New Runners November 2009


Welcome to a new month. I love it when it gets cool outside and I can wear a hoody. I started with a 40 min. walk/jog interval set and I am going into the holidays with significant resolve. I've lost some inches (don't know how many) but no weight on the scale. I always put on muscle first. :rolleyes: The only real problem with my employment situation (lack of clients etc.) is that I have time for my mind to work itself into a frenzy (Bad Mime. No more invisible boxes!!!) thank goodness I can run again because that always help straighten things out.

Music to run to: Lady Ga-Ga "Bad Romance" it has a great hook. Very much dance music.

Next week will hopefully be much less eventful. I'm looking forward to a week of just 4-DS. Its Cathe time.

Lisa- Where would my family be without me? Idk. I hope the open house goes well. I would love to learn to ride and as soon as I have a job that will go on my to do list. Namaste is just fine. There are short free yoga routines on iTunes that are about 20 minutes. I'm not really a fan of floor work either.

Janis- Yeah, why is it easier to jog than to do a Cathe Dvd? Wow, your DH must be really smart since he went to grad school at Stanford, what did he study? The most I can say for myself is I attended the jazz camp there about 12 years ago. It was awesome. The concerts are top notch.

Tricia- I love reading your descriptions of your jogs. Really early jogging does not feel as good as mid morning. I'm glad you are trying yoga today. Its an awesome resource. Holy macaroni and super smart cheese, big time congrats to your DH!!!!!!!!! That is no small feat!!!

MStar, Christine, Jenn Shout outs!!!!

Jane- Happy Halloween, Happy November! 80 is a tad toasty for a hills course. I used to live/work in Orlando, I completely understand the hot wet towel feeling!
Hi Everyone,

Today I ran 4.5 miles. It was suppose to have been a 6 mile run but I saw a dog get hit and killed and I didn't feel much like running after that. Poor thing! :( I don't know who it belonged to. It had a collar but no tags. A friend of mine lives there and said that it had been running around the neighborhood for 3 days. I did come home and do the upper body portion of Muscle Max.

Another busy day on tap for me today. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!!
Good morning ladies,

Alisha ~ Thanks, the open house went well.

Jane ~ How sad :(. I always worry when I'm riding along behind those people who let their dogs ride loose in the back of the truck. I'm afraid all watch it get hurt.

Waving good morning to everyone else!

I didn't workout yesterday but hopefully today marks the beginning of a new, less stressful period :). I am dogsitting for a friend but we (my three plus the 'rental dog') are getting ready to load up in the car and head home so I can get a decent cup of coffee and do kettlebells (Providence). I down-loaded the free kettlebell workout Anthony posted yesterday (6 rounds), I may try that this week too.

I'm going to take the dogs for a walk or run this afternoon but am not sure just how I'm going to pull it off - Buster doesn't walk nearly as nicely on a leash as my guys do and the difference between three and four is weirdly significant. So I may break them up into two shorter walks/runs with two dogs each.

Hi everyone!

I was feeling a little under the weather. So I went for a nice walk yesterday with my DH instead of my longer run. I did run 4 on Saturday - 2 going into a very strong wind and then 2 with the wind at my back which felt good. My achilles are acting up and I'm pretty frustrated by it. I can run just fine, but the next morning my ankles are super stiff. I am going to try icing after my runs to see if that helps. I've been stretching a lot too.

Janis - great quote from Bingham - I really like him! I have Marathoning for Mortals. The chi running workshop I took was not with Danny but one of his certified instructors who I really liked. I actually think the book is not the easiest read. I enjoyed the workshop a lot I also have his CD which is nice - you just listen to him and follow the directions as you go.

Alisha - how's your brother doing? High Blood Pressure is scary because you can't feel it, you know? It's good they found it.

Lisa - you wear a lot of hats! But they all sound interesting. :)

Tricia - sounds like a great 'last run'. I love sunsets. And congratulations to your husband! What is he getting his Masters' in?

