New Video Clarification

Cathe Friedrich

Hi Everyone! As I'm reading many of your suggestions, I'm realizing that I need to be more clear. I think many of you may be under the impression that we have selected to film these three video ideas and that we are taking suggestions only for a fourth video. Let me clarify and say that we are looking for suggestions for four new videos. I presented three ideas to get the ball rolling, however, they are suggestions which are just as equal in value as the suggestions that you present. So if you like the suggestions, we can keep them but if you would strongly prefer to have something else, let us know that too. No decisions have been finalized yet so keep the suggestions coming.

Happy Hippity Hoppity To All:)
I've already put in my suggestion in the other thread, but I just want add that whatever you choose, keep it INTENSE. You are the ONLY home exercise video instructor that do intense cardio. And I LOVE LOVE your gym-style strength training. For cardio and strength, I use only your workouts because they are great. Please don't lower the intensity...
Hi Cathe,
I love getting a set of your videos &/or DVD's that can be done all together in a specific rotation. that is why the Intensity series and CTX are such favorites with me. Please make this set to fit into a weekly schedule!
I would love Hi/lo, Kick, Step and a Circuit Weight training Vid :)

Thanks much,

I'm for a CTX 2 with a slower count in order to heavy up on weights. Or another Intensity Series as I also like the idea of a "set". But...with another Rhythmic Step type workout. :D:D Kickbox to be included in the set as well as more core work using the Stability ball. Perhaps some crunches on the ball. ????
Cathe, thanks for the clarification. I was one of the people who thought you were looking for ideas for a 4th video. :)

Since the Intensity Series has a really heavy focus on weights first and cardio second, can the summer series focus more on cardio first and weights second?

i.e. Cardio Kicks 2, Step/Kickbox, Hi-Lo C-Max2, and BodyMax2

Lisa :p
Thanks Cathe for the clarification :) I would love to see for the 4 choices:

1. Kickbox workout, along the same lines of Cardio Kicks with no step, but with a HUGE planks workout at the end, or, An Interval Kickbox tape with 10 minutes of Kickboxing interspersed with Powerdrills and no step involved, with a HUGE planks workout at the end.

2. A Hi/Lo floor cardio workout, perhaps split into 3x 15 minute parts, so that we can sign off after the first 15 minutes, and FF to the cooldown, an ab workout at the end maybe to round it off :)

3. An intro to Cathe would be good if it was more of an Intermediate step workout for those starting out, but also good for those times when energy levels require something less than an advanced workout.

4. A Floor toning tape would be good to target butt/thighs/abs/upper body along the lines of the second part of the Wedding tape, but with tougher, more advanced moves :)

5. I guess a gym style workout along the lines of S & H would be good as there are a lot of S & H fans, though that is not for me :D

Thanks Cathe and a Happy Easter to you and your family :D

Anna :)
Well just a few suggestions

If you do the heavy push pull workout could you chapter each set like you did last time so that we can program our DVD's to have versatility of supersetting. I would actually really like a tape that supersets between body parts such as tricep/bicep

Also could you please have a premix option on all the DVD's for a good 30 minute workout for those of us trying to get out the door in the morning to work but want to do the longer workouts on weekends.

I would love to see some variety in chest work. I know that presses are standard but really get boring chest day after chest day.

Also would LOVE if you add upright rows to the tape. Haven't seen those in any that I own.

As for an intro tape I think what would be ideal if you are going to do it as a workout for step is if you did something similar to the warmup in Rhythmic step so that those who want to use it as a step tape can actually enjoy it too. Rhythmic step had the funnest warmup of any tape I have done. Please make the tape something we don't just watch once and toss. I actually think a traditional tape like the cardio DVD but updated and without whooping would be great.

I am also seconding a kickboxing tape with hi lo and maybe some functional fitness and intensity drills.

Oh and as for intensity it seems like all the step tapes and cardio tapes these days have totally forgotten about the arms. No wonder people have to jump ten feet in the air to get their heartrate up.
Cathe -

I love everything you produce but would you please, please, please do a stretch routine at leat 30 minutes long? I love your stretches and would love to tack on a nice 30 min athletic/yoga style stretch.

Also, More floor work please? I love the floor work in PLB - oh - your core work is great too.

Yes, please keep up the intensity but I wouldn't mind a workout with the same intensity but a little lower impact - like the wedding tape.

Would you also have the DVD's chapted and have pre-mixes and bonus like the intensity series?

I'll probably pre-order anything you produce anyway - an intensity series 2 would be awsome - since I've received your intensity series - that's all I want to do.

Thanks for your great workouts!
Hi Cathe,

I LOVE everything you do, and you have challenged me to new levels like nobody else. For that I (and many others here) continue to adore you.

