Tricia- I get dreams too. I sure hope that you get restful, useful sleep tonight. When I was a kid I got something called "night terrors" where I would be screaming and unable to wake up. Often mine turn out to be prophetic, I had seen our kitty several years before she was born in a dream. Hey, at least that one was not scary;) One thing that can help is to chant a word like prosperity and focus your mind on an image that represents that to you. Also, some vitamins/supplements can give a person nightmares. I am glad your DH was there to wake you up.

Cindi- I am so sorry for your loss, please don't feel the need to check-in, we will be here when you can come back. Give Pete our condolences. I sort of know how he feels (sort of) I lost my grand parents at the age of 5 and 6 and they were my primary care givers at the time. I know I was just heartbroken for a long time.

I will do a steady state step workout after work today. Yesterday I was real nauseous in the evening, I don't know why. I did get my tire fixed (yippee!) I was going to do an Imax but since tomorrow is an interval joggle, I will probably do something off Cardio Hits.

Lisa- I like the Hobbit style of eating too. I'm taller than a hobbit but I got the feet!
Alisha - I did get a more restful sleep last night - thanks! I did have more of my usual dreams, but nothing like the other night! I haven't changed my vitamins at all and I didn't know they could do that! I have had premonitions in my dreams before as well, it doesn't happen very often though! Thank goodness, huh?

Glad you were able to get the tire fixed! Back on the road! Enjoy your workout! I did 7.71 miles with DH this morning and Milo! He's just so cute (talking about Milo, even though DH is too) how he looks up at DH when they run to make sure he's in the right spot! You can just see the joy radiating off of his face when he runs! What a happy puppy!

LOL! Love the Hobbit feet comment! So, you have furry feet? I have slightly fuzzy big toes!

Have a great day! Hope the rest of you are enjoying this beautiful Sunday!
Cindi ~ I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm keeping you and your family it my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Everyone,

I can't believe it's Sunday already! I took a rest day on Friday. I took the day off from work and just hung out with my mom for the day. Nothing special....radiation treatment (for mom), grocery shopping and just chillin'.

Yesterday I swam 80 laps and this morning I was up at 5:30am for a 7.2 mile run. Although I really didn't want to get up at 5:30 it's nice to get out and do the run before the sun is fully up.

Tricia ~ I'm glad to hear you got some restful special last night. Nice run today.

Alisha ~ Glad you got your tire fixed. Yay!!! Enjoy your step workout today.

Lisa ~ It has been really hot here too with very little rain. We did manage to get some sprinkles on Thursday evening but nothing since then. Temps have been in the high 90's with the heat index being well over 100 degrees.
Hi Jane,

I like having those relaxed days with my Mom too. We often go see kid movies, I'm looking forward to the Ramona movie. Did any of you read those books?

I'm all set up for my workout. I'm going with Step Works (I think.) The USA Masters is having a meet at my job/old university/Sac State this weekend. Wow, talk about serious runners. I have one word: Zoommmmmmm:eek:

I guess tomorrow will be an interval joggle.

Hi ladies,
I've been slack about checking in because I've been slack about working out and who wants to check in to say, "I haven't done anything, again." But I have been reading and keeping up with you all.

Cindi - I'm sorry to hear about your loss and hope that arrangements are smooth for Pete.

Tricia - I'm glad you had more restful sleep. Dreams can be so upsetting sometimes. Yoga does seem to help me settle my mind even if I can't fix what's going on in my life.

Jane - I hope you enjoyed your rest day and your great run!

Alisha - I hope you enjoyed Step Works.

This morning I went for a short fun ride and then took the dogs for a joggle. We did CC V3.

any way

I just did my joggle even though I didn't really feel well, just did it anyway. Then I did about an hour of easy yoga. I am spending the morning feeding cute little siamese kitties, they are just 4 weeks old. Fun times! They have blue eyes and look like "The Spice Must Flow" like from Dune.

I will probably do some step workout tomorrow. I'm trying to behave myself this whole week because I'm saving those extra calories for my dim sum meal on Saturday. I had some scrambled eggs, one of my fiber brownies and some watermelon this morning. For lunch I have a salad ready to go with avocado and walnuts.

Jane- There was a whole 1/2 a year where I didn't do much of anything but read the forums cause I was just dreadfully ill. But, hey reading them made me feel like eventually I would come out of it. For the most part I have, I still get tired and maintaining my health is a daily event (probably true for everybody to a lesser or greater extent.) I guess what I'm saying, is don't worry about posting, we will know you are out there;)
Hi Everyone!

Here is what's on tap for tonight...after the heat.