Jane - great job on the race - hot, humid, hilly! What a challenge. I wish it were 80 here (but no humidity!). We are in the 50's most days. I saw a dog get hit and killed once, it was so tragic. I was on my way to work and saw the dog in the street. I pulled over to try to get him but he was hit before I could. I was able to go out to the middle of the road and pick him up. He died in my arms before we even got to the side of the road. I'm ridiculous when it comes to slowing down for any animal - I just can't bear the thought of hitting any animal.

Anyway - on a brighter note, we had a great Halloween weekend. Lots of fun activities. And decent weather for Chicago. The sun is shining today and I will most definitely go for a run.
Hi Everyone,

I am taking a rest day today.

Janis ~ Thanks for the Bingham quote!

Alisha ~ I'm so happy to hear the good news about your Aunt Peggy!

Cindi ~ I have been known to give myself whiplash while trying not to hit a squirrel. It was just so sad to see that dog on the side of the road. One minute he was running around and happy and the next he was gone.

The temperatures have cooled down a little from Saturday. It's only 61 right now but it will be up to the high 70's tomorrow.

Lisa ~I live in pickup heaven down here and there are tons of people that drive around with their dogs in the back. People just let their animals wander around all the time. It drives me nuts. I had a dog follow me for 3 miles once when I was running.

Waves hello to the rest of the gang! Hope everyone is having a fantastic Monday!
Hi everyone! Ran 4 miles yesterday - 2 into the wind and 2 with the wind. Kung Fu tonight and I'll probably run another 2 miles to finish of the workout.

I iced my achilles after my run yesterday and it made a huge difference in how I felt the rest of the day and this morning. YAY!
Good morning ladies,
Yesterday afternoon I did CC V2 at the orchard with the dogs. It was really pretty out there - cool with the sun setting over the Blue Ridge Mountains. Still smells like apples. Yum.

This morning I got up and did Ellen Barrett's Slim Sculpt which I pretty much consider a stretching workout. I may get a chance to run tonight - 3 miles steady state - it just depends on how puppy class goes.
Sweater is not something you wear, its what you are on a Cathe WO

Lisa- I love the “rental dog” Do the dogs also do the stretching dvds? I figure they can’t really do kettle bells.

Cindi- I hope your Achilles feels better soon. I’m glad the ice is helping. I have heard of people taking ice baths after a long run and that is supposed to help, but I’m too much of a wuss to do it myself.

Jane- Wandering animals are a problem. There have been many dogs loose in the ranch, our neighborhood is small parcels of 5-20 acres so we call it “the ranch” even though we don’t have any animals ourselves. Others do have sheep, horses and there are even a few donkeys.

<Waves hi to the rest of the gang>

My brother had to go to the dentist again yesterday. The other tooth on the other side of his mouth went bad. His blood pressure is down. We are supposed to see his medical doctor in about a week and half before we can get a release so that he can get the root canals done. He seems to be doing ok on the blood pressure medication, antibiotics and pain relievers. He felt well enough to drive yesterday.

I did 4-DS HIS cardio premix this morning. No risers yet, I used to do that workout on two risers but my stamina is not back yet. I’m working on that. Also, my neck is a little out of place, I have my douagers hump and the only way I know of to fix it is plenty of advanced yoga. I am in weight loss mode. My diet has not been perfect and I need to be more vigilant. So far, so good today, post wo I had millet, organic prunes (no salt, no sugar, just millet) and coconut milk for breakfast, pre wo was an attune probio bar.

I’m adding inositol to my vitamins its supposed to help treat my PCO symptoms (hirsuitism ain’t pretty.)
Hi Everyone!

Cindi - My DH is doing a double - an MBA and MSF (Master of Science in Finance). He doesn't know how to do anything half-a**ed!

