no internet for me

At least there wasn't any internet for a day. My brother had to replace the router.

Yesterday was a joggle with 2 min. intervals. Last night I did an hour of yoga. Today might be a rest day, it depends on how I feel when we get home from work. Normally, I work from home, but I've been given some part time hours at the construction site doing office work and far be it from me to turn down good clean money. Tomorrow will be another joggle but with 3 min. intervals. For some reason, I seem to get a better workout with intervals than just steady state, I burn more calories and it has more of an effect on my fat little legs.

I ate pretty clean yesterday. I skipped dinner, had green beans/kung pao tofu for lunch and I made a cheese omelette for breakfast. I also made a new batch of gluten free fiber brownies, these one's had the last bit of super dark chocolate, and additional 1/2 c. of coco, and coconut fat. I only allow myself 1/4 of a brownie for obvious reasons, the carb count is only 10 grams, and well, the fiber is only there for my health/IBS issues so one doesn't want too much.;)

Lisa- Does the calorie burn increase if you are rolling the hay for both you and someone else?

Btw, I'm a bit of a nerd too. I mean, I go to audio club meetings, book club meetings (Harry Potter Club for adults) dim sum meetings (mmm. dim sum...) and I wave and talk to the horses as I jog by. What the sheep must think! :eek: I'm also a science fiction fan and I love comic book movies. I will pay money to see a movie just because the animation looks good and won't be as much fun on the small screen.

Jane- I sure wish I had a pool to swim in and the guts to wear a swimsuit, the only problem with me is I have double the guts I need :p I'm hoping that this new business venture will put a pool in our future.

Tricia- Have fun with your day off. I've been thinking about adding High Step challenge to my arsenal of Cathe workouts,

Cindi- I've only tried HIIT 30/30 so far.
Jane - That workout looks like a tough one! I'm glad you made it through your run okay! I would hate the Jumping Monkeys feeling! I just wish mental health days didn't have to be taken on the sly.

Alisha - Good for you getting some "office" work in there! I think the geeky/nerdy thing is what keeps us all together here! I adore sci-fi, astronomy, physics, Anime, and anything that's informational!

HSC was an awesome workout! Hopefully, it'll be more fun when I have more energy! It moves really fast!

I'm just vegging out today and we're catching up on our hulu que!

Hi Cindi and Lisa!
Tricia ~ I worked at a company where my boss stated that we could use one of our sick days as "mental" health days. It wasn't policy. She said all we had to do was call in and say we didn't feel like working today. We just had to make sure that the office was fully staffed and we had nothing important to get done.

Alisha ~ Luckily I swim in a private pool and the only person that sees me is my sister and the lady that owes the pool. Neither one cares what I like look in a bathing suit. :p

HSC is a great workout! It's one of my favorites.
Hi again!

Tricia - I'm really glad to see you took a day off. You deserve it. I hope the 'migraine' gets better soon! We don't have sick days at work, we just have one big PTO (paid time off) bucket that we can draw from to cover sick, vacation, a couple hours to take the kid to the orthodontist, etc.. It's a nice set up because I also don't ever call in sick so I end up with more vacation days. Besides with technology now, people just work from home if they are sick and you have to be in the hospital or unconscious to really take a day off due to illness.

Jane - it is so steamy here it's unreal.

Alisha - glad you are back on the internet. Your eats always sound so good! I agree with you 100% that intervals work better than steady state. I'm finding the same thing with these Turbo Fire Hiit workouts. They are giving me the courage to maybe crack open Cathe's. My spin class is almost always set up in intervals - either speed changes or hill climbs. I've notice a real improvement in my leg strength and overall endurance from this style of exercise.

Hey - I'm a nerd too!!!! We should call ourselves the Joggling Nerds - then everyone would want to join our group, don't you think?

This morning I did Calorie Explosion - new FIRM workout and it was hard. It reminded me a lot of Cathe in the types of moves they did. It felt close to advanced to me. Somewhat less intense than a turbofire workout and much more low-key of course. But still very solid workout. It was 12 bucks at target. It was about 55 minutes long if you do all the segments. There is a separate warm up and cooldown and then 4 -12 minute segements that are all a mix of high/lo impact. A good amount of plyometrics throughout. 3 of the 4 segments use light weights to intensify the cardio moves. So this workout took the place of the spin class I missed on Tuesday and I'm back on track now for the rest of the week.

