Good evening fellow Geeks who also Joggle.
I rode this morning for work. Please check my FB profile for a pic of the guy we "ran into" on the beach this morning.

I and the little girls in my group will never be the same again. This afternoon, I went to the beach with a girlfriend. We drove her giant truck out to the point to watch the charter boats come back through the inlet. We drank toddies and swam. I got a slight right shoulder workout holding my beverage above the waves

. That is all I accomplished today

Hi Cindi! I'm glad you were able to check in. It must be an incredibly difficult time for Pete and you. You are both in our thoughts. I hope your cold goes away quickly. I succeeded in not running any miles today. How about you?
Tricia - How was your workout? I'm glad Milo enjoys running with your hubby. I really think that running is very good for dogs emotionally. I think it is very pack-building. My rescues are always amazed when I run with them for the first time and keep looking up at me as if to say, "Really?!? You do this too?!?"
Alisha - I understand the bird saving compulsion. My entire family saves birds that fly into windows, get stuck in buildings, etc. My dad and I once carried out the world's coolest seagull rescue. We were walking down the beach and came across a fisherman with a large herring gull tangled in his line. Herring gulls are very big with a long, sharp beak. This guy obviously didn't have a clue what to do and was just kind of dragging the bird up the beach to the dry sand. My dad and I walked over and asked if he needed a hand and he happily turned the bird wrangling over to us. My dad kind of wiggled two fingers in front of the bird and when it turned to look at him, he grabbed it's neck with his other hand. I cut the line off of it with a pocket knife and we let it go. As we walked back down the beach looking very cool, I asked my dad if he'd even done that before (his master's degree is in wildlife management). He looked at me and said, "Nope, but it seemed like it would work" and off we went. Every time I see a herring gull and their big beaks, I think of that day and my dad.
Jane - Wow! It's hot and muggy there isn't it? It cooled down a little bit yesterday here but today was pretty dang hot again. My hip will do better with a day off and some stretching. I don't stretch enough either. Yoga helps because it stretches me out without being "stretching" if you know what I mean. I haven't tried the foam rollers yet but they seem to be gaining a lot of popularity lately.
A Geek who very occasionally Joggles between horseback rides, toddies and beach bumming