New Runners November 2009

Good morning ladies!
Last night I did CC V1 on the treadmill. Just a short workout but it felt good. I'm trying to get back on track diet and exercise-wise. The diet is always the hard part for me.

This morning I did Push-Pull and a session of Namaste yoga. I noticed that my hamstrings were significantly more flexible than they were just a couple of months ago. That felt good. This afternoon I'm going to take the dogs for a walk at the orchard. They will be very excited as this is the first walking weather we've had all week.

Jane ~ Thanks for the feedback. I will try backing down to my 15# bell and doing it twice a week. It really keeps my thighs in shape for horseback riding. Good luck this afternoon! Don't roll an ankle!

Tricia ~ Hope your eyes get back to size soon! I hate having my eyes dilated. It always gives me a headache.

Cindi ~ Welcome back and good luck in your marathon training.

Rapidbreath ~ Where are you? Hope you're doing okay.

Waves hi to Morningstar and the rest!

I'm back again. I made up a workout for tonight.

Max Rounds in 30 minutes
10 Heavy Swings
20 Squats
Walking Lunges down driveway to street
Run 200m
Walking Lunges up driveway to carport

Lisa ~ Let me know how it goes with the kettlebell change. Have fun on your walk with the dogs this afternoon!

Cindi ~ I'm glad your trip to Denver went well. Good Luck on your marathon training! What marathon are you training for?

Has anyone read Marathon Woman by Kathrine Switzer? She was the first woman to officially enter and run the Boston Marathon in 1967. There was a woman who ran it before her but she was not officially entered. A race official tried to forcibly remove her from the competition but she went on to finish the race. I am almost halfway through it and am enjoying it.
much love for cardio premixes

I did LIC cardio premix this morning and it was just right. You know, like if (my valley accent is showing.) you were Goldilocks and she needed a workout. I did yoga last night. I meant to go for a jog, but I forgot to wash my jogging clothes (Cathe clothes are too skimpy for jogging.) I will go for a jog tomorrow instead.

I had a minor faux pas last night involving one cookie (small) and a 1/2 scoop of organic chocolate ice cream. It was a higher calorie day, so I'm hoping that with the healthy lunch I had yesterday (broiled sole, broccoli, and a salad) it will all be ok come Sunday (my weigh in day.)

Lisa- Yes I mean the zinc supplements, the lozenges often have dyes in them so we just take a small tablet, it seems to help. LM is low max.

Jane- I hope you feel better soon.

Tricia- Yep, the LM is low max.

Cindi- Welcome home, that’s so exciting that you are training for a marathon.
Not sure if you all remember me. I wrote a week or so ago about how I’m trying to do the c25k program and you all were so nice and encouraging with all my questions. Well, as expected I do have a couple more, hee. First I guess I should give some info. on me. Am 36, 5’4” and (ugh) 192 lbs. I know I should be proud, it use to be around 210 lbs. I just feel like I have so far to go. Anyway, running is one of those things I have always wanted to do and never thought I could. Was convinced that running in public was out of the question because surely people would laugh at me. I don’t feel very graceful when I run, more like a baby elephant. But, I have started and no one has laughed. I do still feel very self-conscience when other people are around but I really want to try and accomplish this. I’m still on week one of the c25k (run 1 min., walk 1½ min.) and I guess my question is when do your legs get use to this? I think I have anterior shin splints. Kind of a burning on the outsides of my shins. It wasn’t as bad today and I’m making sure to warm up and stretch really well but even after a couple weeks it is still there. Also the tendon under my right kneecap is really tight! It doesn’t hurt, more like a dull ache and very tight especially when I straighten my leg. Any thoughts on what this might be and what I can do to fix it. I would love to check in from time to time. Maybe it would help me stay motivated and on track. I’m going to school (another hurdle I’m working on in my life) and am usually pretty busy with my two kids, so I don’t know how often I could post. But I would love to feel like I’ve got someone there to help push me along. Again thank you all for any advice you can give!

P.S. also, am I ever going to NOT feel like a baby elephant while running??
Hi Sugarbear! (love that!)

Welcome back!

