New series--please consider showing us how to modify......


Hi Cathe,

I love all your workouts and they are just spectacular!

I have preordered the new series and was wondering if you would consider including a chapter or something to show us how to modify the high impact moves to be lower impact. The new series sounds like it might be a bit too much for my joints.

I may be asking too much, but I thought I would throw it out there.

Thanks for everything you do!

How about some suggestions for changing ricochet and other moves that are 180-degrees or 360-degrees to ones that don't incorporate the turn? (I personally have no trouble modifying for impact, but the pivoty moves---which are also harder on my knees than impact--sometimes take a bit too much thinking to find a substitute for, especially in the middle of a workout!).
Hi Alison! These workouts are very modifyable without a lot of creative thinking for the most part. You will see me break away from the cast on occasion and do a few reps modified for a few things. I also tell you on occasion too. Let meknow if there is anything you have a problem with once you get the workouts. I will find a solution of you :7 Btw, I will consider your request for future offerings.
RE: New series--please consider showing us how to modif...

I couldn't help but jump in here with a substitution for ricochets, since I have found one that works well for me. I do a two-knee repeater followed by a jack on the floor. The jack on the floor leaves you in a position to lead with either the right or left foot - whichever you happen to need next.
Thanks Cathe!

Wow, how cool is it that a very successful and busy fitness instructor takes the time to answer our questions personally! You are such a blessing to all of us!

Thanks for considering my request. It doesn't have to be a whole lot of modifying, just little tips here and there would be great! Thanks so much, you are awesome!

>Hi Alison! These workouts are very modifyable without a lot
>of creative thinking for the most part. You will see me break
>away from the cast on occasion and do a few reps modified for
>a few things. I also tell you on occasion too. Let meknow if
>there is anything you have a problem with once you get the
>workouts. I will find a solution of you :7 Btw, I will
>consider your request for future offerings.

Thanks, Cathe. Alison's not alone in this. I would love it if someone in the group were doing modifications throughout your cardio workouts. Even better, you do the toughest, a second person modifies down one level, and a third person modifies down even more. It would give us three levels from which to choose. Right now, when we can't do a move most of us just march in place. Meanwhile, our heart rates are plummeting because marching is basement level on the challenge scale... Speaking for myself, when I march in place instead of doing the actual move (which I CAN'T do some days) I wonder how much of a workout I'm really getting. Sometimes, some of us need a middle ground. I know I would LOVE more options to watch and follow WHILE the workout is happening.

Thank You Thank You Thank You!
Hello Cathe,

While I understand that some people will find these workouts to be advanced and have difficulty with choreography, and I sympathise, would you take into considerations a few factors before you decide to include modifications for future offerings?

Firstly, there are many of us like myself who do not have a problem with learning the choreography in your workouts. I find them quite straightforward and very well explained. I haved tried other instructors and their step choreography can be much more complicated than yours. I think that there are many people who've been using your workouts for a long time who feel the same. It does take time to learn the routines but once you learn them where do you go? There should be elements of the workout that retains the intensity and the fun factor. I find that once I have learnt a workout my enthousiame fades when I keep repeating the break down of the combos. For instance, for Rhythmic Step and BodyMax2 I now prefer to do just the step challenge or step combos without the breakdowns.

Secondly, we buy your workouts primarily for the challenges, physically and mentally, and you deliver them very well. I think that you are quite unique in what you offer and is in a position where you are above all others. It's a niche market that you have captured and one which you should strive to retain.

Thirdly, you should expect that anyone who buys your workout is expected to have a very steep learning curve ahead of them. There are many sections of each of your workouts that I am still unable to do, but this is what keeps me coming back to them over and over. The fact that I know each time I do them I can find new challenges or learn something new is what keeps fresh. I could do the workouts for a very long time and this is what I think you should be aiming for.

My personal opinion is that you have very specific ideas when you started producing for the home fitness market - to cater for the advanced exerciser - and you should strive to stick to those principles. As more and more people buy your DVDs there will be many requests for you to change this or that or to do things differently and, of course, you want to appeal as many as possible as that means more business and dollars for you.

When I first started buying your DVDs, it was primarily because they were so difficult and tough to do. I keep on buying them for that reason and I think they justify the price tag.