Having dinner with my girl-friends tonight. I'm in charge of dessert so I made chocolate cherry cupcakes with a cheesecake frosting and vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce. All from scratch and super yummy. I'll try to save some for you guys if you want to come over later.
OMG Cindi! That dessert sounds delicious! I had to say that first! I love dessert! I"m going to have to look for that DVD now! It sounds like a good one. I like Joggling Nerds! We have another week to finalize our new name so throw them out there and let's see what sticks!

I'd love to come for dessert, but DH and I shared a B&J pint after lunch today! My dessert is done for the day!

I would love it if we just had a certain number of hours per year to do with as we please! I would be on vacation at least one day a month! Especially right now since we can't really take a "real" vacation.

It's been a great day of just hanging out and taking the occasional nap. Not really sleeping, just laying down and closing my eyes with the pups here and there. Got in some reading and catching up on my favorite blogs! Having some Marlin for dinner with steamed green beans and leftover sweet and sour brussel sprouts. Never had Marlin before so we shall see. DH is always in charge of fish prep!
Good evening ladies,
This morning, I did a one mile joggle with the pups around the block. I did Bum Bum this evening. Otherwise, it was a rest day. I'm struggling with some tendonitis/nerve pain issues so I didn't even fun ride today or take the two work shifts that were offered to me. I'm going to try to do some yoga/stretching this evening.

It's been really hot here the last couple of days and I think I got heat exhaustion during my evening ride yesterday evening. I was well hydrated but got really tired and stopped sweating. Luckily it was right before we got to the beach and the wind was blowing on the beach and I rode down in the water to get as cool as possible. We have a photographer that drives out to the beach so I had some cold drinks stashed in her truck and sucked down two of them and started to feel better.

Cindi - I'll be right there!

Tricia - I hope your "migraine" is doing better and that you had a good day. That sort of work environment is so stressful and challenging. I really hope things get better.

Alisha - I love Harry Potter, especially the books on tape. The guy who reads them is so great. I don't know about the hay rolling for others but anything that raises the calorie burn is a good thing, right?

Jane - Come on up! I'll save some hay rolling just for you. We can do it tabata style if you like ;)

Lisa, I'm glad you had access to some cold drinks! Be careful out there! I hope the yoga and stretching help with your tendonitis and nerve issues! Feel better soon!
Tricia - Thanks! I do try! My motto is, "It's a fine line between dehydration and peeing on a copperhead" :p. Just kidding but not really. I was well hydrated yesterday, it was just the heat but I did almost step on a copperhead earlier this week. He was hanging out in the same spot that I pee in every day when I'm riding and I was distracted and he was right next to my foot and moving away when I realized he was there. Then he stared out at me from the bushed while I did my thing. Very scary.

I've been drinking Crystal Light Pure Fitness and really like it. It's an electrolyte drink that is sweetened with a little sugar (30 calories) and rebiana (stevia extract). I really like it and it seems to be helping me to stay hydrated better.

I got spunky tonight and pulled out CC Pump and modified it for my own purposes. I did 5 rounds of lower body exercises and 3 rounds of abs. Then I did some stretching and a little yoga. My legs are feeling better, I hope it holds true on the rides tomorrow too.

Tricia - How was the marlin? Do you know what type it was? I've only eaten marlin once and it was white marlin. Most people here release them unless they are potentially prize-winning tournament fish.

Oh my, Lisa! He was probably put off that you made him move to use the facilities! LOL! How frightening! When I used to hunt, I always carried my pistol in case of snakes or rabid bobcats and things. You can never be too well prepared!

The marlin was good! It's a very dense meat and a small amount went a long way to filling us up! I'm not sure what type it was. DH went to the market for fish yesterday, so I'm not sure. It was definitely white meat. More like eating a steak in texture.

