My one year anniversary

Carola, you are truly an amazing woman! I don't know you, but I love reading your posts and always find inspiration from you. Thanks to you, I read "The China Study" and I've started a path of much cleaner eating. I will definitely read any book you write. Everyone on these boards is lucky to have you here!

Take care,

Thanks for sharing and best of luck to you. I would definitely be interested in reading your book.

Take care,
Wow....just wow. I didn't mean to read that whole thread 'cause I'm lazy that way, but your story and writing are amazing. Write the book.
What an amazing journey! Good for you for taking your life into your own hands and not letting someone control who you are! I have never had it bad compared to your story!

Thank you for putting my life into perspective! I love your determination and strength! You are truly an inspiration!

Keep it up!

Go Team Carola!!!

You are truely awesome, my friend. I already have a place on my night stand for your book. Hugs and high fives to you, the dogs and the boys.
Carola, you make me proud to be a woman. Your strength and courage are truly an inspiration, and I wish you all success and happiness.

Carola, we are often at odds, but not because we haven't had similar paths in life or because we don't have similar ways of thinking. We are both very strong women that have acquired that strength out of necessity. I see a lot of myself in your story and if you knew mine, you might see a lot of yourself in my story. My feelings and concerns about certain alternative health treatments and protein requirements doesn't mean a lack of respect for you or your accomplishments. We will no doubt continue to disagree, but that doesn't have to mean that we dislike each other. I hope your next year is even better than this one has been and that you and your children feel safe and free in your new home.
Hi Carola - I can identify with parts of your story. Stay strong, life can turn out to be incredible beyond your wildest dreams. It's true.
Carola - I had no idea......I always enjoyed your insightful posts, and love that you are insane about dogs like I am....With cancer, its not like you didn't do the responsible thing - you DID have traditional treatment - surgery - which is curative in so many cases....FYI, 3 people I knew with stage 2B I believe, had only surgery and have be in remission over 5 years. That you are going the extra mile and fortifying yourself with nutrition,exercise and a non toxic environment proves what I suspected all along about you: that you would use your experience to light up the lives of other people, and you are.

I didn't know you had such turmoil at home,nor that you were in progress of losing so much weight. Truly,this is a year of triumph for you, thank you for sharing it with us,I'm also brimming with tears reading your story.

There is no limit to what you will do with your life in giving back to others.

I'm waiting for the book too.

You are an incredible human being.

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(((HUGS))) Carola! You have been through so much in the last year. :( You are my hero! Love you!!! ;)
Carola - I'm so proud to call you my friend. You have no idea what an inspiration you are to me! Every time I'm doing something I think is tough, or if I'm trying to get through hard times, the thing that springs to my mind is always "If Carola can....." and I make it through.

Much love to you, my friend. Can't wait for the book:)
You have such an amazing story, Carola, and I'm so glad to call you a friend. I agree that you should send this to Coach Sean!
Carola, you are one of the most amazing, inspirational people I have ever met. You have been met with obstacle after obstacle, but you have overcome them all. I am so proud of all you have accomplished and even more proud that I can call you my friend. When your book comes out, I'll tell everyone I know "Yeah, Carola, I know her - she's a truly amazing woman." :D
What a wonderful, inspirational post Carola!! I'm sorry for all you've endured and full of admiration for your courage and determination to not accept the status quo, but to move forward in achieving new goals and a much better life for you and your children. ^^55s for all your weightloss and running accomplishments and I'll look forward to reading your book! You rock!

One year to this date I finally listened to my dear friend, Miss Lee and bought 3 Cardio Coach workouts. At that time I was in a very dark place!
Over the years I had been yo-yo dieting, gained massive amounts of weight, started drinking too much, started smoking, was unhappy in my relationship to the extent that it paralysed me. I was so unhappy with my life that it effected my job and everyone around me.

My first Cardio Coach workout was volume 7, at that time I couldn't jog more than 20 seconds at a time. I got through the workout huffing and puffing, thinking I am going to puke but strangely enough it made me feel empowered.