I really like most of the suggestions others are giving. My little .02 is this:

I would love to see CTX 2, with one of the days begin yoga inspired athletic stretching, with maybe some kind of dynamic warm up before hand. I am constantly trying to incorporate more stretching into my fitness regime, but it seems like there is always something else I can find to do instead!! If it was included as part of this series and you were leading I'm sure I'd be following. Just my .02.....

If you decide to do cardio - please make it Low Impact!!! I suggest that because it would reach a large audience. I'm sure there are many of us out there that love your Cardio tapes but don't use them because of knee problems. If you could make something that would be kind to bad knees - we'd love ya forever!! :7

Your strength videos are always wonderful! Something on the lines of Slow & Heavy II and Pure Strength II would be excellent!! The Push/Pull idea would be cool too.

Thanks Cathe for everything you do. I can't wait to get these new video's!! Question though...will the video's be available on 1 DVD or will it be split up on 2?


Kali :7
I agree!! I LOVE the floor work in Pyramid Lower Body and in Pure Strength!! It's hard for me to do squats and lunges at this point do to bad knees. As long as I do floor work, I'm cool!! Make this Cathe and we'll be happy campers!!!

Kali :)

You have received some really good suggestions so far, both here and on the Video Suggestion forum.

What I would love for you to do is a Time Crunch Series. (CaroleFB mentioned Power Half Hour on the other forum.) This series could be 3 tapes-- an intense 35 minute total body workout, i.e. Power Half hour and perhaps 30 minute kickbox and maybe something called Short Circuit Max (cardio & weights, also around 30 minutes.

Whatever you decide to do, I'll buy it, that's for sure.

= )
First, I think it is very cool of you to ask us for our suggestions. It really makes us feel apart of what you do.

What I would like to see is a weight lifting workout doing one body part per day.

A beginner step video

A butt and thigh weight lifting video or just a section dedicated to the butt and hip area.

I think the push/pull video is a good idea too.

Hi Cathe,

Thank You!! I am sooo excited.

I would love an MIC 2. I love the Hi/Lo (and I hate Hi/Lo)with the additional Step Blasts at the end. When I am finished I feel like I accomplished alot. Of Course I would love Boot Camp 2. I absolutely love it.


Can you clarify a little more what you have in mind with push/pull? S&H is a push/pull... may be we should try something a little different?

How about putting a little twist to the push/pull? Like supersetting the push/pull muscles -- working 1 set of biceps and 1 set of tricep together, then repeat for 3 sets? The push muscle would rest while the pull muscle is working for time efficiency.

Or doing supersets to the push/pull method, i.e. like the chest in PS. Doing supersets for biceps and then supersets for triceps, etc.

Or a circuit type of strength training -- 1 set of all body parts, then repeat. A great premixes would be to combine the body part exercises to be used as one body part a day (or at a time). I do hope you keep it as gym-style, i.e. dumbells/barbells.

As for Intro to Cathe, I think that would be great for beginners, esp. some moves are 'Cathe trademarks' (which I LOVE since I don't get frustrated trying to learn new moves with 3 left feet!). However, it should be on its own DVD since the newer cardio and Intro to Cathe would cater to different 'audience' (you probably already have this in mind).

As I wrote in the other thread, I would like to see 3 full length (45-60 mins) workout of step, hi-lo and kickbox with mini-interval interspersed. BTW, Cardio Kicks is one of a kind -- I love to see another cardio similar to this (I could not find anything equalled). These should be on one DVD. One could do the workout as is, or mix-n-match for an endless possibilities...

Some of my no-no would be S&H 2 (I don't have 30 mins/body part!), CTX 2 (I can easily do this on my own with the MANY chaptering and pre-mixes), BOSU (too expensive for my taste), lower intensity (I can find that ELSEWHERE!) and tubing (modification can be made accordingly).

Lastly, I hope the pre-order will be in May -- the preorder will be for my birthday! Anyway, whatever you choose, I know I'll buy them all.
Cathe I loved Muscle endurance, and the pyramids!
1)I'd love to see total body heavier weight work 60-70 min in length.
2)I am awful at complicated step, so your intro tape sounds great.
3)I need more upper body, so an upper body focused tape would be great!!
4)Background excersizers who don't make so much noise.
Just a few suggestions but it will total up to more than 4!!

An intro to your cardio would be excellent. the only cardio of yours I can do is Cardio & Weights. That is fun and not hard on my knees.

A kickboxing workout. It can be on or off the step or both.

another pyramid style workout. I absolutely love these. the 2-day split works well for me.
I also like the idea of the Push/Pull type of weight training.

As I stated before I really like the idea of the Push/Pull video. A new kickbox video would be great also. And though I love your step videos(I own them all!) I'd like maybe a hi/lo floor video or one like MIC 1/2 and 1/2.As far as the intensity goes, I feel you should stick with what you're known for!! Keep us pushin'... All the best -Susan
I just want to second this more floor work suggestion! Thanks again!

May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)

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