New WM 2 thumbs up!



Great job SNM!! Just when I think you can't do any go and release this super useful and easy to use tool. I so cannot wait to get my STS and get started!!!!

Thanks for everything!!!!
Lovin' The New Workout Manager

The new and improved Workout Manager is great -- totally user-friendly. I especially love the calories burned feature. Cathe, you rock!
I wasn't sure about it at first, but I love it now.

I've done some of my 1RM testing, but I can't seem to find what weight I would use for 60%/70%/80% of my 1RM. It was easy to find on the old w/o Manager, but I can't seem to find it on this one. Can someone tell me where I can find it?
All you have to do is take your 1RM tests. When you go to print your workout card for each workout the weight you need will automatically be calculated for you on your card.
All you have to do is take your 1RM tests. When you go to print your workout card for each workout the weight you need will automatically be calculated for you on your card.

I noticed as I was previewing Meso 1, disc 1, on the left hand side it said 60%. I thought that meant that you were to use 60% of your 1RM. Is that not what that means? I'm confused. :confused:
Calories burned?

The new WM looks awesome! However, I can't find the calories burned feature. Now I know that this is completely my own failing but if some nice soul could lead me in the right direction I would be really grateful:)


SNM or Cathe (or anyone that knows), can you look at post number 9? I'm starting the program tomorrow, and I'd really like to know the answer to this question. Thanks so much.
I noticed as I was previewing Meso 1, disc 1, on the left hand side it said 60%. I thought that meant that you were to use 60% of your 1RM. Is that not what that means? I'm confused. :confused:

yes, that means you should use 60% of your 1RM. This will automatically be calculated for you for any STS exercise that you have done a 1RM test for.

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