at all.

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