4 Rounds
1 minute work/30 seconds rest
Kettlebell hand to hand swings
Mr. Spectaculars
Squat Thrust to KB deadlifts
Walking lunges

Alisha ~ I loved Ramona The Pest books! I read them all the time when I was a kid. I also love Boxcar Children. I have the book and read it from time to time. Does anyone remember the Dinny Gordon series - Dinny Gordon, Freshman, Sophomore, etc.? I loved those books.

Good job on getting out there when you don't feel good. I have a sinus headache right now but I'll do my workout anyway. It makes me feel better.

The kitties sound so cute. I used to have a siamese cat visit me every day for a while. He belonged to a neighbor but I guess he liked spending time with me instead.

Lisa ~ Even though you aren't doing traditional workouts, you still are being active. It's not like you're sitting on the couch eating bon bons. Or are you? :p

Cindi ~ Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time.

Hi Tricia!!

Hello Ladies!

Jane - I beat you, I beat you! LOL! Just kidding 7.2 is awesome! Tough getting up that early isn't it? I do it every day and you know, I realized today that I haven't done my whole whining in my head about getting up in a couple of days! Could it be that I'm starting to . . . . . get used to it? Gasp! Hope you made it through your afternoon/evening workout today without passing out!

As much as I used to read, I don't recall any of those books!

Alisha - Love Step Works! Good for you getting in a joggle even a bit under the weather! I've been battling sinus headaches for a few days now. Great. At least when they're mild you can still work out and feel better after!

Lisa - I agree that you can lurk all you want, or just post that you've been riding! You work hard enough with taking care of your horses! Sheesh! Maybe we should call ourselves "Geeks Who ALSO Joggle!" (snicker, snort) Anyway, we know you're hanging around. Can you believe August is almost here already? OMG! It'll be back down in the 60s in another month! Then I'll start complaining that it's too cold! I'm never happy.

Cindi - My thoughts and prayers are still going out to you and Pete and the family.

Well, tomorrow I'm trying my first bodyweight workout. I had a tabata ready to go, but decided to try one of Zuzana's instead.

I'm doing her Fast Burn Workout:

50 Climber's Lunges
100 Pike Jumps
50 Ab exercises (she doesn't have a name for them, but they look painful!)
100 Leg Switches

The goal is to do them as fast as possible with good form keeping the HR up and finish in 20 minutes. Her best time was 19:28. I'll probably take about 35-40 minutes! LOL! We'll see! I'll let you know tomorrow how I make out! Downloaded a great Gymboss app for my iPhone that was free so I have a nice stop watch for the workout tomorrow! I'll let you know how I make out!

Have a great night everyone!
oops, was it Lisa who wasn't posting? I thought it was Jane:eek:

I know I posted already, but what the hey, I'm here.

Tricia- out here it will stay hot through October. But, in a weird way, it sort of was fall like out there. Something about the light and moisture in the air.

Jane- the kitties are super cute but really hard to feed, they fight and have little claws and are teething! ouchie! they don't like to eat but they have to anyway so its a struggle.

I inherited my kitty from next door. She was a beautiful orange long hair and when the neighbors got a new dog she moved out. We had her for 20 years. I loved her very much and miss her a lot. :(

Geeks who also Joggle. I Like it:D
Good Morning!

I'm going for a swim tonight - somewhere between 80 or 100 laps.

The workout last night was tough. It was really hot but no jumping monkeys in my tummy - yay! I've been trying to run around the block after my workouts but I could only manage a walk last night. Lots of gnats flying around. I got inside to take my shower and some freaky bug was in my hair. Yikes!! So I felt like I had bugs in my hair all night. :eek:

Tricia ~ You did beat me!! I'll get you next week (maybe)!! LOL!!! It's a necessary evil to get up early to do my long runs on Sunday. Although I don't want to get up, once I'm up I'm fine. Plus I get done early and I have the rest of the day to relax. As much as I would like to get up early on weekdays, it's not going to happen. I already get up at 5am as it is and I get so sweaty, I would have to sit around for at least an hour to cool down.

How did you like the workout this morning?

Alisha ~ I'm sure feeling the kitties are tough with all the claws and teeth but I'm sure their cuteness makes up for that.

What's on tap for today?

Hi Lisa!
oops, was it Lisa who wasn't posting? I thought it was Jane:eek:

Understandable mistake. Here's how to tell the difference - if someone posts a kickass workout and ran 7+ miles or swam anything, it was Jane. If on the other hand the post includes horseback riding and not working out, it was probably Lisa (me) :D.

So I fun rode in the morning yesterday, did CC V3 with the pups and then rode for work last night. Had a bunch of people who were totally incapable of following directions or learning from their mistakes - yay. Today I ride a double - the morning ride is down, afternoon yet to go. Meanwhile, I'm soaking up the AC and probably should workout and probably won't. I ride tomorrow morning and then I hope, think, I'm off for a day or two. The hip is hurting pretty good now. Oh, we rolled hay yesterday so I'll count that as a shoulder workout - Hay Max.

