Need Advice On Getting My Aging Cat To Eat


Hello Everyone.

I've got a 14 year old cat in the mid stages of kidney failure that has periodic phases where he just won't eat. He acts interested in food (he'll actually run to his bowl when he hears the food bag), but when I give it to him, he turns away from it.

Have any of you had this problem and what did you do to get your furry friend to eat?

Thanks for your help,
AWH, that is so sad. I don't have any advice, but just want you to hug your kitty and yourself for me. Be strong, I'm sure perhaps someone on this forum can give you a suggestion or two. Maybe tuna?


The idea is to die young as late as possible

When I worked in a vet clinic we used to give cats, who were not eating, stage 1 baby food (chicken, beef). See if he/she will eat just a tablespoon at a time. Also try to pet him/her as he eats.

Good Luck
We had the same problem with our aging cat (he also had cancer). Our vet gave us some special canned food and also told us that the stronger the smell of the food, the better the cat would be attracted to it (which is why our cat would eat seafood in his later years but not turkey or beef).
Your vet should be able to give your cat an appetite stimulant. We had to do that with one of our many years ago when he had been sick and wouldn't eat. It really works! Best wishes and hugs to your kitty!
I'm dealing with this issue right now for a 19 year old cat who has elevated kidney levels, a heart murmur, and elevated thyroid. Sometimes he'll eat his wet food and other times only eat dry. I pretty much have to hold the bowl to get him to eat.

I think I'll try some baby food and see if that works. I've also heard that heating up the food will help. I haven't tried this, though.

I'll be interested to see what other advise is given. It's really frustrating to see him get thinner and thinner and not eat! :(
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to try babyfood and see if my vet has an appetite stimulant. I've tried heating wet food, but that didn't help too much. The weird thing with my cat is that he gets all excited when I bring out food, but then he won't eat it.

My fail-safe food was always Tender Vittles, but I'd only give it to him when I was desperate (usually I give him the "better" stuff from the vet or pet store). I don't think it's made anymore (which probably means it was 100% bad for him!).


We just got back from taking our dear kitty to RadioCat - a place where they treat hyperthyroidism in cats. It is very common in older cats - it is a benign tumor on the thyroid that causes their metabolism to speed up so they lose weight. We have been giving her medicine for over a year, but it only controls the symptoms. The good news is that a Radioiodine shot CURES hyperthyroidism in cats by destroying the bad tissues. It also has no side effects.

She has to stay there for two days because she is "radioactive" and we pick her up on Friday. It is truly a miracle!

The web site is I don't know where you live, but hopefully there is a RadioCat center nearby. This procedure is also performed at lots of university veterinary schools - an internet search will give you a list. Good luck!

I would seriously consider this if he were younger; however at 19 I'm not sure if it's worthwhile. He's doing really well and is on NO medication! Instead, he's happily ingesting olive oil and liquid vitamins. He's been like this for years!

However, I did take a peek and saw that there is a clinic in San Diego not far from me. In the event one of my other younger kitties gets this problem then I know there's something I can do (one of them has elevated kidney levels and requires a weekly sub-q injection).

i had a cat 15 yrs old that had cancer-lungs. she wanted food but could not open her mouth. i tried giving her canned food but still would not open her mouth. i could actually hear her tummy growl. the vet ended up feeding her thru an iv. hope your cat gets better

The baby food worked!

I stopped off and picked up a couple bottles of baby food; one in beef and one chicken. I put a small amount on top of his food and he gobbled it up! Thanks for this tip! :)

hi shelbygirl,

i know exactly what you are going through. alice takes a half a tab morning and nite of methimozole for her thyroid and is on a variety of kidney food. she was on k/d for a while. she is 19 years old and dropped from 8.9 pounds to around 6.7. we played around with a few different kidney foods and found the ones she will eat. she likes the eukanuba one now- wet and dry. my vet is working closely with me to monitor her thyroid and kidney functions. i also let her eat whatever other food she wants. at this age she has earned it.

good luck and let me know if you need more help.

>My Vet. told me to be sure the baby food did not have onion
>powder added. Some of them do. I don't know why.

Onion powder can be toxic to cats. I think it has something to do with causing anemia of some sort?
RE: The baby food worked!

I'm so happy Lorrayne and it's good that you put the baby food on top of his regular food because you don't want to the cat to get "spoiled" on baby food alone. Just enough to encourage him/her to eat.
Hmmm. How would one know if there's onion powder when the ingredients are: chicken, gravy, corn starch? Does this mean that there may or may not be onion powder????
RE: The baby food worked!

I did put it on top of his wet food. He lapped up the baby food and walked away. I had to mix the baby food in his wet to get him to eat. Of course, one of my younger females wanted his food, too. LOL
My cat, Adrian, had kidney failure. The only way for him to eat was through a line at the vet. I tried all those tricks to get him to eat, but no use. Dyalsis was the only option and was too expensive to do. Two years ago for me.

Hope your baby turns around and starts eating.
>Hmmm. How would one know if there's onion powder when the
>ingredients are: chicken, gravy, corn starch? Does this mean
>that there may or may not be onion powder????

I saw some jars that list onion powder in the ingredients.
So I got the jars that did not list it. My one cat has liver problems too. He won't eat all of his food if it has any of his medicine in it. As for giving him a pill,,,Ohhhhh Myyy!!!!!!!!!
How can those skinny little legs fly so fast and furious?

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