Sounds like everyone is doing great! With the time change, I'm restricted to runs on Sat and Sun. only. I started STS yesterday and was scheduled to do Imax 2 today, but post-work destressing was on the agenda! Went out with a couple of co=workers/friends to relax and had a good time, great glass of wine (or two) and it was just what the doctor ordered! So, tomorrow its STS disc 2! Will definitely do the extended stretch! Needed it last night, but had to get to a friend's house for a Reiki share which I also needed!

Have a great night everyone! A special shout out and good thoughts to those of our group who have been super busy and unable to be here lately!
Alisha ~ my dogs love stretch, yoga and any sort of floorwork. Since 2 out of 3 of my dogs are sound sensitive, they split when I thump the first kettlebell which is probably a good thing :).

Jane ~ its the same thing down here. People's dogs flail around loose in the back of the truck driving down the highway. I've met trucks with platforms and beardogs riding on the hoods on backroads during runs. I'll tell you that makes getting a recall from your dog a little tough - but MooOOooM that dog's riding on the hood!!!

Morningstar ~ if you are lurking we miss you!

Hi to everyone else.

I didn't get to run this afternoon but did have to wrestle a bloodhound who only weighs a couple pounds less than me for most of an hour. Does that count for anything?

Hi Everyone!

I didn't have a lot of time to workout tonight but did manage to get in a 30 minute run. I felt great. The weather was beautiful and the sunset was a fiery orange/red. Very beautiful!!

Cindi ~ So glad your achilles is feeling better after icing it! Yay!!

Tricia ~ Sometimes you just need time to chill with friends and wine. Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Alisha ~ Sending {{{hugs}}} and healing vibes to your brother!

Lisa ~ Yes, wrestling the bloodhound does count as exercise! :)

Hope everyone has a great night!
Hi everyone!

Lisa - I like your dog stories. :) I love dogs but we aren't home enough to have any. We have two cats instead and they are pretty easy to beat in a wrestling match.

Alisha - Good to hear your brother's bp is low again. That's scary.

Jane - sounds like a great run!

Hi to everyone else!

I ran for an hour yesterday - so somewhere between 5-6 miles. It was dark so I went to the community center track. I ran 30 minutes with my 5-fingers - I wore my toe socks with them so I wouldn't risk a blister and I listened to the second half of the ChiRunning CD. It's nice to have him talk you through the cues as you run. Then I switch shoes and just ran to some music for the rest of the hour. It felt like I had tied pillows to my feet when I switched shoes - a very odd sensation. You don't realize how cushioned they are until you run without them and then switch. It was a good run.

Then I came home and iced the achilles. They feel fine today. :)

I've never tried an ice bath - I read that they aren't as effective as people say they are and since I'm a baby, that's good enough reason for me to avoid them. Sometimes after a long run, I do like to 'drain' my legs. I got this from ChiRunning. You lay on your back and prop your legs against the wall for 15 minutes or so. It feels really nice. :) And those zensah calf sleeves feel good after a run too.

I hope to run a bit today but may not be able to fit it in.
Good morning ladies!

Cindi ~ Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy the dog stories. I can talk entirely too long and too much about the dogs - both mine and the ones in my classes. Glad I'm not boring you stiff anyway :D. I can't stand to ice anything but a rum and coke - brr!! I hate ice.

Alisha ~ I'm glad to hear your brother is doing better! I hold my tension in my neck and shoulders and tend to round forward too. I really think the yoga helps too. I was using a chiropractor but it wasn't fixing the underlying muscle tension issue. Some therapeutic massage helped but the yoga and being aware of my posture and mental state is the most important thing. Good luck getting your diet cleaned up! I'm very hungry and craving fat and carbohydrates right now. I'm blaming it on the time change but really struggling either way. I don't want all of my progress (15# this summer, I'm right where I want to be weight-wise) to go out the window.

Tricia ~ Good luck to your husband in his studies but it sounds like he has it together and doesn't need the luck!

This morning I did Push/Pull - it always makes me feel very good. I love the feeling of a nice, relatively light, full body workout which leaves me feeling energized. I'm going to run this afternoon either steady state with a friend or CC V3 if I run alone.