Did the Overall Legs and Glutes Premix on B&G this morning. Felt much better as far as energy goes. The pups made it through the whole night, thank goodness!

I'm back to work today, but at least it's Friday! A couple more weeks and I'm taking a Friday off, then working 3 days and taking the next Thursday and Friday off to spend time with the Hubby. He'll be done with this semester then and we can actually get to know each other again! LOL! the 8th of August is also his birthday, so we'll be celebrating sometime that weekend!

Have a great day everyone!

I took yesterday as a rest day. I did an hour of yoga with Sarah Kline last night. My eats are pretty good. I do have a pint of Rainbow Chocolate ice cream and I've only had 1/2 a serving. I cut my fiber brownies down to 1/4 size. I roasted some chicken drumsticks for a snack today and then at lunch either I will go to the co-op or pick something up at the health food store.

Today will be Power max in the afternoon when I get home from work. Tomorrow will be a joggle. My car got a flat tire just a few yards from the house yesterday morning. I have to get the tire fixed tomorrow.

Tricia- I also wish we could take mental health days just because we want to.

Lisa- You are funny, most people would not count a one mile joggle as a rest day:p I don't think I could pee with a snake looking at me, I would get all tense.

Cindi- Hey, I like Joggling Nerds or how about Joggling Geeks?

Jane- Hi!
Alisha - You're doing great on your eats! We're having pizza and beer tonight! I should be ashamed, but I'm not! I'll run tomorrow no matter how hot it is!

Ugh! How frustrating to be so close to home and get a flat! That's just annoying! Have a good joggle tomorrow!

Personally, I prefer Geeks to Nerds. Nerds has had too much of a bad rap for too many years. What do the rest of you think? Joggling Geeks? Geeky Jogglers? Geeks Who Joggle? Oooh! I just had a thought! Once we decide, we should come up with a t-shirt design and have some made for us! I'd wear it! Feel free to "throw" stuff at me if you think that's a stupid idea! I'm a little flighty this evening! LOL!

Have a great night and enjoy your weekend! I'm sure I'll be checking back in again later!
I know a guy who makes shirts, I wonder how much he charges and my Mom is a graphic artist so I can get the design for free:D

Geeks who Joggle


Geek out!!
I was going to joggle but its way to 'hottle'? any hoody, I'm just going to hike, no real intensity, just keeping the old feet going, getting fluid flowing around my body not just collecting in my ankles.;)

This morning I woke up from dreaming about the gluten free bakery up the street, I dreamt they made a vanilla flavored baguette, and it was soft. Thats how you know this was a dream, because you don't get soft and gluten free, you can have crumbley or chewy but not soft. So, I got up and had a gluten free waffle (just 20 carbs). It was good.

I make this loop in my neighborhood, for a joggle I turn right because the hills are a little more gentle and then towards the end there is a great big hill I use for the cool down. For a hike I turn left because the hills are a little more intense so I know I'm getting some sort of a workout but I don't wear my hrm because I'm feeling lazy/tired etc. Today is a left turn day. Its already 73 degrees out there. I'm taking extra water. I may take a nap after.:p
Hi ladies,
I rode a double yesterday. I swore I was going to do PUB in between rides but didn't. I rode this morning for fun. I rode bareback this morning and yesterday morning and that definitely doesn't bother my hip the way riding in a saddle is, so... I may be spending a lot more time riding bareback just to keep everything working right. I don't love the idea of riding bareback when I'm working just because it doesn't make me quite as stable and it isn't as easy to get back on but I think it's worth the trade off at this point.

It's ridiculously hot out there and I haven't run or walked or anything useful in a while. I would like to run this evening after it cools down and workout today but I'm not going to make any promises I may not keep :D. I'll just let you know after the fact.

Alisha - Enjoy your walkkle!

Tricia - I prefer tanktops or babydoll Ts thank you, from a "Geek who Joggles". I don't think Chip is a fan of the snake gun idea even though I am. Chip spooks at things that don't actually exist in the woods. I can only imagine what would happen if I shot at something. The marlin was probably swordfish. I checked with Andy and he said its illegal to sell any marlin other than swordfish commercially in the US (except in Hawaii where white marlin can be sold). Have you ever watched the tv show, Swordfish: Life on the Line? One of the guys on that show used to live down here and work for Andy.

