New Runners All Welcome! October 13, 2009


What made the ghost cross the road?
Somebody shouted, "Look its Cathe!" or There was a hardware store and he saw the light.:rolleyes::D

I just did Basic Step. It went well. I can see I have lost all my stamina :eek:but hey, the HRM was pleased so ok I start here (again.) Its raining, its pouring, I couldn't go outside, so boring (sing it with me now!:p)

I'm going into the city tomorrow with my Mom, she has an Indesign class and I will be doing the driving. It will probably be too wet for photography. I will take my yoga matt, a dvd, and a Leslie Sansone dvd. I sure wish I had my STS cardio travel dvd. That would be cool.

Tana- I used to have a roomate who had (has, I'm pretty sure Julia is ok.) a baby daughter and it was really important that she got some relaxation time. Is there anybody who could watch the munchkins for an hour and half 2-3 times a week for you? Even once a week will make a major difference for you. And, if a Cathe workout seems like too much do a 20 minute yoga practice, that can be very refreshing, quiet (during nap time?) and help restore your batteries.

MStar- I love the Alec Baldwin snl shows.

Jane- Hi! Anytime I'm sort of running I call it a sprint.

Cindi- Who is Stephanie?

Janis- I have been known to stop a workout if my pod malfunctions and walk home quite dejected.

Hi Tricia and everybody else!
Here is my lonely thread (cue the crickets)

Hello, its October! I spent the last two days in San Francisco driving my Mom to an Indesign class on New Montgomery St. which is close to Market and the shopping centers. Its very posh in many ways. I was so good. I did not indulge in any ice creams or baked confections in spite of the many bakeries, chocolate shops and yogurt shops. I did well. I did not get any exercise but, thats ok, things considered. It was rainy and we stayed in China Town so it wasn't the best opportunity for exercise.

I will make an attempt to go for a jog tomorrow morning. The track is dry enough and I will do some easy intervals for about 30 minutes.

Good afternoon Jenn!

MStar- How are things in mstar land?

Tana- Hi, how are the kids?

Tricia- Sci-Fi in concert sounds like fun. I get the achy ears from windy running, that’s why I wear those fancy ear buds that wrap around my ears. That seems to help.

Sydney- How is your tummy?

Jane- I hope your race goes well. Report back with your experience.

Cindi- your idea to run into the wind on the way out sounds like a plan, I guess I never really gave it much thought before. There is a whole Podcast about chi- running here is a link:

Janis- Its going to be great to be back on the trail again. Who is your favorite yoga instructor? Or do you work with a real live yogi or do you work on your own?

Lisa-Tell us how the 5k goes.
Good Morning Everyone!

I'm taking a rest day today. I'm doing a 5K race tomorrow morning. It was be clear, in the mid 50's with 10 to 20mph winds.

Morningstar ~ Good luck on your race tomorrow (I think it's tomorrow). I will be thinking of you.

I did get a small run in yesterday evening. There was a threat of rain and stormy weather in the area so I did a kettlebell circuit workout and then ran a couple of times around the neighborhood.

Hope everyone has a great day!!
Good morning! Its not yet 7 am, I'm all dressed and ready to go for the first jog/walk of the fall. I'm going to do about 30 minutes on the dirt track. I have my ipod on notice and an Attune bar to munch before I head out. I have missed my track. See you gals later!
Alisha and Jane,
I'll help keep company over here! However, I'm still obsessed over the bis and bottlecaps (good lord where does she put it :eek: - none of my ideas are particularly comfortable, add a cold wind and...) so I'll keep this short :D.

I did CC V1 yesterday afternoon and Ellen Barrett's Slim Sculpt this morning. I do it without weights (she only uses 3#s anyway) and think of it as an active stretch rather than a workout. That's about it for today. Tomorrow is going to be cold and rainy and I think my friend is backing out of the 5K but I'll probably go ahead and do it anyway.

Everyone have a great day!
Morningstar ~ I just read your comment on the last thread. I don't mind being called a grizzled veteran. I can look quite grizzly at times!!! :D:D

Lisa ~ Good luck on your 5K as well!
Just in case, I thought I'd copy this over! Don't want to miss out!

Good to hear from you Morningstar!

You've made MY day today! ROFL!

Yes, lots of luck (and hopefully sunshine) to both you and Lisa on your first 5Ks!!! I'll be cheering you on from my living room as it is going to be nasty here weather-wise and I will have nowhere fun to go! Yes, I'm whining about it, so deal!

