Name Your Favorite Cathe Workout

Putting in a vote for MIC (it was my first and caused me to fall in love with Cathe) but have recently tried Circuit Max and Body Max, both of which i love!

Also, its obvious from all the responses that I need to get the Intensity Series!!!
Hard question! :) I love ALL her workouts...but...having said for me are Step Blast, Imax 2, Cardio Kicks, KPC. Bootcamp is hard AND fun at the same time, and lately I've liked the Gauntlet even more. :)
Hi futurefitnessdynamo,

The pyramids are great. I love them. I usually do the lower one day and the upper the next, but Tuesday I did the bonus combo so I worked the upper and lower it was great, I am sore today. I was going to go back and do the part with the stability ball but was running out of time and had to get my piltes in!. IT IS A MUST HAVE DVD. Have Fun!!

Debbie:) :) :D :) :+ :7
Oh my -- tough question! There aren't many that I DON'T love. I have different favorites in different categories of workout, but I must say that my personal favorites are mostly older tapes with a few exceptions.

In the killer cardio area, my all-time fave definitely is IMAX2. I really love interval work (well, actually,I have a love-hate relationship with interval work. :))

Not being a hi-lo fan at all, I don't have a hi-lo favorite -- I pretty much dread all those segments.

I am not a circuit workout fan, either, but I'm growing fonder every day of the new HSTA video -- the first circuit workout I've liked, honestly. I do them, but they feel like eating my spinach!

For pure stepping fun I go back over and over to Rhythmic Step and to Step & Intervals from CTX.

For kickboxing I prefer Cardio Kicks over KP&C (but that one's close. ;-))

For strength training I love the PS Series.

For endurance training I love-hate ME and Power Hour almost equally.

If I could only own one Cathe, I'd own the CTX series, which I still think after all these years is her masterpiece. Time and again I go back to it for a rotation and I find it just as thorough and fun (and love that music!) every time! :) Kathy S.
Kim, did you see results from your Bootcamp rotation?

If I enjoy a workout, I can also do it quite often, so I've been wondering about this one.

Thank you.
Hi Cynthia!

Yes, I really saw results from doing the BC/HSTA rotation, specifically in my abs, for which I'll give BC the majority of the credit! I should've taken my measurements prior to starting the rotation, but didn't. I will tell you that this is the first time I've ever seen definition in my abs before--they are so much more compact and tight! If I look at myself from the side, I can actually see my oblique muscles separate from my waist (does that make sense?:) ). I'm not trying to lose any weight, but when I tried on a pair of jeans I haven't worn since spring, they were actually loose in the waist and hips--even though my weight has remained the same. I also noticed greater definition in my arms--especially my delts. I wasn't sure I could do just a BC 4x/week like some of the Ya-Yas were doing, which is why I threw HSTA in along with it. But I know now I could do a BC-only in a heartbeat. I think this is probably now my fave workout (Cathe or anyone else) of all time! :)
The honest truth is that everytime I do one, no matter which one it is, I think "That is my favorite workout!". I thought that with PS, S&H,CTX, the IS and then BB. Same with all of her cardio. I know that is no help, but I can't help it!! I love 'em all! It is impossible for me to try to tell any of my friends which one is best when they want me to recommend one for them. I know....not a very good answer, but if I say a certain one is my favorite, tomorrow it will be a different one! :+


Kick Punch and Crunch

Legs & Glutes

Muscle Endurance

Boot Camp

High Step Training Advanced

Timesaver DVD

Rhythmic Step

Cardio & Weights

Step Blast

Step Jump & Pump

Those are my favorites but I LOVE them all. I have all of her DVDs except for the 2 beginner/int ones.

Muscle Endurance

Cardio & Weights

Pyramid Upper Body

Step Blast

Step, Jump & Pump

Legs & Glutes

Thank you, Kim! Congrats on completing the rotation and reaping the benefits.

I forgot to vote for my favorites.

Push Pull
Legs and Glutes
Definitely KPC! Love it. Can do it a couple times a week easily.

Unfortunately I don't have many others besides the BodyBlast series yet. But eventually....
step blast
Right now it's the Gauntlet!! WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kicks my behind but I love every minute of it!!

Hi Everyone.
I'm still new to Cathe (crossing over from Firming), but of the ones I have, I have to say PUB is my favorite. It is sooo well planned out, and Cathe is very motivting.
I'm trying to pace myself with my Cathe purchases, but it is really hard because each new w/o I get is great and only makes me want to buy more!! I love how you get to really focus on what your doing (Firm tapes were weak in that area).

I've just crossed over from the Firm and Fitprime too! I only have a few Cathe tapes but I did the BC rotation in June and I'm deffinately never going back. My future purchases will only be from Cathe.

I love the BC/ME bonus combo. Its PERFECT b/c I just love those two workouts.

I just got HSTA this week and I think that one is going to take the #1 spot soon enough!

My birthday is in September so I'm going to do a HSTA/BC/ME/Cardio/Core rotation. I know I won't get bored! I hope to have the Terminator DVD by then so maybe I will throw that one in too.

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