My point is that I would not like to see modifications in future videos if it would have an adverse impact on all the advantages I stated above. For my part, I can not say anything negative about your DVDs at all. In fact I hope that you keep making them tougher and even more complex. Bring it on! So they say.

RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

I've been mulling this over for a few days because I didn't want to make a request that offended anyone. However, I do feel that in order to make a decision you need all the input that you can get. If I don't speak up then I will lose. Simply put, I agree with Yen.

Years ago, there used to be FLAME threads that discussed Cathe branching out to the beginner/intermediate market. I used to see so many people against this idea. I was one of the ones that didn't see the harm. I wanted Cathe to branch out to others because she is such a good instructor. Now, I understand what all the concern was about.

I see a lot more requests for watering down the workouts and disgruntled comments about the complexity, intensity & power moves. More and more requests for beginner workouts and more modifications. It is hard to find a middle ground that pleases both the advanced and beginner.

I find background modifiers distracting when I'm using a DVD workout. An extra chapter of modifications might be a solution. However, if it takes up space needed for something else on the DVD, I would not be in favor of it. Also, if an extra chapter adds more time to the production process, adds to the price or interferes with the playback of the DVD, I would not be in favor of this feature. Maybe a tutorial on the site would be nice. Again, if a tutorial section interferes with the time constraints of other projects, then I would rather do without.

I would just like to see Cathe workouts continue to fill the niche of the advanced market. I would like to see challenging, fun, advanced workouts that when used over and over don't get stale from excessive breakdowns, modifications or tifting.

Please keep this in mind & thank you for listening,

RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

I think it is very possible for Cathe to continue to produce advanced workouts, and to also produce a few more separate intermediate and/or beginner workouts. I also think it is possible for Cathe to include one backgrounder who is modifying the moves, and/or to include a separate little chapter on the dvds breaking down/previewing the more complicated choreography. I do not think that Cathe doing any of those things to include more intermediate exercisers will in any way take away from the advanced workouts continuing to be very tough and challenging. Sometimes it seems like some of the super-advanced exercisers (not directed at anyone on this thread, just in general from what I've read over the past few years) feel like they're in an exclusive club, and if the club starts letting in intermediate or beginner exercisers, that will somehow detract from their status; it seems a little unwelcoming. It's almost like "Cathe, please don't waste your time with people who are not as fabulous as we are" LOL. To me, although I'm advanced and have almost all of Cathe's workouts, I also really treasure the handful of intermediate workouts that she's produced, they're excellent for a softer workout day, or when your muscles and/or aerobic system are fried from a heavy hitter the day before. I would encourage Cathe to produce a variety of workouts. Although she's famous for being the toughtest in the business, how great would it be if she were famous for producing a wide range of videos, a little something for everyone?
RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...


I would like to add to what Jordan said about modifiers in the videos. I have tried Christy Taylor's and Seasun Zeiger and they are both more complex than Cathe, but their products still sell. I noticed that in one of Christy's video Step Heaven she has a smaller screen at the bottom for cool down. I find that a little annoying to be honest, I'd prefer it if she told the viewer to skip to the cool down and do that instead. I couldn't see the benefit of having this little screen blocking my view and it was distracting. I would not like to see Cathe adopting the same thing or to see her modifying as I watch Cathe mainly when I am exercising and I follow her movements.

Jordan has made a valid point about all the extras and how much they would cost. Would it be justifiable to charge extra for a segment of DVD that most of us would never use?

And I can see Diane's point of view too, but I don't agree with it. There are many instructors out there who cater to beginners and intermediates. In fact, the market is saturated with them and this is why Cathe is so unique. If I want a lighter day I would choose Christy Taylor or Seasun Zeiger rather than Cathe, and they both have a variety of workouts that are very good, Christy especially. Not to offend Cathe but I think it would be gready for her to try to make videos for the beginners and intermediates - to capture more market share than what she already has. She is one of the most prolific video fitness instructor for the home fitness market and she has one of the biggest DVD catalogue I've seen on Why does she need more?

I also don't agree with Diane about the 'elite fitness' club. I am not anywhere near as fit as some people on this forumn and I don't feel excluded. I don't feel the exclusivity that you are feeling from those who are more advanced, nor do I look down on those who are less fit than I am. I see people who are where I want to be and I see people who are where I used to be. What I see are works in progress on this forumn.