It takes a while for your legs to adjust, but they do! Don't worry about how you look when you run! If you notice when you're out there, everyone has a different pace and a different swagger when they run! It's almost like a fingerprint! I love to watch everyone else's gait and wonder what I look like to everyone else! Just keep your head up, smile at the people you pass and keep going! People up here are not very sociable, so I like to smile at them and even say hello! I've noticed more people now smile right when they see me or say hello! It distracts me from thinking about how I feel or look, etc. and it's fun trying to get the ones that refuse to smile!

As to the shin splints:

Are you stretching before and after every run?
What about your shoes - are they older? are they actually designed for running or are you using a studio shoe or cross trainer? Cross trainers are okay, but I've found that if you're going to run more than once a week, you really should get shoes designed for running.

That's about all I know to ask. Certainly some of the others may be able to direct you better as to that.

As you progress, you'll start feeling a sense of accomplishment and your confidence will increase. Give it time and don't get discouraged!

Feel free to pop in anytime and share your running experiences - good or bad! That's what we are ALL here for!

Not sure if you all remember me. I wrote a week or so ago about how I’m trying to do the c25k program and you all were so nice and encouraging with all my questions. Well, as expected I do have a couple more, hee. First I guess I should give some info. on me. Am 36, 5’4” and (ugh) 192 lbs. I know I should be proud, it use to be around 210 lbs. I just feel like I have so far to go. Anyway, running is one of those things I have always wanted to do and never thought I could. Was convinced that running in public was out of the question because surely people would laugh at me. I don’t feel very graceful when I run, more like a baby elephant. But, I have started and no one has laughed. I do still feel very self-conscience when other people are around but I really want to try and accomplish this. I’m still on week one of the c25k (run 1 min., walk 1½ min.) and I guess my question is when do your legs get use to this? I think I have anterior shin splints. Kind of a burning on the outsides of my shins. It wasn’t as bad today and I’m making sure to warm up and stretch really well but even after a couple weeks it is still there. Also the tendon under my right kneecap is really tight! It doesn’t hurt, more like a dull ache and very tight especially when I straighten my leg. Any thoughts on what this might be and what I can do to fix it. I would love to check in from time to time. Maybe it would help me stay motivated and on track. I’m going to school (another hurdle I’m working on in my life) and am usually pretty busy with my two kids, so I don’t know how often I could post. But I would love to feel like I’ve got someone there to help push me along. Again thank you all for any advice you can give!

P.S. also, am I ever going to NOT feel like a baby elephant while running??
Jane - Glad you're feeling a bit better and your car is running right! {keeping fingers crossed} Marathon Woman is on my reading list, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Let me know when you get ready to read it, we can have a mini book club and discuss!

Cindi - Welcome back from your trip! Wow, good luck on your training! Can't wait to hear how it's going!

Lisa - Good workout! Love CCV1! The diet has always been hard for me too! Until I found clean eating, it was almost impossible for me to lose weight!

Alisha - We all have our moments! That actually didn't sound too bad as far as splurges go! Just keep working out and stay clean as much as possible! I'm not 100% clean either, but it seems to be working (so far)!

Finished my two weeks of M1 W1 of my 6 1/2 month STS rotation! I've been doing the cardio rotation Cathe posted to go with it and so far, so good! I've actually dropped down to my lowest weight yet - 124 today and all without running! I thought weight training would make me gain weight, but I'm finally settling into it!

Take care and have a great weekend!
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Not sure if you all remember me. I wrote a week or so ago about how I’m trying to do the c25k program and you all were so nice and encouraging with all my questions. Well, as expected I do have a couple more, hee. First I guess I should give some info. on me. Am 36, 5’4” and (ugh) 192 lbs. I know I should be proud, it use to be around 210 lbs. I just feel like I have so far to go. Anyway, running is one of those things I have always wanted to do and never thought I could. Was convinced that running in public was out of the question because surely people would laugh at me. I don’t feel very graceful when I run, more like a baby elephant. But, I have started and no one has laughed. I do still feel very self-conscience when other people are around but I really want to try and accomplish this. I’m still on week one of the c25k (run 1 min., walk 1½ min.) and I guess my question is when do your legs get use to this? I think I have anterior shin splints. Kind of a burning on the outsides of my shins. It wasn’t as bad today and I’m making sure to warm up and stretch really well but even after a couple weeks it is still there. Also the tendon under my right kneecap is really tight! It doesn’t hurt, more like a dull ache and very tight especially when I straighten my leg. Any thoughts on what this might be and what I can do to fix it. I would love to check in from time to time. Maybe it would help me stay motivated and on track. I’m going to school (another hurdle I’m working on in my life) and am usually pretty busy with my two kids, so I don’t know how often I could post. But I would love to feel like I’ve got someone there to help push me along. Again thank you all for any advice you can give!