Alisha - Sounds like a great low impact day!

Lisa - I didn't know that about the Marlin. Why, then, are they allowed to label it as Marlin? I've never seen that show, but it's cool to know someone on it! Don't worry about breaking workout promises! We all do it! Life gets in the way.

I cleaned house this morning, does that count as a workout? I was dripping sweat by the time I finished.

Ladies - I think I'm losing control of my life. I had some very terrifying, realistic dreams last night. Between DH and myself, I woke up about 4 times. After going back to sleep, the dream just picked up where it left off. That hasn't happened in ages. It was so realistic that I cried for real most of the night and woke up sobbing. When I have dreams like this, in my unskilled interpretation, it signals a feeling of lost direction or control. I'm not sure you want the details, but just take my word that it was a very horrific dream. I don't qualify them as nightmares anymore because my dreams don't really scare me like that anymore and haven't for many, many years. Fear, I have conquered, at least where my dreams are concerned.

I'm hoping this trend doesn't continue because I woke up feeling like someone had dumped a truck full of bricks on me! It took a while for me to shake it off. I could still see all the details of the entire dream in vivid color and still can. Ugh.

An old Marine buddy of DH's is going to crash at our place tonight. He has an event somewhere around here tomorrow morning. He lives Wareham, MA now. Not sure what he's participating in, but we're happy to let someone make a pit stop! It makes the event a bit easier knowing you've gotten a good night's sleep and are able to sleep a bit later instead of getting up before the crack of dawn and having a long drive to get there.

Well, have a beautiful day everyone! Is it lunch yet?
I did PUB Up, Namaste yoga and Bollywood Dance.

Tricia - I get weird, strange dreams when I'm stressed too. You have been under a lot of stress lately. Maybe you aren't "out of control" in your life, just under a lot of strain and this is where its showing. My bad dreams always involve something awful happening to my critters, my partner cheating or something like that. They can still be upsetting even though you know they are just dreams. I hope things get better soon!

Many different species of billfish are refered to as marlin including the sailfish, swordfish, white and blue marlins that we have here. There are black and striped marlin as well as other species of smaller billfish around the world. I guess they just used the generic term marlin for the swordfish.

It's always lunchtime in my book. I'm a fan of the hobbits and their meal plan which includes: first breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, supper, tea, dinner...

Glad to see you got your workout in today! Thanks for clarifying the whole marlin situation for me! I'm not up on my saltwater fish very well! I'd love to go deep sea fishing sometime!

Well, maybe if I take some time to meditate tomorrow, I can help my stress level a bit. I know I was staying away from the dream details, but the first part involved me being attacked from behind. DH woke me from that one after I basically screamed out loud. The second and continuous one involved DH deciding to take his own life for no reason, just because, and me trying to talk him out of it. It was pretty darn intense. The last part before he woke me up at around 8 this morning involved a huge group of people together somewhere - not a mass suicide, but just someplace all these people were gathering to finalize their lives. Some were completing moving their belongings. DH was saying goodbye to the pups as I kept begging. A guy walked past us and laid down on a cot and a friend took a pistol and shot him in the chest at point blank range. The blood and everything, including the way his body jumped from the force of the impact were so real. I was sobbing hysterically by then while people around me laughed at me for my reaction. DH woke me right then as tears were just streaming down my face! It was devastating. Yikes! I hope I dream about clowns or something tonight! Even a dream about an alien invasion would be preferable!

Well, we're going to the rock gym in a bit, so I'll leave you with that lovely image (sorry about that), but maybe putting in writing like this will finally dissipate the whole idea!

Have a great Saturday night!
Hi guys - I'm sorry to dump and run, but I want to let you know I'm going to be offline for a few days. Pete's mother passed away today. Lot's to absorb and deal with this week. He's an only child and his dad remarried years ago so really all the arrangements, house, etc. fall on him.

I'll be back - just wanted you to know what was going on.

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