My whole argument boils to two things, cost and quality. If Cathe can cater for all tastes and all levels without compromising on quality or raise costs every time then, by all means, run with it. But if she can't then I'd rather she stick with her original format, I can make my own modifications. We have to bear in mind all the issues with the last set of workouts and how long they were delayed for. It seems to me that with each set of videos Cathe is trying to include everyone, so many premixes for one workout, different music options, mix and match, clothes, new equipment etc. I don't have time to use them all or the money to buy them all.

>Thanks, Cathe. Alison's not alone in this. I would love it
>if someone in the group were doing modifications throughout
>your cardio workouts. Even better, you do the toughest, a
>second person modifies down one level, and a third person
>modifies down even more. It would give us three levels from
>which to choose. Right now, when we can't do a move most of
>us just march in place. >

There are days I modify down a level, and I never just march in place. Perhaps it is because I have been working out for so many years I know lots of moves I can substitute.

However, having a modifier in the video does not bother me unless the modifier is only shown when I am trying to see the advance move. That bothers me when it happens in other videos. I don't see these production issues in Cathe's, so I am sure if a modifier were included
it would be done professionally.

Oh, and I did not consider myself in the fantastically in shape class....until I did this Bootcamp class this summer, and found out how much better in shape I am than the other people in the class. Why? Because I do Cathe's advanced work-outs. I did not start out in this good of shape 12 years ago, but started working with Cathe, and accepting each challenge as it came my way. I could not do some of her work-outs at first, but kept at it. That is the way to be in the fantastically in shape class!
RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

> (snip)
>Jordan has made a valid point about all the extras and how
>much they would cost. Would it be justifiable to charge extra
>for a segment of DVD that most of us would never use?

> (snip)
> Not to offend Cathe
>but I think it would be gready for her to try to make videos
>for the beginners and intermediates - to capture more market
>share than what she already has. She is one of the most
>prolific video fitness instructor for the home fitness market
>and she has one of the biggest DVD catalogue I've seen on
> Why does she need more?
> (snip)

Just to clarify:

I don't know anything about extras costing more. I only said that if they did, I would be okay without certain things.

Also, it is not my intent to give Cathe any advice on how to run her business, this is where we part ways. All financial decisions pertaining to Cathe's company, in my opinion, are hers to make. My post only refers to my feelings & preferences on the workouts themselves.

I understand that others will feel differently. Cathe puts out very good products and she appeals to so many people. I just wanted to voice my preferences for advanced workouts }( .

Diane- I know that you weren't addresssing anyone on this thread. I just wanted to say that I don't see the need to make anyone feel excluded. There should always be a healthy attitude toward fitness on these boards.

Well, I moved my suggestion to the Suggestions Forum.

RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

Hi everyone,

I was just reading through all of your posts and I can really understand everyone's points-of-views. Cathe is an awesome instructor who fills a very important and much needed niche in the home exercise market.

I love the fact that her workouts are complex and advanced. That is exactly what makes them a cut above the rest and so much fun! With the ability to rewind or play in slow-motion, I don't think she needs to modify her moves to be less complex.

I just wish I could get my knees to agree with the higher impact of some of the moves. I would much prefer to have a hardcore workout. I agree with you who have expressed concern about increase in cost. I would prefer to keep them affordable! Perhaps the problem simply lies in that I haven't sat down and worked out a plan to do something just as difficult but with less impact. Maybe some of you have great ideas for modifications...I will ask in the Open Discussion forum.

Cathe, I will make my best effort to modify on my own. There may be DVD's I won't be able to buy if they are too much impact though. I'm sure you are doing your very best to produce the highest quality workouts to suit the needs of as many of us as you can. You are awesome and thank you so much for all your hard work.

I don't necessarily think you need to make much more beginner/intermediate DVDs. The ones you have helped me make the transition, and I'm doing fine with your advanced workouts. But I think it's great that you have beginner/int. workouts because yours as so much more inspiring than other beginner/int. workouts out there. You always push us to do our best each time, and we eventually become advanced too.

A few beginner/int. workouts are great, but the quantity and variety of your advanced workouts are more necessary for long-term fitness!

Well, thank you everyone for your perspectives...see you in the other forums!