P.S. also, am I ever going to NOT feel like a baby elephant while running??

Hi Sugarbear!

First of all I admire your will and determination. Hold on to that. It will carry you far.

I believe good shoes are a must so if you haven't already done so, go to a running store and get your gait analyzed. They will be able to give you good suggestions on cushioning and support and what shoe is best for you.

I have suffered through shin splints lots of time. I can't run on consecutive days. There are days that I do but I can't do it long term because my legs and shins start getting achy. I also watch was kind of road I'm running on. I started running in 2007 and didn't have any shin problems until late 2008. I ran a 13K in Disney that was run on lots of curvy roads (on and off ramps). The following week I went to the track and ran and started getting shin splints. At time time I was training for a 1/2 marathon and running on a 1 mile trail that when around a lake. The trail was very curvy. I was running 9 and 10 miles on that trail. By the time the 1/2 marathon came around I had shin splints running up both my legs from ankle to knee and they ached constantly when I was running or sitting. I believe repeated long runs on the trail was a culprit. I rested for 6 weeks or so and have experienced no pain since. My point being here is watch the curvy and slanted roads that you run on. My sister had an IT Band issue from running on slanted roads.

Make it a habit to stretch before and after runs. If you can get a foam roller. They are great for stretching out the muscles and tendons.

I have found the running community very supportive of all types of runners. I do lots of races and I have seen every type of runner out there. It's amazing and inspiring. Everyone is cheered for and supported. It's wonderful. Take pride in what you are doing. Many people want to run but don't have the courage or the will that you do. You can't control what other people say or do. All you can do is take care of yourself. In time your body will respond and will be start feeling like the runner that you already are.

You are welcome to come back anytime!!

Keep up the good work!!

P.S. By the way my sister calls me "The Joe Cocker" of running because I tend to swing my arms around a lot. (I hope you know who that is :eek:). Then she saw the Romanian woman that won the gold medal in the Marathon at the Olympics in Athens and told me that she also swings her arms like me. I felt so much better!! :):):)
Tricia and Jane,
Thank you! You are helping me more and more to not let what others are thinking hold me back. I run at the Jr. Hight track here and there aren't many people on the actual track but it is in an area where parents are dropping kids off at school, so there are quite a few people in cars driving by. But again, I really would love to know how running for 30 min. feels! I do have actual running shoes but have not gone to get my foot analyzed. Maybe I should try and do that. I do stretch after the warm up and even a little deeper after I'm done. Maybe it is just going to take time for my body to get use to this new thing I'm asking it to do. Oh, and my knee feels a lot better today. I plan on doing yoga today and resting tomorrow so hopefully by Monday I'll be ready to go again! Am also going to try and focus on going a little slower. I'm having trouble making it through the min. runs so maybe I'm going to fast. Well, again thank you! Jane, I'm so impressed with all your running! I'll try to think about baby elephants being graceful when I'm running, hee. Hope you all have a good weekend!
Hi all! just a quick post to get this back up to page 1. I'll post more later. :)

4 miles Friday, 10 yesterday.
Hi ladies!
Saturday I did a three mile walk with a friend and the dogs after 2 hours of puppy class. Sunday I did AOS Providence with the 15# bell, then hauled and stacked firewood, then walked three miles. This morning I could hardly stand up! I'm still trying to get the diet back on track but seem to be struggling with it. Andy is coming up today and that will make getting back on track with the diet even harder but its just a couple of days.

Alicia ~ If it makes you feel any better, I too am self-concious about how I look when running. After several years of running, my boyfriend drove up behind me while I was running and said, "You're running has improved, you're not as knock-kneed as you used to be." Um, thanks honey I love you too :rolleyes:. So I think its perfectly normal and the important thing is to just keep trying and things will get better and you will gradually feel better about your running regardless of your form. Good luck!

