Hi Cathe -- I love all of your ideas, although I'd say that with all the new weights-oriented workouts in the Intensities, I would be most interested in new Cardio. I am curious about the Push/Pull method though. -- Stylized Step sounds wonderful (I just love RhStep) -- A new Kickboxing workout would be great! (and I'd love it if it were easily divided into two 30 or 45 minute workouts for time-crunched days) -- I like the Intro to Cathe idea too -- would be nice for those days when I just don't have the usual umph (coming off of vacation, out of sickness, didn't get enough sleep, etc.) -- just as long as it's a full workout and not a lot of talking to set things up so that it wouldn't be boring after a few tries (not that I would ever accuse you of being boring, but I know that other beginner videos tend to not have a high re-playability).
My baby is sucking on my arm, so I guess I should go feed him . Thanks for asking for our input! -- Renee
My baby is sucking on my arm, so I guess I should go feed him . Thanks for asking for our input! -- Renee