PS oh! another great reason for beginner/int. workouts with get to know her style and learn her lingo and can follow her advanced DVDs better when you get to them. If you learn with a different instructor, the transition to Cathe's advanced workouts would be more difficult. Doable, but not as ideal perhaps. ok, bye!
RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

When I made my suggestion to include a modifier I wasn't referring to the choreography - which I can always get, eventually. I was asking for an alternative to the high impact jumps in the blasts which, with my knees, are risky at best and definitely not for every day. At any rate, it's become clear that I'm in the minority and that if Cathe veered too far from her standard format it would alienate her longtime fans, which wouldn't be right. Cathe's weight training workouts are better than anything I've EVER used and I'll never give those up. However, I'm going to have to get the bulk of my low impact cardio from other sources (other dvd brands) and in other forms (treadmill, etc.). In the end, anything that gets my heart racing without wrecking my knees this will be a safer alternative for me.
RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

I've long outgrown beginner/intermediate workouts. What I need is serious high-intensity cardio challenge without endless high jups. Complicated moves? Cool. I'll get 'em eventually. Don't need perfect cueing or breakdowns which ARE boring once you've learned the moves. Do any routine enough times you can do it in your sleep. But jumps that have me icing my knees with bags of pees for days and days after I attempt them? That I can do without. I don't think high intensity cardio has to have damaging jumps to be effective. But maybe I'm wrong since I've never seen an Advanced cardio workout without them - anywhere. Even LowMax is labelled Intermediate/advanced, but when I do it exactly as I'm supposed to it sure gets my heart beating - with no jumps.
RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

>I've long outgrown beginner/intermediate workouts. What I
>need is serious high-intensity cardio challenge without
>endless high jups. Complicated moves? Cool. I'll get 'em
>eventually. Don't need perfect cueing or breakdowns which ARE
>boring once you've learned the moves. Do any routine enough
>times you can do it in your sleep. But jumps that have me
>icing my knees with bags of pees for days and days after I
>attempt them? That I can do without. I don't think high
>intensity cardio has to have damaging jumps to be effective.
>But maybe I'm wrong since I've never seen an Advanced cardio
>workout without them - anywhere. Even LowMax is labelled
>Intermediate/advanced, but when I do it exactly as I'm
>supposed to it sure gets my heart beating - with no jumps.

The fitness camp I have been doing the past 4 weeks also has lots of high impact jumps, some of the very same things Cathe does. We do it on grass, so a bit easier than inside at my house. There must be some benefits to it, but obviously if it hurts, don't do it. There are some days I modify down, but really use the leg muscles a lot, to get the heart rate up, other days I can sky without a problem. At almost 46(in two weeks) I feel fortunate I can move this way.
RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

Hello Alison,

Have you tried Low Impact Circuit or Low Max? I have LIC and I think that DVD is definitely lower impact and just as high intensity as intense step training. You could also lower the step height. I find there is a huge difference between 8" (with 4 risers), 6" (with 2 risers) or even 4" (no risers). 6" is definitely better on the knees.

The other thing to do is try to leave a day in between each step workout so that your legs can recover; I very very rarely do 2 step workouts consecutively. I either do weight training upper body, lower body or total body. Or do a kickboxing workout if I want cardio. This way my knees and legs can recover.

When I started on Cathe, I had only done about 3-4 step workouts with Gin Miller and Kelly Roberts and aerobics with Jane Fonda. I was bored with it, but found Cathe when doing a search for home fitness videos. My first DVD was Rhythmic Step. I think this is excellent as it has 3 step workouts and 2 of those are fairly straight forward and easy to learn, IMAX and MIC. Rhythmic Step is the most difficult. I had some trouble with that.

Hope that helps.

RE: Please continue to market to the advanced...

Hi Yen,

I just bought Low Max, so I will do that soon. I hurt my knee about a week ago, it got all swollen and stiff. The doc hasn't given me permission yet to do squats or lunges, or much pivoty type stuff...just the elliptical for 2 weeks!

The weird thing is that I don't think the step workouts are what hurt me, just the plyo lunges and jumps. Also, the next day I did leg extensions with ankle weights from Legs and Glutes. That's when the pain really started. So, it's not step (even on 8"!) that bothers me...just landing. I have carpet over cement, so I'm looking into those puzzle mats...

Well, thanks so much for your suggestions! Have a great day!


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