Alisha - The kitties sound cute and fun. Kittens are hard though and when they get to moving around they are so hard to manage/corral/keep from destroying things.

Jane - Great workouts as usual. I'm sitting on a lot of things but more horses, boats and beaches than couches. No bon bons but the dogs and I did kill a package of oreo cookies over the last 2 weeks.

Tricia - I like "Geek who also Joggle". I can't believe its almost August already. Summer is disappearing fast and I haven't accomplished a lot of things. I guess I need to get on the ball.

Cindi - Hi and thinking of you and your family.

on tap

For today is Step Moves. When I first got it the choreography seemed hard but now I can almost do it with my eyes closed (almost).

I have the day at home which means lots of time to upload footage, get some chores done (kitchen floor is sticky:eek:) and I spent the morning saving a humming bird. Why do they fly into the house? Is it the orchid? idk. Anyway, I got her with a butterfly net, took her outside and got all the cobwebs off her and the little net off and she flew away. I'm hoping that she got some water from the freshly watered plants. I don't know why but every time one of those birds gets in the house I just feel compelled to save it.

I made some broccolini the other day and had some with my lunch. It was really good with some lemon juice and a pork chop. It is a sweeter flavor than regular broccoli and has less of a strong smell.

Hi everybody!
Jane - You probably will beat me this weekend! I don't know if I'll do the same route. Man, am I still sore from that run! Even my abs hurt, which I consider a good thing! I would have completely freaked out at finding a bug in my hair! Yikes! I'm always paranoid about that!

Lisa - I like Hay Max! Now you need to figure out a way it can be done by home exercisers! LOL! I'm sorry your hip is giving you more trouble! Hope it clears up soon! I know what you mean about summer! It seems that every year, right on September 1st, the temps drop down into the 60s instantly, but the warm temps in spring, take forever to get here!

Alisha - I love when I finally can get all the choreography! Kudos! Yippee you! Saving a hummingbird. Was she hard to catch? They are beautiful and I haven't seen one since I left GA. Wish I could find some broccolini around here. None of my usual grocers seem to ever carry it! I'd love to try it!

Well, I think I have found some non-Cathe, non-DVD workouts that I like! I loved the Bodyrock workout "Fast Burn Workout!" It was just enough to start with and I worked hard for it! I had started working with Turbulence Training back in May and, for whatever reason, they didn't seem to do much for me. Of course, they were more strength only and you had to do separate intervals for your cardio. These give you everything together! It's GS Legs tomorrow! Hope my DOMS is better! LOL! I'm off to start looking at other bodyweight workouts for Thursday!
Good Afternoon!

It's going to be close to 100 degrees today but there is a nice breeze and humidity is low. I'm not doing a run today but doing a workout that includes a run. I just wanted to be close to water, a fan and a/c, if needed.

4 rounds
1 minute work/1 minute rest

Kettlebell Swings
Weighted Sit ups
Box Jumps
Driveway Runs

Tricia ~ I glad you are enjoying the Bodyrock workouts. Have fun with Gym Style Legs. That is one tough workout!!

Lisa ~ Hope your hip is feeling better. I had on and off hip pain for a while but it seems to be off for now. I do better when I foam roll and stretch. I foam roll but not always stretch. I hate stretching.

Alisha ~ I will have to try broccolini. I have heard of it but have never tried it and and didn't know the difference between it and broccoli.

Hi Cindi ~ My thoughts are with you and your family.
Hi ladies -

Thank you for all the kind thoughts and condolances. It's been a tough week for Pete but each day I think is a little bit better. There is a lot for him to do but his mom did a very good job of organizing things for him. She had been sick for a while so had planned for this. (She was 85.)

I have a cold now but planned to take the week off anyway to help Pete with stuff. So here I am sniffling and not working out either.

I've come to accept that after three weeks of Turbo Fire my heel needs more rest. The high impact is as bad as running for that achilles and the bone spur. It's become increasingly stiff and sore . The shoes I have are great and don't add to the damage, but the tendon is just getting pulled over that bone and it's not happy.

So I'm changing my plans and shelving TF for now (and I'm very sad about it because I love the workouts). Starting monday I'm doing STS Strength three days a week and cardio three days a week. Cardio is going to be non-impact so it's spin class and/or the elliptical/bike at the health club. I love spin class so that's ok and I've done meso 1 before and liked it. I'm sure this plan will be fine - I just don't like changing plans but the heel is not getting better.