Hi to everyone else! I'll try to check in later today and help us stay on the first page.

Its Monday

Sugarbear- Just to help you understand, I’m also in the plump category. I’m 5’2” and 179. I used to be 258. As for peeps laughing, even if they do, I wouldn’t notice because of the stream of sweat into my eyes, so I suspect you will be fine too. As for graceful, you might be fighting your gait there is a lot of variation between people in how they run. The best thing I can tell you is relax. Kind of get loose with it. And, this is running we aren’t ballerinas, we don’t have to be graceful. The more you do it, the easier it will be. Also, trying to run too fast too soon can cause problems. Speed will come with time. My legs are pretty much used to it at this point. I’ve been adding jogging into my rotation for about a year now with a few long breaks in there. I always noticed shin splints when increasing mileage. There are a few exercises to work the shins. It should get better. Tight tendons are a direct side effect of building up muscles (sounds crazy right?) but what you might do is a Stretchmax workout after your jogging. It works like a champ. Also, don’t forget the Epsom salt baths at night soak for about twenty minutes in the warm water before bed and you should feel a lot better in the morning.

Post when you can, don’t worry about how often. I only get on here about 3x a week.

Tricia- Congrats on the weight, its always a boost to see a lower number on the scale.


Cindi- Hi

The weekend was all rest and no play. I kind of over stretched my right foot on Friday and stayed off it all weekend. I plan to walk 3 miles today with Leslie Sansone. I am already feeling better. It just shifts my rotation to the right. My weight is down in spite of the diet mishaps. Maybe portion control is enough. Idk.

So my planned workouts are:
M 3 miles walk
T Power max
W 30 min. jog with intervals
T off
F 45 min. jog/hike.
Sat yoga
Hi Everyone!

I had a busy weekend and now I have to get a new transmission for my car. :confused: Yikes!!

I did a circuit workout on Saturday and ran 6 miles on Sunday. Tonight I doing some sort of kettlebell circuit workout.

Lisa ~ Wow great workouts this weekend. Hauling firewood is a quite a workout!

Hi Cindi, Alish and Trisha. Hope everyone has a great Monday.
Hi again!

Jane - I'm doing the Illinois Marathon on May 1. It's in Champaign, IL. Last spring I did my first half there and had a great time. It's a great route - almost totally flat. I haven't read Marathon Woman. I did read Women who Run and she was featured in on of the chapters. Totally an inspiration! I'm almost done with Born to Run. Great book.

Alicia - I'm sorry you feel like a baby elephant. Although they are very cute, I know that's not what you are going for with the running. It will get better - I try to remind myself when I'm out running that others probably wonder what they look like too. You can't spend any energy on that - you are doing great things for yourself and that's all that matters. :)

Shin splints could be the shoe, could be you are trying to lengthen your stride too much too soon. Try shortening your step when you run - think little steps. Also when you walk - you are walking too agressively and striking too hard on your heel? For me - I get sore shins more from walking than running.

And one other thought - I hate every single picture I have seen of myself running in races. I never think I look good - but I feel good, so I go with that and just don't look at the pictures!

Hi everyone else (again!)

I wanted to share a few other running related items...
- Already said this, but I'm reading Born to Run and it is a great book.
- Marathon program is a 24 week program. Most are 16 weeks so I'm getting a head start to ease into it and get my confidence up. I built this wacky spreadsheet that compares about 4 different programs and used them to design my plan. If anyone is curious - pm me your email and I'll send it to you. The first 8 weeks are all from the Chi Running marathon program and include time runs and lots of practice on the chi technique. Throughout the program I'll run 4x week with a long run on Sunday starting at 70 minutes (Which is 6+ miles) and working up to 24 miles before I taper. The middle 8 weeks will incorporate 400 meter repeats. The third phase will focus on some repeats and regular tempo runs. On my x-training days I'll do cardio+weights and also have a rest day (once a week in the first part, more rest as the mileage increases).
- Shoes. I got a new pair of Mizuno Wave Creation for my long runs. And I found a $25 clearance pair of Nike Free 5.0 at the running store. So now I have a nice little collection of minimalist shoes for my short runs. I really liked the Nike Free's - very wide for my foot and a little bit of cushion. I'm going to run in the vibram's again this week - I'll try without the socks again and hope they don't give me a blister.
- Clothes. Got new tights for winter running (CW-X insulator
and a new shirt (long sleeve by Craft - I haven't worn the tights yet but the shirt was great when I wore it out.