Hi Everyone,

I had a great workout yesterday. I did the following. Afterward I added on walking lunges, bear crawls and jump squats.

100 sit ups
100 push ups
100 squats
100 swings

This afternoon I'm doing this workout with my sister. The weather has been beautiful here!

4 Rounds or Max # of Rounds in 30 minutes
200 meter run
30 squats
200 meter run
200 meter run
10 Pull ups

I have a friend that takes ice baths but they are out of the question for me. I'd rather deal with the DOMS. Cindi, I like the leg "drain" idea.

Lisa - Enjoy your run!

Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
Hello Everyone!

It's been a good week for everyone it seems! Two days of STS down and . . . a bunch to go! :eek: I'm on legs tomorrow night! I must say that the workouts do fly by! At least so far!

Haven't been running too much lately. Did CCPP last Saturday and haven't run since! It's just too dark when I get off work and don't have a gym membership. Still hoping that a client of one my attorneys will give our office a deal on their new location! Just don't know how long that is going to take! So, in the meantime, I'm doing Cathe's STS cardio rotation and it seems to be working! My weight is staying down so far.

We had some rain today, but we are supposed to have a beautiful weekend! Unfortunately, I'm super busy with other things that I doubt I'll get much running or anything else done! Hoping to get at least a yoga in on Sunday.

Have a great night and fantastic Friday!
Good morning,
Jane, I did thanks. I did CC V3 yesterday and repeated challenge 3. It was cold and windy but I felt good. I'm not sure what today has in store yet. I'm supposed to climb on Sunday.
Hi everyone! Ran 6 miles today but I messed up and ran with the wind going out and against the wind coming back. AND it was really windy! So I had quite a few walk breaks on the way back - between my lagging cold, asthma, and wind I was pretty frustrated.

But - my pace was decent despite the walk breaks (11:16).

Busy weekend ahead - I hope you all have a fun one! See you on Monday.
Cindi - I can relate! You did well to keep that pace up even with that darn wind! I haven't run in a week!

We, too are very busy this weekend AND I hope to get a workout or two in (at least one yoga), so we shall see! I, too, will check back in on Monday!
Hello everyone,

It's been soooo long since I've logged in here. I've changed up my workouts and cut down on my running. But it still seems that i am getting in about 11 miles a week. I am trying to run faster, so i've been doing Intervals/HIIT types of runs. The other night, I tried to do steady state for 3 miles and seems like I got tired fast. Don't know, I kind of miss my long runs on the treadmill. But i have been reducing my body fat % (or so it seems).

Cindi: 11:16 pace with walks are amazing!!
Lisa: Have you tried iTrain running workouts? I use both Cardio Coach and iTrains- both wonderful
Hi Jane... Hi everyone....

I'm catch up with you all later.

Hi Everyone!

I missed posting yesterday. I was at my parent's house all day so I only got in a 2 mile walk. I had a very stressful week and was feeling punky. :confused:

This morning I did a 5K race in Tallahassee. It was a beautiful morning, clear and in the mid 50s. The race was a "1st annual" so it was a smaller race. The course was mainly flat with a couple of rolling hills in a very pretty neighborhood - lots of beautiful oak trees.

I wasn't really pushing it in the beginning but I felt pretty good so I got settled into my pace. I felt really good and finished in a good time. It was about 2 minutes better than last week (which was longer than a 5K) and less than a minute slower than the race previous to that one. I was happy with my time since I wasn't feeling all that great yesterday.

This was my 18th race this year. I have 2 more left in 2009. One on the 21st and one on December 5.

Cindi ~ Great job battling those winds in Chicagoland!!

Sydney ~ I think the Interval/HIIT runs will payoff in the long run. I've been doing lots of running drills with squats, etc and I feel that my endurance has gotten better.

Tricia ~ Enjoy your weekend!

Hi to Lisa and everyone else!

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