I'm not even going to try to run until I've gotten through the next three months. So Lisa - You and I can come here and talk about how we aren't running. :)
Hi Cindi! Glad things are going smoothly. Healing energy to Pete! I've never been through this, so I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like! I hope you both heal soon! Get over your cold! I"m sorry the heel isn't doing any better and you're having to put TF away for a while. Your plan sounds good, though! At least you know you're not putting TF away because it's a bad series or not working for you and you know you can come back to it when you're better!

I know you haven't had time to catch up, so to fill you in. We've been talking about changing the group's name to "Geeks Who ALSO Joggle!" At least I think that's the consensus (let me know ladies!). So, chime in with your thoughts! We've also considered Geeky Jogglers, Joggling Nerds, Jogglers, there may have been one or two more! Anyway, let us know your thoughts on this.

Jane - Looks like another good workout, of course! The heat must be brutal! At least it's not too humid! I was going to walk the dogs tonight, but our humidity is up and it's been around 91 or so today. They're crashed on what I call their bunk beds right now. That's our brown loveseat. Mile lays on the seat of it and Peanut camps out on top of the pillows! It's so cute! GS Legs was good this morning! I was determined to match the crew's weights and I did! My legs are toast! I'm sore all over today, so I think after this week, I'm going to take at least a couple of rest days to get over all this DOMS! Maybe just do some stretching and walking, but no weights or intense cardio.

Doing a 20 minute workout tomorrow! This one is off of myomytv. I know there was some issue in the OD forum about this, but I've never seen Marianne trash Bodyrock or Zuzana on her blog, so I find it a little bit weird. I know she tried to outdo Zuzana on one of her workouts, but she never uttered a single negative thing. I'm a little confused about all that. Anyway, I'll let you know how it goes!

Have a great night! I'll check back later and see if we hear from Alisha and Lisa! Hello girls!
Good evening fellow Geeks who also Joggle.

I rode this morning for work. Please check my FB profile for a pic of the guy we "ran into" on the beach this morning. :confused: I and the little girls in my group will never be the same again. This afternoon, I went to the beach with a girlfriend. We drove her giant truck out to the point to watch the charter boats come back through the inlet. We drank toddies and swam. I got a slight right shoulder workout holding my beverage above the waves :D. That is all I accomplished today :eek:.

Hi Cindi! I'm glad you were able to check in. It must be an incredibly difficult time for Pete and you. You are both in our thoughts. I hope your cold goes away quickly. I succeeded in not running any miles today. How about you? ;)

Tricia - How was your workout? I'm glad Milo enjoys running with your hubby. I really think that running is very good for dogs emotionally. I think it is very pack-building. My rescues are always amazed when I run with them for the first time and keep looking up at me as if to say, "Really?!? You do this too?!?"

Alisha - I understand the bird saving compulsion. My entire family saves birds that fly into windows, get stuck in buildings, etc. My dad and I once carried out the world's coolest seagull rescue. We were walking down the beach and came across a fisherman with a large herring gull tangled in his line. Herring gulls are very big with a long, sharp beak. This guy obviously didn't have a clue what to do and was just kind of dragging the bird up the beach to the dry sand. My dad and I walked over and asked if he needed a hand and he happily turned the bird wrangling over to us. My dad kind of wiggled two fingers in front of the bird and when it turned to look at him, he grabbed it's neck with his other hand. I cut the line off of it with a pocket knife and we let it go. As we walked back down the beach looking very cool, I asked my dad if he'd even done that before (his master's degree is in wildlife management). He looked at me and said, "Nope, but it seemed like it would work" and off we went. Every time I see a herring gull and their big beaks, I think of that day and my dad.

Jane - Wow! It's hot and muggy there isn't it? It cooled down a little bit yesterday here but today was pretty dang hot again. My hip will do better with a day off and some stretching. I don't stretch enough either. Yoga helps because it stretches me out without being "stretching" if you know what I mean. I haven't tried the foam rollers yet but they seem to be gaining a lot of popularity lately.

A Geek who very occasionally Joggles between horseback rides, toddies and beach bumming
Hi Lisa!

I think I like your workout better! LOL! Especially the part about holding the toddy above the waves! I don't do that enough! I saw your FB photo! I have to go back and look at it bigger though.

My workout was great! Other than being tired, I seem to be getting stronger! Tuesday, I did the Bodyrock workout, which I like a lot, today was GS Legs and I did all the same weights as Cathe and crew and all the reps! I did leave off the inner and outer thigh work because I got up a bit late and was pressed for time! I do love the hamstring roll ins! Tomorrow I'm doing one off of myomytv. Its 5 exercises 45/15 work to rest x4. It's done with KBs, but I'm subbing DBs since I don't have any KBs.

Peanut is cute when she runs. She's not as good at it and doesn't love it like Milo, but she loves to go anyway! She'll let you know when she's done, too! LOL! I just love when you can really see how they feel!

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