Janis - Hey! I missed the announcement and had to go back and re-read your post! Congratulations on your change of orientation! How are those bi's today anyway? LOL!

Hope the charging was the only problem with your new iPod! That has to suck! I can't stand it when I forget to charge mine and it dies right in the middle, or worse, at the beginning of my run/workout! I hate that! That's when I start having to sing to myself to keep me going! No, not out loud! Of course, that could be beneficial. It could scare everyone else away, so I have the path all to myself, hmmm . . . .

Alisha - Oops! I guess I missed the switchover! Must be the Ghost in the Machine! It doesn't want me to move to another thread!

Heading back to work! Hope we get to go home early today! We didn't have any closings scheduled, so maybe . . . Then I can get my workout done early!
Helloooooooo . . . .

Well, the weather has been miserable and very cold! Our wind chill had us at 29 today! Brrrr! So, obviously, I didn't get out for a run! I did, however, come home and stepped my way to Cardio Fusion! I love that one! I was amazed at how easy it was to me! I guess I'm going to have to increase my step height to get more from it now! I was still working hard by the last blast, but the first half was pretty mild. This could be good if my HR stayed in the fat burning zone! I didn't take the time to put my HRM on today.

Will check in again tomorrow!
Hi everyone... almost missed the new thread!!!
Lisa: do well on your 5k- hope your friend doesn't back out. 5k's are fun.
RapidBreath...did you enjoy your run? Way to go on side stepping the ice cream….my downfall
MStar: Alec Baldwin; actually all the Baldwin’s are hilarious
Tana: how are your babies? Did you get your “me” time in this week?
Tricia: I don’t like running in the cold either!!!!
Jane: good luck on your 5K tomorrow too…. Thanks for being my FB encourager. It really helped get me through these last few weeks
Hi Cindi and Janis..Hope that I didn’t miss anyone.
Today is a rest day for me…I spend the night previewing some of my new DVD’s. Have a good night.
Just in to make a small announcement.

My DH decided yesterday he wanted Vibram Five Finger shoes! I thought we were going to wait a bit, but he decided today, he just had to have them! We are now the proud owners of a pair each of Vibram KOS50 shoes! Yea!!! I can't wait to start trying them out! Of course, it's going to rain for the next couple of days, so I'll have to wait until Tuesday to try them out!

They feel great on my feet though! It's a little bit weird 'cause I don't really feel like there's anything there. I wore them around the shop a bit and jogged around in them to make sure the fit was good. The only problem I had was getting my left pinky toe in! For some reason, it wasn't very cooperative, but I have short, stubby toes and the pinkies kind of turn in a little. Took just a bit of maneuvering, but I got it in there!

I like that you can wear these for everything - hiking, climbing, sailing, running (of course), regular fitness/weight lifting. I'm wondering if I could wear them for step? Might have to try that after I get used to 'em.
Hey ladies!

It was cold and rainy this morning but we ran and did pretty good. I finished in 34.25 which is slower than my race goal pace of 10 min/mile but since I started training on Sunday I'm going say that I did just fine :). My friend Jennifer did great, finishing in 35 minutes despite only running once in the past three weeks :eek:. She did use the elliptical regularly though and did fabulously.

Thanks for the well wishes!
Congratulations to you and Jennifer! It was a nasty day to run, but you did it and 34:25 is nothing to sneeze at! That's a good pace! I think I'm going to wait until next year to do one, but I will have to get myself in the 5K club, too!

Again, way to go, Lisa!
Hi Everyone!

Lisa ~ Congratulations on your 5K!!!

Tricia ~ Congratulations on your new shoes!! Let us know how you like them.

Today my sister and I ran our 5K (Red Fox Trot). It was a beautiful morning!! It was about 50 degrees and sunny at race time. I felt great the whole way and although I did not set a PR, I did do my 2nd best time this year. I felt really strong and had a good kick at the end. I think I felt the best in this 5K than I have all year. I don't know if it was the cool weather, my training or both.

I spent the rest of the day helping my mom in her yard. It was cool and blustery this afternoon and is suppose to be in the 40's tonight. I'm missing summer already. It is suppose to be back into the 80's by the middle of next week though! :p

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Sounds like a great run Jane! Congratulations! Good training really makes a difference!

It is really nasty here today! Lots of wind and rain and my DH is in Newport running a half marathon this morning. I was going with him, but he told me to just stay in bed since the weather was so bad! I would have had to stand in the cold, windy, rain for a few hours between the check-in, etc., then the race and it would have been miserable. So, here I am at home cheering him on in spirit!

