My kids are soooooo sick


I just need to rant for a minute. They have had the puke and poop virus for over a week now. They are little too. 22 months and 7 months. They have been to the doctor and are hydrated so there is nothing we can do but wait it out. I have done more laundry than I can stand. The washer and dryer are constantly running. I have not worked out in a week and am getting cranky. My husband is too. Please tell me that this will end. It feels like a bad horror movie. Thanks.
Hang in there! We had it go through our house for 3 weeks! Our oldest DD had to have IVs because we couldn't get anything in her. It just seemed like I would disinfect everything and someone else would get it:( I feel your pain and yes, the washer/dryer went constantly! I'm so sorry though that your little ones are so small. I hate to see kids sick. At least mine are old enough to get to the bathroom, most of the time:( I can't remember the last time I had a good workout. I hope it works its way out of the house soon and take care of yourself. Mommies can't get sick:) Try to have a wonderful holiday!
Oh, your poor babies...and poor you! I'm good with sickness for about a day or two and then I want to start crying myself. :) Hang in must be on the tail end of it now.
Do they have rotovirus? I am asking b/c when my DS was 3 and then again at age 4, he was hospitalized both times for it - the first being much more severe. The second time was during Thanksgiving a few years ago. He had several IVs in his hands and arms. It was very scary and he could not even have anything at the hospital but liquids - not even milk. He caught it at pre-school. He lost 7 pounds in less than a week (he was only in the 30s to begin with). He was white as a ghost and in all seriousness, if I gave him a mere suck of an ice cube, he vomited a half-bucket. I was bawling my eyes out. He could not even sip anything. Finally the doctor realized it was rotovirus and not the flu. (which was when they admitted him to the hospital). It is the number one killer in third world countries and it is very dangerous for small children. I am not trying to scare you - but I want you to make sure you know what is going on. I did more laundry than I could fathom at that time too. I really hope your kids get better soon. Clarissa
Thanks for the support, I need it. I just put the little one to bed because she didn't take her late afternoon nap. The older one will be on her way there shortly as she took no nap, which is very unusual for her.

It is not rotovirus. They are both taking in lots of fluids. Who knew Pedialyte was so expensive and tasted so bad? They have lots of really, really wet diapers which is a good sign. I think (hope) we are at the end. The little one just clings to me and cries if I don't hold her. That is very unusual for her. Unfortunately it has gone through the entire house (except me) and both mine and my DH's brothers, sister and parents all had/have it. I don't ever remember people being this sick with a bug before.

Thanks again for listening! I always know that I can count on my fellow Catheites to lend an ear and support.
I'm so sorry to hear about your little ones! And to have two, not just one that is so sick has got to be tough. I actually give my daughter Propel when she's sick. It tastes better than Pedialyte but it's not nearly as strong or calorie laden as Gatorade, so she happily drinks it and eats tons of popsicles. It is such a good sign that they're staying hydrated.

Hugs to you, and I hope everyone feels better soon!!
Do they have rotovirus? I am asking b/c when my DS was 3 and then again at age 4, he was hospitalized both times for it - the first being much more severe. The second time was during Thanksgiving a few years ago. He had several IVs in his hands and arms. It was very scary and he could not even have anything at the hospital but liquids. He lost 7 pounds in less than a week. He was white as a ghost and in all seriousness, if I gave him a mere suck of an ice cube, he vomited a half-bucket. I was bawling my eyes out.

We went through the same thing with our DS when he was 18 months-- rotovirus is super scary. I'm so glad to hear that's not what you're dealing with.

Hang in there-- I so know how long those days and nights can be when you have sick little ones!!!! :( (((HUGS)))
I just wanted to send you some hugs...ive got little ones that were sick for a couple of days and it was scary and drained my energy.

I hope they feel better soon. Sending bug-be-gone vibes to you! And hopefully you can get in a workout soon.
So sorry to hear that. It is hard when little ones (even big ones!) are sick.
But it reminds me of the episode of Jon and Kate plus 8 when six of their kids get sick at the same time. Not only is Kate doing load after load of laundry, but at one point, they put 2 of the kids in the laundry room to make clean up easier:eek:

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