Then I got to challenge 3 and I heard Coach Sean say the words that are in my signature line "You are free to turn impossible odds into a set of stairs that will either lead you 6 feet under or 600 miles high, bringing you to a place few will ever reach" and it changed my life forever! I didn't only listen to it, I heard it. I think it was the first time in many years that someone actually got through to me. I knew if I continued on the path that I had been on at that time I would be dead before I was 50. I was 43 at the time and did not want my kids to grow up without me.

From that day on, I never had another drink, didn't touch another cigarette, bought the rest of the Cardio Coach workouts and started powerwalking with very short running / jogging intervals, together with my dogs.

The weight started to come off slowly and I started feeling pretty good and then in November I was diagnosed with cancer. I thought someone had the rug pulled out from underneath me and thought my life was over and I was going to die. I started listening to Coach Sean almost all day long, even when I wasn't working out, or when I had to get my biopsie or PETscan done. And just a few days into it, I knew this was not going to beat me and that I would kick the cancer in its pants no matter how bad it was. It turned out to be not quite as bad as everyone originally thought it would be.

When I came home from the hospital after surgery, it was Press Play Saturday, of course I couldn't work out but I listened to it while hanging out on the sofa, thinking about all those terrific friends I had made online. 8 days after surgery I took two of my dogs, my Cardio Coach workout and started walking, 1 week later I started running short intervals, almost giving my doc a coronary :eek:

Since then a lot of things have happened, 12 months after I have started this journey I have lost 102 lbs, my running distance has increased and just a few days ago one of my dogs and I went on a 11.2 mile run.

I defied my doctor and conventional medicine to go on my own path about cancer and in the process have turned into an advocate for patients rights, started a blog and was contacted by an agent who found my dogs and my story intriguing and suggested that I write a book about our journey. I love writing and never shut up anyway, so hey ..... :eek:

As I went through this journey with changing my diet, exercise, health etc. feeling better and better every day, I knew something was not quite right. I don't want to go into details about what happened but I had been in a mentally and verbally abusive marriage for 14 years. 5 weeks ago it escalated and I left with my two kids, 5 dogs and $ 62 in my bank account. I stayed with a friend who I can never thank enough for doing what she did. It takes a very special person to take someone in who not only comes with 2 kids but also 5 dogs in tagtow.:eek:

It's been the best thing I could have done. I don't pull into the drive way, seeing his car and having a knot in my stomach, The kids and I don't have to walk around on eggshells anymore and wonder what shoe is going to drop next. Or when he is going to get completely wasted again with his drinking buddies and go after one of his kids. I don't have to listen to anyone anymore telling me that I am fat, lazy, a terrible mother, worthless ..... which at some point I had started believing - despite of the fact that I was kicking and screaming and yelling no, no, no, you are wrong. Deep down when the person who is supposed to love you tells you how horrible you are, you start wondering if there is anything wrong with you.

I hired an attorney and filed for divorce and sole custody two weeks ago. Now I feel like there has been a weight lifted of my shoulders and I can finally breathe again. Not only did I lose over 100 lbs, I dropped 230 lbs in dead weight. :cool:

I got myself back on track, started working my fanny off, started a new company in the eco / green business that is slowly taking off and I am doing pricing opinions for banks for foreclosures, shortsales, loss mitigation and refis, working from home. With that I got enough money that the kids, the dogs and I can move into our own place July 1 :D

I couldn't have done it without my kids who mean the world to me, my Cardio Coach and Cathe workouts, the support of my friends, online and in real life, and last but not least my dogs who have been by my side through all of this.

I am sorry if this sounds self-absorbed! My hope is that it shows anyone here who is going through tough times, no matter how bad it is, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and each of us is capable of turning our lives around, no matter how hopeless it seems to have gotten. And if you think you have hit rock bottom, there will always be a hand to help you out of the ditch, if you are ready to not only listen but to actually hear.

To leave you with the words of my favorite coach: "My wish for you is that you live your life with the energy of your full potential."

What an inspiring story! I hope you shared it with Coach Sean, too. Boy, and the rest of us think we got problems!!!!! I've been through a lot of crap in my time, but you've been through more than even I did in my roughest times. Now, make some notes & start writing a book!
Carola - you truly are an inspiration. You know I adore you, my fellow Aussie lover, and I'm honored that you call me a friend.

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