I can't wait for the sun to come back out!
Jog time

Good morning, I’m about to go on my jog/walk. I don’t see my normal jog headphones, I guess these old Apple earbuds will have to do. I’m munching on an Attune bar. Its still dark outside, I like to wait until sunrise before I head out. Todays eats: millet, coconut milk, 2 eggs, lunch: roast chicken, salad, dinner: broccoli and pork.

This week's rotation (subject to change without prior notice :D)
Sunday: Jog
Monday: Yoga Today
Tuesday: Step
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Step
Friday: Jog, easy yoga dvd
Saturday: Wildcard workout (pick one any one)

Lisa- Congrats on your race.

Tricia- Don’t worry about the switchover, so long as you’re here in spirit (mild ghostly reference.) 29? Yikes! You can have it. The shoes sound exciting. Have you run in them yet?

Sydney- The run was good. I fell into 1/3 of a cup of ice cream last night, but it was my cheat day, so its ok (I hope.)

Jane-Way to go on that 2nd best time.

Morning everybody else, hope to see you in this thread. . .I wonder if you are still over in September?
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My very first - but not last - 5K race

I did it! And I set my own PR of 32 minutes for the 5K! The timer there said I did it in 33 minutes, but I had to wait a long time to get through the start gate and my HRM said it was 32 minutes (actually, it said it was 33 minutes, but when I got through the finish line I burst into tears and it took me a while to remember to turn off the HRM). The one time I did a 5k all the way through without a break, I did 33 minutes, so I actually did better than that time, even with walking breaks.

There were 3200 people running the 5K part, and I believe I was in the top third or so, seeing how many people were still behind me after I finished, but I'm not really sure. I had intended to do eight minute intervals, but my first interval ended up being 13 minutes, and then I did 4 and 3 minute intervals for the rest, with 1 minute breaks.

There were people of absolutely every size and shape and background running and walking - it was really inspiring. There weren't that many spectators, but the ones that were there made me smile and thank them for their encouragement, claps and "woo hoos".

Some people had people's faces on their shirts - people that they had lost to cancer or another medical issue. Made me cry, of course. On my way back from the turnaround point, I saw the last group of people in the race. One of them was using a walker. I thought, "yes!" Anyone can do this- ANYONE! If it takes a long time, it takes a long time, and we can all do this! It doesn't matter how long it takes, it matters that we have the courage to try. I remember when I used to get out of breath going up a single flight of stairs. I remember when running for 30 seconds seemed impossible.

Near the end of the race, I was thinking to myself, what am I running for? And this refrain started running through my head:

I am running for the woman I was; I am running for the woman I am; I am running for the woman I will be.

And on my last interval, I flew.

Thank you all for your encouragement. This check-in group has been an inspiration and a support for me, in sometimes very difficult times. I can't post much nowadays, but I want you to know how much you've all meant to me, beautiful women.
Ode to Morningstar

Amongst other runners
She finds her place
Rising to a challenge
Aspiring grace

Running towards victory
Leaving nothing behind
The Path is the journey
Her feet the guide

A firebird emerges
She ascends the run
Soaring through nebula
Wings kissing the sun

Burning beyond brightness
A fixture in the sky
A celestial princess


I am so pleased, I am overjoyed, I am truly inspired!

Such an amazing milestone to remember always.

Janis, you were hard to see, but I know you were out there, one of the spectators, watching me cross that finish line and yelling "yay, Morningstar" at the top of your lungs! Your poem is so beautiful and I am humbled to be its subject. Thank you for caring about me.
Janis, you were hard to see, but I know you were out there, one of the spectators, watching me cross that finish line and yelling "yay, Morningstar" at the top of your lungs! Your poem is so beautiful and I am humbled to be its subject. Thank you for caring about me.

Big (virtual) smooches, hugs and high fives!

I was rolling around in bed at the wee hours of the morning, calculating for the time difference, and feeling connected to where you were in the run!

This says it all:
"I am running for the woman I was; I am running for the woman I am; I am running for the woman I will be."

I am so happy for you, and proud of you and your accomplishments. You have inspired me to run my own first 5k!

Bask in your success and revel in the joy of today.

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Morningstar and Jane ~ Congrats on both of your runs!!

Today was a quiet day for me today. My mom is coming tomorrow to stay until Friday so I spent the morning cleaning the house. This afternoon I split firewood. That's about it. I will do Push/Pull or Supersets tonight or in the morning.

Waves hi to everyone!

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