Even though today is the first day of my training program, no running. I'm doing a cardio+weights workout but not sure which one yet.

See you tomorrow.

Thanks for all the information. Is this your first marathon? I will send you a PM not because I'm training for a marathon right now but might in the future after things change with my dad. Thanks for recommendation on the book. I have added it to my Amazon wish list.
Wow! Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. Words could not express just how much that means to me! I had to laugh at the “we are runners not ballerina’s”! That is too cute. Well, I did do better today. My shins still flared up a bit. I warmed up for about 10 min then started the program. Into the third interval they started burning and I had to walk for a while and stretch. I didn’t want to give up so I gave it another try (am kind of stubborn) and it sort of subsided. I also really tried to concentrate on relaxing and keeping good form. And your right, I think I was trying to go to fast. I shortened my stride and that seemed to help a lot. I keep thinking I’m back in gym class and the goal is how fast you get there! Well, I don’t have Coach Conger blowing her whistle at me here so I can take my time, hee! I do have stretchmax and will also give that a try after I get home from the track. Over all I feel better about running today. I read somewhere it can take months for your body to get use to this. Guess I really didn’t stop to think there are lots of tendons and ligaments along with my muscles that are wondering what the heck I’m trying to do to them, hee! It was cold and windy here (I live in a small East Texas town) and I was the only one out there today. But reading everything from you all today is really helping me see that this is for me and it doesn’t matter what they are thinking! Thank you.
Hi everyone!

Jane - it is my first marathon - yikes! Last night was Cathe High Step Circuit. Running and Kung Fu tonight.
Good morning ladies,
Last night I did CC V2 outside. I was still pretty sore from Sunday so I was a little slower than usual but that's okay. This morning I was in a hurry so I did just the standing portion of Push/Pull. I had to hike up the mountain (up the Appalachian Trail) to collect seed for my plant propagation class so the dogs and I did that for our walk today. It was blowing really hard up there - when I was trying to hike down the trail the wind was pushing me back up. Andy's here and I have puppy class tonight so that will be it for me today.
Hi Everyone!

I'm running downtown under the Christmas lights tonight. I'll probably run for 30 minutes or so.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Hi Ladies!

Jane - That must be pretty to see while running!

Wow! I cant' believe so many are still running outdoors! You must be running relatively early. It's so dark here by the time I get off work that I'm afraid to get out there, even with lights on (on me, that is!)! The bike path can be dangerous at night here, or so they say. I don't dare risk it being by myself and all.

Anyway, I'm stressing out that by the time I can get back to running again, I'll be back at square one and I can't go through that again!

I am doing STS and Cathe's cardio rotation that goes along with it and my weight seems to be staying stable (yea!). It's too early to tell if I'm making any gains. I do like the program though! You move so fast in Meso 1 that it's over before you know it! I like that!

It's Low Max tonight for my cardio and yoga based abs (I was supposed to do abs last night and forgot, so I'm making them up tonight!)!

Finishing my lunch, then it's back to the office!

Have a great afternoon!
Hi Ladies!

Jane - That must be pretty to see while running!

Wow! I cant' believe so many are still running outdoors! You must be running relatively early. It's so dark here by the time I get off work that I'm afraid to get out there, even with lights on (on me, that is!)! The bike path can be dangerous at night here, or so they say. I don't dare risk it being by myself and all.

I don't have a treadmill so I don't have a choice. I go running with my sister so I'm not alone. I would never go running alone in the dark. The downtown area is well lit this time of year so we'll be doing a 4 or 5 block loop. We are not venturing into the areas that are not well lit.

Last Friday my sisters and I went running around our neighborhood. We wore headlamps so we could see and both my sister and I have reflective vests. I feel safe in our neighborhood but I still wouldn't run it alone. We go out around 5:45 and run until about 6:30.

Can you run on the weekends? I save my longer run for the weekend.

I'm glad you're enjoying STS. Someday I will get to that.

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